Salus tv n. 40 del 4 ottobre 2023

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Colesterolo e rischi cardiovascolari, agisci prima per proteggerti

Colangite biliare primitiva per circa 20mila italiani, focus al Senato

Baricitinib rimborsato per dermatite atopica e alopecia areata

Herpes zoster, a Torino è boom di vaccinazioni

E ancora

Prénatal lancia a Roma ‘Generazione G’ per aiutare i neogenitori

Insufficienza cardiaca, via libera alla rimborsabilità per vericiguat di Bayer

Relife, lanciata nuova linea di prodotti con esclusivo peptide modulatore del collagene Key Peptide One

Herpes zoster, Fimmg Umbria in campo per incentivare vaccinazione


00:00 In this number, cholesterol and cardiovascular risks, act first to protect yourself.
00:16 Colangite biliare is primitive for about 20,000 Italians, focus on the Senate.
00:22 Baricitinib reimbursed for atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata.
00:27 Herpes Zoster in Turin and vaccination boom.
00:31 And again, Prenatal launch in Rome to Generation G to help the new parents.
00:37 Heart failure, free road to reimbursement for Verigiguat by Bayer.
00:43 Relife, launched new line of products with exclusive peptide and modulator of collagen, K-Peptide One.
00:51 Herpes Zoster, Fim G'Umbria in the field to encourage vaccination.
00:56 Cardiovascular diseases still represent today the main cause of death in Italy and the world.
01:08 Around the subject there is still a lot of misinformation.
01:11 An aspect this highlighted by a research conducted by SVG, promoted by Sanofi,
01:17 on a champion of over 1,200 citizens of age, between 45 and 74 years,
01:22 discussed during the meeting organized in Milan "Act first against cholesterol,
01:27 how much time factor counts to protect from cardiovascular risks".
01:32 In the world of cardiology, of hypercholesterolemia, we know that 80% of the population knows that there are cardiovascular diseases.
01:46 But less than half follows an intervention.
01:53 They don't know the difference between good HDL cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol.
02:02 It is something to be kept under control.
02:05 But we must never forget, if we are in therapy, to follow the therapy that was advised by the doctor.
02:13 This is called adherence to therapy. This is very important.
02:17 Therapy solutions capable of intervening quickly and effectively to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol
02:24 have been available for several years.
02:27 We should keep the use of drugs as evidenced.
02:33 The statin should be part of the general background, if the patient can actually tolerate it.
02:39 But what is the good and simple thing about therapy for dyslipidemia?
02:45 We know from studies how much we can expect to reduce the LDL cholesterol with the use of various drugs.
02:52 Support of associations such as Conacuore is essential for patients who have suffered a cardiovascular event.
03:00 We are the transition between leaving the hospital and returning home.
03:08 We help patients to return to reality through meetings, information and the like.
03:18 But before getting to the treatment of the pathology, it is important to raise awareness and inform.
03:24 Sanofi has promoted the campaign "Win against cholesterol, prevent heart attack, act first".
03:29 A project sponsored by the Italian Society of Cardiology, the GISE Foundation, the Italian Foundation for the Heart, Conacuore.
03:37 An app dedicated exclusively to dyslipidemia, available on the website
03:45 that helps people to find the correct information related to the cardiovascular risk
03:50 linked to high levels of LDL cholesterol and specialized centers closer to them.
04:01 Italy has a population of between 10 and 20 thousand people with an annual incidence of 5.31 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
04:09 It is the primitive biliary colon, PBC, autoimmune chronic liver pathology,
04:14 that accompanies patients for life, in particular women between 40 and 60 years old,
04:20 who must take care of their mouth with diarrhea and dryness,
04:23 up to liver failure, which is the accumulation of liquid in the abdomen, in the most serious cases.
04:29 On the initiative of Senator Ignazio Zullo of the 10th Social Affairs Commission,
04:34 a press conference was held in the Senate to raise awareness about a rare pathology
04:39 that has a strong negative impact on the quality of life of patients.
04:43 In this regard, the volume "Primitive biliary colon, PBC, Italian best practices and the history of the protagonists" was presented.
04:52 For Zullo, institutions can do a lot to improve the care of patients,
04:57 in particular by working on preventive medicine.
05:00 We must stay on the side, but adopt those measures that tend to improve the efficiency of the national health service
