Joseph Havlat combines with Charlotte Salouste-Bridoux in Chichester

  • last year
Charlotte Salouste-Bridoux (violin) and Joseph Havlat (piano) will offer a contrasting duo when they perform the next concert in the Chichester Chamber Concerts series.


00:00 Good afternoon, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Sussex Newspapers. Lovely to
00:06 be speaking to pianist Joseph Hadlatt, who is on his way to Chichester to perform for
00:12 the Chichester Chamber Music Series, Chamber Concert Series I should say, and you've got
00:17 a date in Chichester on Thursday 9th November, and you're performing with the French violinist
00:23 Charlotte Salust-Bridoux. Now tell me, how did the two of you get together to perform?
00:30 So Charlotte and I have known each other for about two years or so now, and over that time
00:38 we've been put together by sort of a mutual contact, and it was sort of upon our first
00:45 meeting and playing through that we realised that we worked very well together, and the
00:49 rest is history basically. We've been playing in the UK and Europe and further abroad in
00:54 Australia for the past two years, and we're very excited to...
00:59 And presumably that's something really special when you find someone you can perform with.
01:03 It is.
01:04 It's not a given, is it?
01:06 Yeah, it's very special and it's the kind of collaboration that when it works you cherish
01:12 it quite a bit, you want to make the most of it.
01:15 So in her performance, what is it that you see that makes you think, I want to perform
01:20 with this musician?
01:23 I guess when it comes to performance, Charlotte and I are sort of on stage, we're in a way
01:30 almost polar opposites, but we share the same kind of musical tastes and interests and inspirations.
01:39 I think perhaps most importantly, we have the same goals in what we want to bring to
01:48 a kind of chamber performance of this kind. And so she brings a lot of energy to the stage.
01:55 She's this very sort of energetic and vibrant performer, violinist, whereas I'd say I'm
02:03 much more of a reserved and calm stage presence.
02:08 So there's a good balancing between the two then?
02:11 Exactly. Yeah, we're very, very good balanced together. And I think just even musically,
02:17 we work together so naturally and well. So it's a very sort of, it's always an enjoyable
02:23 experience to perform on stage.
02:26 Fantastic. And just a word about the programme you will give in Chichester?
02:30 So the programme is a mix of music with, it's music that we're presenting quite a bit over
02:38 the next six months, culminating, I think, really, a concert at Wigmore Hall next year.
02:45 And it's featuring music by Szymanowski, a Polish composer. We're doing a big piece for
02:50 violin connoisseur, a set of three called Myths, which are based off Greek myths. And
02:58 I've also arranged some little songs of his, which are folk songs, Polish folk songs. And
03:05 with that, we're presenting some Schubert as well, late Schubert violin works, which
03:11 we're actually recording a CD of in December for Delphian. So it's sort of also, we're
03:18 trying to get as much, as many outings for that music as we can before we have to put
03:23 it on the record.
03:24 Fantastic. Well, it sounds lovely. Really good to speak to you. And I hope you have
03:29 a very happy concert trip to Chichester. Thanks for your time.
03:33 Looking forward to it. Thank you.
03:34 Thank you.
