Amazing Views As Sierra Space Bursts Inflatable LIFE Habitat Fitted With 'Window'

  • last year
Sierra Space tested an inflatable habitat prototype fitted with a metallic window sub-structure. "The LIFE habitat will house a minimum of two windows," according to a release from the commercial space company.

Credit: Sierra Space
00:00 What is an ultimate burst pressure?
00:01 It's what the team loves to do.
00:02 We take that subscale, we maximum pressurize it,
00:06 and we make it explode, destroy it.
00:08 All of this testing, all of this development,
00:10 what we might deem bringing it to failure
00:12 is actually bringing it to success.
00:14 We're failing to succeed.
00:31 The whole idea of this plate is to create a rigid point
00:36 and a soft structure that can be used to mount anything
00:40 to, like a window or an airlock.
00:42 What better window in this entire world
00:45 than if you're up in space and you look down at Earth?
00:47 This will be the first time that there's
00:49 a soft goods inflatable habitat in space with a window.
00:53 Because we want to make sure our product lines are robust
00:56 and they're safe.
00:57 How do we make them safe in space?
00:59 We fail them on Earth.
01:01 And then in space, they don't fail.
01:06 [CHEERING]
01:09 (cheering)
