Hard to know what is achievable but a strong start - Postecoglu

  • last year
Tottenham boss Ange Postecoglu said it was hard to know what they could achieve yet but was encouraged by their strong start to the season as they prepare to face Fulham on Monday
00:00 During the break, you received the Premier League Manager of the Month award for September.
00:03 Has the start of the season gone better than expected?
00:06 And following this start, what do you think is achievable for this group of players?
00:11 Well, both those questions sort of are predetermined by some target I may or may not have had,
00:19 and they didn't have a target.
00:21 So wherever we are is where we are.
00:22 We've had a really encouraging start to the season.
00:27 Obviously, I'm honoured to receive the Manager of the Month, but that's sort of representative
00:32 of a larger group of people.
00:33 You know, the coaching staff, all the football department are working really hard at the
00:36 moment to create an environment and a training sort of base for the players to perform.
00:43 And fair to say, I think apart from the results, which have obviously been pleasing, is I think
00:48 we've had a level of performance in every game, which has made us really competitive
00:53 against all opponents home away.
00:56 You know, we've had some eventful games within that context, but again, that's kind of given
01:03 us a real sort of great strong foundation in terms of the character and resilience of
01:07 the group.
01:08 So it's been an encouraging start and where that leads us, you know, we'll find out.
