L-Plater allegedly does 110km/h before crashing into three parked cars

  • 7 months ago
#lplaterallegedly #110kmshitting #parkedcars
A 17 -year -old student driver was arrested after Sydney's allegation of a high -speed search for a high -speed police when he hit three parked in the southwest. Highway patrol officers yesterday in Casula, a Toyota Corolla traveling far above the speed limit was claimed to have identified mobile speed application tasks. NSW police said that a quest was initiated when Corolla's driver was allegedly not stopped. A 17-year-old student driver was arrested after hitting three high-speed vehicles. Teenage L-Ecler was arrested and accused of a series of crimes. It is claimed that the young driver reached 110kms speed before hitting three parked vehicles on a settlement street. The lack of stopping the police involves dangerous driving, student does not accompany and "L" plates are not shown as foreseen.