05:07 and also improve the quality of the expenditure, because very often it is spent inappropriately.
05:13 I give an example, if this pathology is not treated early, we get to the transplant.
05:21 How much does it cost? All that is achieved by a liver cirrhosis and therefore a transplant,
05:27 when instead of early treatments they can save a person and therefore also save us.
05:32 This is the example of how we should reform and restructure our national health service.
05:40 Vincenza Calvaruso, National Secretary of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver,
05:45 stressed the importance of prevention networks.
05:49 Networks, in particular pathological networks, are fundamental tools that we have learned to implement in recent years,
05:57 which allow all centers that deal with liver diseases, from the largest to the smallest,
06:03 therefore those most distributed in the territory, to obtain the same standard of diagnosis and care for their patients.
06:11 This will allow patients to be managed, cared for and followed in the closest place to their home.
06:18 They are fundamental tools because they allow us to standardize the diagnosis and care processes,
06:24 they allow us to carry out exams, for example, in the smallest centers in the territory in a year,
06:29 because patients can be referred to the largest centers.
06:32 So, from this point of view, they have really changed the approach to the care and management of these patients.
06:40 Barbara Marini, General Manager of Advance Pharma Italia,
06:44 confirmed the commitment and investments of the group for the increasingly effective development of care.
06:50 Advance Pharma is a company strongly committed not only to bringing pharmacological innovation,
06:58 but also to act in the health system, posing as a facilitator of meetings of various health workers.
07:08 This is even more important in rare diseases. The primitive pediatric collangitis is a rare disease.
07:14 In Italy, there are estimated to be between 10,000 and 20,000 people affected by this pathology and they are essentially women.
07:20 So there is an even stronger vocation in getting various health workers to speak,
07:28 also with the policy, with the association of patients,
07:31 with the aim of making it easier for these people affected by this pathology
07:37 to be diagnosed, to be taken care of, but also to be treated.
07:43 For example, through the creation of networks that make it much easier to diagnose and take care of a patient,
07:54 rather than, as often happens in the case of diseases, through trips and movements between regions,
08:02 which naturally make the management of the pathology even more complex from an emotional point of view for the patient.
08:09 The only aesthetic side goes well beyond the impact of atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata on the life of patients
08:19 and also involves the physical, psychological, social, emotional and economic sphere.
08:24 This is why it is important to finally have an innovative, effective, safe and reimbursable drug like Baricitinib,
08:31 which was discussed at the press conference organized by Lilia in Milan
08:36 and entitled "Atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata, two pathologies, one drug. Free way to reimbursability".
08:43 In particular, patients who suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that affects about one in a thousand people,
08:49 had never had a drug of their own at their disposal before.
08:53 To be able to provide an effective therapy today and with a complete contribution of the national health system
09:03 is a huge victory for us and for our patients.
09:07 Contrary to the presence of eczema and itching, atopic dermatitis affects 8% of the adult Italian population in the various degrees of severity.
09:15 The annoyance caused by the intense and constant itching can determine the impossibility of spending quiet nights
09:22 for more than five days out of seven.
09:24 With the approval of the new drug, however, patients have a new hope.
09:28 We now have Baricitinib at our disposal, which is a drug reimbursed for the treatment of moderate and severe atopic dermatitis
09:39 after the failure of a conventional therapy.
09:42 Already after the first intake, there is a reduction of itching in the first three or four hours.
09:47 People who suffer from moderate and severe atopic dermatitis tend to isolate themselves,
09:52 compromising their quality of social and emotional life, but also their work quality.
09:56 The possibility of having a support, a pharmacological aid, but also social,
10:04 also regarding work, is very important for people who suffer from it.
10:13 Turin, the capital for the prevention of the fire in San Antonio.
10:17 Thanks to a project of medicine for the vaccination against herpes zoster,
