Lords Place Thai Restaurant owner sells business

  • last year
WATCH: Owner of the Lords Place Thai Restaurant looks back on the past 20 years after selling the business.
00:00 After 20 years, why have you decided to sell the business?
00:02 Okay, it's a hard question but it's not just that 20 years happened. We have planned
00:14 to retire after a certain year, after we are 55. But because of the good relationships between
00:28 us and customers, and we always have warm welcome and exceptions from customers, that's why we can't
00:38 stop. You know what I mean? I feel sad if people ring and say we're not open, something like that.
00:45 Even now, we say we're closed already but still people keep ringing all the time,
00:51 like normal. I still can't make up my mind completely yet but things have to do as the
01:00 plan has been set up. It's over three years after the plan, now we're nearly 58. So from 55 that we
01:09 decided to stop, so now it's over and we need to go into 60. So it's good timing to stop it because
01:20 people still have good picture about us, Thai restaurant, North Place Thai restaurant in mind
01:28 and still have sweet memory about the taste of the Thai we cooked, the good service that we
01:35 provide and good relationship, the best part. Not just customer and the business but like friends.
01:45 So even though I found I bump into someone in the street, I can say hi, how are you? And they smile,
01:51 oh we miss you, something like that. That's the most beautiful part of the memory that we would
01:56 like to keep between me and the customer. Not just when we're doing things slower and that might make
02:05 the stand up a little bit not as before. We don't want that to be happen. We want to keep the good
02:14 picture and the best stand up in the people heart, the orange people heart. And the new owner, are
02:21 they keeping it as a Thai restaurant or what's the plan there? Yes, the new owner, just a kind lady
02:30 as well. She kind of really liked us and she have many business as well and she would like to extend
02:40 to here to Orange because it's good town and she heard about us, you know, so she would like to
02:48 kind of extend like maybe introduce more Thai dishes and make it a little bit more beautiful.
02:58 That's what she has planned and like a little bit of innovation like and renovation as well. So
03:08 we recommend to people to wait and see what's coming up. Should be a bit like a little bit
03:16 exciting, something like that. Yeah and keep Thai. Yeah, I think she will do a good job.
