Jeszcze więcej budek dla ptaków w Chodzieży

  • last year


00:00 The Society of Hedgehog Lovers, and especially the youth who belong to it, will build a birdhouse again.
00:05 They are welcome to join the action.
00:07 You can join us all the time.
00:09 We encourage young people who want to be active,
00:13 want to change something around themselves,
00:15 and by the way, they want to learn new skills.
00:17 And when it comes to the hedgehogs, we will continue these projects.
00:22 This year, we will be working with the foresters on another area.
00:28 We will also hang up the hedgehogs' boxes.
00:30 Birds that are very useful, but lack the places to nest in the cities.
00:36 So we will definitely do that.
00:38 We will also be doing winter inspections of the boxes with the Ornithologists,
00:42 which is a friendly group of the Hedgehog Society.
00:44 We invite you to do that, because it is an amazing event.
00:48 We do it at night, and then the birds that winter in the boxes are weighed, measured,
00:52 and a specific species is hedged.
00:54 So it is something that you cannot experience every day.
00:57 which is quite recently given away, so close to 100 boxes for birds and bats.
