Dan Campbell Gains Perspective Watching 49ers

  • last year
Detroit Lions head coach gained 'great perspective' watching 49ers defeat Cowboys.
00:07 >> Hutch had a hell of a game, he really showed up.
00:10 He's a force in there.
00:13 Golf played really well.
00:15 Montgomery played really well.
00:17 And Fox played really well in special teams.
00:20 And then just some other guys we noted, Alex was really good for us.
00:23 Certainly Jerry Jacobs.
00:27 Josh Reynolds showed up, and he's been showing up.
00:30 In critical situations, he's one of those guys.
00:33 And with where we're at depth wise, we're needing guys to step up and
00:37 he's kind of the one who's, and every time we need somebody, he's making plays for us.
00:42 So thought that was one of the best games Frank's played in a long time, and
00:46 he's been playing really good.
00:48 Sewell played well.
00:49 Craig Reynolds got his first hug, dependable player.
00:54 And then special teams was Germ, Rodrigo, and Pitt.
00:58 So a lot of good efforts out there.
01:02 Good win, we got a lot to clean up.
01:04 For me, it puts everything in perspective.
01:05 Look, we got a long way to go, it's a long season.
01:07 We got Tampa coming up, but when you watch that, man,
01:12 you just, you see what it is.
01:16 You see what it is, and so I think it gives you great perspective.
01:19 It gave me great perspective watching them.
01:22 >> I like San Francisco's flea flicker.
01:23 >> [LAUGH] >> It's good, it's good.
01:26 Look, that's been around, that's been around, so it's good.
