Malmsbury Youth Detention Centre: Guard's keys taken, three taken to hospital after riot at juvenile

  • 8 months ago
#MalmsburyYouth #DetentionCentre #Guard
Personnel, yesterday in the northwest of Melbourne Malmsbury Youth Detention Center reportedly taken hostage during a rebellion. Attorney General Jaclyn Symes, during a few hours of incident, the keys of a prison guard were also taken. The facility, which is about 97 km away from Melbourne, drowned in recent years due to violence against staff and prisoners. A Victoria police spokesman said that after receiving reports in the facility, "the number of youth is involved in an affilacation", they were called to the incident yesterday at 1600. Sözcü, a fourth man at scene of first aid was given at around 20.30, but said that hospital was not taken to hospital. Speaking to media today, Chief Public Prosecutor said that no staff were injured in incident and label rebellion as "completely unacceptable". Symes, "My information, a series of keys for a guard, but no staff were injured. The police were called to help cope with the incident."Said. "It was completely unacceptable ... As a result, the results will be." Symes could not confirm the motivation for the incident. Attorney General Jaclyn Symes confirmed that the keys of a prison guard were taken during the incident. Shadow Youth Justice Minister Brad Battin Media Today told it that it was not a "small event." "Three young people were wounded and the attack was very serious because one of them was inseparable," he said. "We understand that 10 young people were transferred to Cherry Creek last night because they can't control these young people." Cherry Creek Youth Justice is a new youth detention facility opened in the last two months. Battin called for a comprehensive investigation into the incident. After the rebellion at the Malmsbury Youth Detention Center, three people were taken to hospital. A Ministry of Justice and Community Security Spokesperson said that the personnel were working quickly to solve the incident. "The safety and prosperity of staff and young people is always our number one priority. He continued to support the staff and young people in the incident. " About 97 km from Melbourne, the facility has drowned in recent years due to violence against staff and prisoners. He stops operations by the end of the year. All young people in custody began to move to Parkville Youth Justice Center or Cherry Creek youth justice.
