Sud, Foti: "Se non si sviluppa il mezzogiorno non parte l'Italia"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Un bilancio positivo questa tre giorni dichiara Nino Foti, Presidente Fondazione Magna Grecia in cui abbiamo ricordato che se non si sviluppa il Mezzogiorno non parte l'Italia.


00:00 What are your thoughts on the PNR-R?
00:03 It's a positive assessment, because there have been interesting proposals in all sectors,
00:10 from investment to economic, energy and financial connections,
00:17 but also infrastructural ones.
00:19 We talked about the criticality of the midday,
00:23 of what unfortunately will not be included in the PNR-R,
00:27 when I refer to the high speed.
00:30 This was a promise of Draghi,
00:33 which unfortunately for us and for all of Italy,
00:36 because if the midday doesn't develop in these large infrastructures,
00:39 Italy will not start.
00:41 This is something that has not yet entered the heads of politicians,
00:45 as having slowed down,
00:48 I say slowed down, because I don't want to use a word,
00:51 I'm talking about the bridge on the Strait,
00:53 it's not a good sign, because there is an important expectation,
00:58 for a long time, as a member of the Parliament,
01:01 I was interested in this aspect,
01:03 especially when the Monti government did the same thing,
01:07 in the dissolution of the Messina Strait.
01:10 This is a work that serves,
01:12 now here we are in a place,
01:14 I didn't want to use a term for humanity,
01:17 but it certainly serves Italy, not only Sicily and Calabria,
01:20 it serves Europe,
01:22 and it is a work of high technology,
01:24 never done before,
01:26 but it is a spectacular work,
01:28 which would give dignity to the Sicilian Calabrians,
01:31 to be citizens of that place,
01:33 even those who do nothing,
01:35 they have not contributed,
01:37 it would be an incentive to be better.