10:21 a net increase in vaccinations is recorded in Piedmont.
10:25 In fact, in the period of January-August 2023, the number of doses administered has more than tripled compared to the previous three years.
10:32 The project data, designed by the Piedmont School of General Medicine,
10:36 in synergy with the General Direction of the ASLA of Turin and with the sponsorship of the Piedmont region,
10:41 involving 117 doctors, was presented during a meeting at the J-Hotel in Turin.
10:46 The herpes zoster infection, also called the fire in San Antonio,
10:50 is nothing more than the reactivation of the varicella virus.
10:53 When we do, we overcome the varicella, the virus does not disappear,
10:57 but remains latent in the ganglions of our nervous system.
11:00 In particular conditions, such as increased age or particular risk conditions, such as chronic pathologies,
11:07 this virus can wake up and cause this rather painful and complicated infection to treat.
11:14 Vaccination is therefore the main method to prevent this infection,
11:18 since it is very difficult to treat with drugs.
11:21 This vaccination is offered for free to all 65-year-old subjects,
11:26 and it is also offered for free to all subjects who have a predisposing risk condition.
11:31 With the involvement of the doctors of General Medicine, we have had a significant increase in vaccinations.
11:36 Patients are seen and reported by their doctor,
11:41 who can either proceed to vaccinate their own or use the vaccination structures.
11:47 We can say that the service, the system that has been put in place,
11:51 has so far allowed the achievement of a value that, compared to about two years ago,
11:57 has significantly increased.
12:00 The goal is to increase this synergy between primary care medicine,
12:06 represented mainly by doctors of General Medicine,
12:09 and public institutions, precisely to reach the majority of patients.
12:12 As a medical school of General Medicine, we have tried to provide tools that can also be very simple,
12:18 such as a call center to facilitate from a bureaucratic point of view,
12:21 and the support of tutors, that is, some colleagues trained in vaccinations,
12:25 who could answer their questions.
12:29 [Music]
12:32 The press conference of the Generation G project, Generation of Parents,
12:37 was held in Rome at the Ferraioli Palace.
12:40 The initiative, promoted by Prenatal on the occasion of its 60th anniversary,
12:44 was organized with the Ministry for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities,
12:48 in collaboration with the Italian parents' movement MOIGE.
12:52 The capital appointment was therefore an opportunity to support
12:55 the campaign to raise awareness on the issue of birth, but not only.
12:59 The project, promoted by the company, which has always been close to families and helps them,
13:03 step by step, in the growth of their children,
13:05 wants to make a concrete contribution to parents in difficulty and to the future of the country.
13:09 Today is a special occasion for us, I am excited because it is an anniversary
13:14 where we are turning 60, as prenatal,
13:16 so for 60 years we have been on the Italian territory, alongside Italian families,
13:21 and precisely to celebrate this anniversary we have decided to take on an active role,
13:27 to do our part and to have a social role,
13:31 precisely to have an impact on what is a phenomenon that has been afflicting Italy
13:35 for several years now, but which has also had an acceleration in recent years,
13:40 I am talking about birth.
13:43 Therefore, Generation G, or Generation of Parents,
13:46 is a project designed to support birth, to support those fragile families,
13:52 with concrete help.
13:55 It is born from the desire to go against fragile families,
13:59 to parents who live in a condition of fragility,
14:02 helping them with an innovative way,
14:04 through the presence of expert parents, coaching parents,
14:08 who are close to them, who will be close to them for a certain period of time,
14:12 assisting them in all the difficulties of being a parent.
14:17 In short, they are practically guardian angels of the new parents,
14:21 who are also experts, so expert parents who help new parents.
14:27 At the press conference held in the center of the capital,
14:30 Minister for the Family Eugenia Roccella and illustrious experts in the sector
14:35 also participated, who had the opportunity to illustrate the inherent numbers of birth in Italy,
14:38 highlighting what is being done and will be done to counteract the phenomenon of demographic decline.
14:44 Through Generation G, Generation of Parents, Prenatal together with Moege
14:48 and other companies close to the needs of new mothers and new dads,
14:51 it tries to become a useful tool to counteract the demographic winter that is taking place in Italy,
14:56 offering help in the most beautiful and exciting of experiences, becoming parents.
15:01 We are present on the territory with Prenatal, with 168 points of sale throughout the territory.
15:07 If you also consider all the other associations of the group,
15:10 I am referring to Toy Center, Bimbo Store, Fausch Farts,
15:13 we have presides that are 400 points of sale throughout the Italian territory.
15:18 What we have seen in these 60 years is that many of these families are looking for guidance, support,
15:23 and the Generation G project is about to impact on this,
15:26 that is, on supporting these families with the donation of some essential goods,
15:32 not only for the first months of life of the newborns,
15:37 but also with psychological services of family support for those who are parents who ask for assistance.
15:44 Well, more than 250 fragile families are involved, fragile parenthoods,
15:50 with expert parents who will follow these families.
15:57 It is fundamental to be close to the parents, it is fundamental to be close to the neogenitality.
16:03 It is a great challenge, we are there, we are happy and glad that in this initiative there is a great reality as Prenatal.
16:11 Characterized by the inability of the heart to have adequate contractility,
16:18 cardiac insufficiency is a syndrome that can arise for various reasons,
16:22 from ischemic cardiopathy, valve pathologies, to hypertension not properly treated and heart disease.
16:29 The main symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath,
16:33 fluid retention and difficulty in performing normal daily activities.
16:37 It is a pathology that affects about 600,000 people in Italy,
16:43 the prevalence increases with age and over 65 years we are around 10% of prevalence.
16:51 The right dosage of the four classes of drugs that represent the four pillars of the treatment of cardiac insufficiency
16:57 is essential to alleviate the risk of reacutization.
17:00 However, some patients, although treated with all the drugs available,
17:04 continue to show signs of worsening and episodes of reacutization.
17:09 A new therapeutic option is now available for them,
17:12 it is VericiGuat, a drug with an innovative action mechanism
17:16 that has obtained the free way to reimbursement from AIFA.
17:20 We have new drugs that have changed the history of the disease in the patient,
17:30 in particular there is a drug called VericiGuat,
17:35 which has a precise indication in this type of patient.
17:41 The Victoria Registry Study on the effectiveness of the new Bayer drug
17:45 has in fact highlighted a specific indication for patients with cardiac insufficiency
17:49 who had been subjected to recent hospitalizations and who had suffered reacutizations,
17:54 despite the therapy already in place.
17:56 VericiGuat has proven effective in reducing the risk of hospitalization death by 4.2% in absolute terms.
18:04 This is an intelligent drug that stimulates the activity of an enzyme called guanylate cyclase
18:09 and therefore gives the availability of molecules, the GMP cycle produced by guanylate cyclase,
18:15 which have variations on various organs and devices, from blood vessels to cardiomyocytes, etc.
18:21 so in the end the beneficial effect is realized both at the myocardial and vascular level.
18:27 The skin is the mirror of our self, it has the ability to express what we are and our emotions.
18:38 Our beauty and our well-being are in fact told over time by the skin,
18:43 so much so that "beauty" would be the most appropriate term.
18:46 And this is where the Relife mission starts, an international company of the Menarini Group,
18:52 which, starting from the care of the appearance of people,
18:55 aims to make them reach a balanced and complete well-being,
18:58 promoting a revolutionary approach in aesthetic medicine.
19:01 The last step of Relife in this direction is the launch of the Finiscape One Collagen Modulator Bio-Peptide,
19:08 the new line of products with the exclusive peptide and collagen modulator K-Peptide One.
19:14 With the launch of the Finiscape One Collagen Modulator, Relife, the aesthetic medicine company of Menarini,
19:22 with its scientific approach, has decided to use the theme of "beautify time",
19:28 therefore to make time more beautiful and not to stop it,
19:34 because we know that this is not possible with a scientific approach.
19:38 And so, with this new anti-aging line, we are going to slow down the degradation of collagen to improve the quality of the skin.
19:48 Skin aging is characterized by a loss of collagen due to its lack of synthesis and increased degradation.
19:55 Many cosmetic ingredients aim to stimulate the biosynthesis of collagen,
20:00 while the product developed by the scientific research in my laboratory at the University of Florence
20:06 is the first to effectively inhibit the degradation of collagen,
20:12 therefore with a mechanism that has been demonstrated both in vitro in my laboratories on skin cells,
20:18 on cell cultures, and above all clinically by medical colleagues.
20:23 The three new products have been subjected to significant clinical tests on three different populations of volunteers,
20:30 who used them twice a day.
20:32 The results were really surprising, because after only a month we had big variations
20:41 both in the skin parameters, but also in what was visible,
20:46 and we know that what is visible is the key to the success of a cosmetic product.
20:51 Over time, collagen and elastin are lost, but there is a solution to feel good with your skin at any age.
20:59 We cannot stop the physiological process of aging,
21:04 but we can certainly make it more beautiful to age and protect and re-establish our collagen.
21:11 To counteract age-shaming, Relife has promoted the work of art "Fragments of Beauty",
21:16 created by the Swiss master Simon Berger, who broke a glass wall with a hammer,
21:21 which reported hate comments that are frequently read on social networks,
21:25 making a feminine face, a symbol of strength and beauty emerge from the fragments.
21:31 Encouraging the adhesion to the vaccination campaign against Herpes Zoster,
21:41 known as the "Fire of San Antonio", is the aim of the Umbria-FIMG project,
21:45 against the risk of contracting the systemic infectious disease,
21:48 which every year in Italy affects 150,000 people,
21:51 in particular the elderly, with short and long-term consequences,
21:55 from skin rash to chronic pain, up to possible meningitis and encephalitis,
22:00 and avoid recovery and long-term assistance requests.
22:03 And how much has emerged during the works of the FIMG project "Regione Umbria",
22:06 from the title "The role of the general medicine doctor in the management of the vaccination against Herpes Zoster,
22:12 new perspectives to protect the patient", which took place in Perugia.
22:16 The Umbria-FIMG project for the vaccination against Herpes Zoster
22:22 is a first step to encourage this vaccination.
22:28 All the doctors of general medicine in the region have been involved
22:33 in the work of the FIMG project,
22:36 and we are very pleased to be part of this project.
22:40 To clarify what the National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2023-2025 is,
22:47 to be able to expand our focus on the vaccination of our patients,
22:55 and above all to provide precise guidelines
22:59 for the vaccination of our patients.
23:03 The doctors of general medicine in Umbria, as in Italy, are associated in a micro-team,
23:09 and therefore we have the possibility of organizing a ready and effective vaccine campaign,
23:15 to take advantage of the call of our patients,
23:19 which will now begin with the seasonality of the anti-influenza vaccination,
23:23 and using the cohorts of at-risk patients,
23:26 to be able to make the active call of the patients
23:30 who may benefit from the vaccination against Herpes Zoster.
23:34 The Umbria region is among the first in Italy to have set up an intervention plan
23:38 after the approval, on August 2, of the National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2023-2025,
23:44 and among the first for vaccination coverage on the elderly.
23:48 In Umbria we have a great example of vaccine capacity,
23:53 thanks to the doctors of general medicine.
23:56 If we evaluate the data and verify the productive capacities of the doctors of general medicine,
24:01 we realize, for example, through the anti-influenza vaccination,
24:06 the great capacity that our machine has in the vaccine intervention,
24:12 precisely for the coverages that have been ensured over the years,
24:16 and in particular in the previous year.
24:19 In fact, in 2022 we were among the first regions in Italy to have set up a vaccination coverage on the elderly,
24:25 and this had a significant impact in terms of reducing the number of cases.
24:32 This is essential in a region where the number of elderly is high.
24:36 One of the most important projects is to create an integration
24:41 in terms of strategic planning of activities between doctors,
24:47 doctors of general medicine who operate on the territory,
24:50 especially in areas and disadvantaged areas, but not only, but also in city centers,
24:56 to ensure the maximum capacity to guarantee the homogeneous vaccine intervention
25:05 and avoid those inequalities that contrast precisely the ability to reduce the risk of pathology in the population.
25:15 This was our latest news.
25:17 To contact us you can write to
25:23 Thank you for following us and see you next time!
25:26 See you next time!
25:28 [Music]
