The Flop Shot King Is Back

  • last year
Riggs | Fore Play


00:00 Flop shots, baby.
00:10 Everybody's favorite.
00:13 Everybody's favorite flop shot.
00:19 All right.
00:22 Ooh, nice hands, feet.
00:28 Don't want to lose these.
00:32 We're here with the TaylorMade My Symbols that I've showed you throughout the week.
00:36 I got the MG4 wedge too right now.
00:38 This is the best wedge I've ever had.
00:39 It's not even close.
00:40 Not even close how good this thing is.
00:42 Clean.
00:43 It's got the grooves with the traction.
00:49 And it performs.
00:50 I love them.
00:51 And then we're talking about My Symbol.
00:52 You go to
00:54 Go to My Symbol.
00:56 And you can create your own golf ball to a degree of customization that's never existed
01:00 before.
01:01 Colors here, symbols here.
01:02 You can do countries.
01:03 You can do states.
01:04 You can do numbers, sports, animals, plants, whatever you want.
01:10 A little bit underneath that one, but still pretty high performing.
01:20 Oh, yeah.
01:24 Call chop.
01:28 So you can customize them, which is awesome.
01:35 And then they still perform.
01:36 They spin.
01:37 They go far.
01:38 They feel amazing on the face.
01:39 And even I can send it straight up.
01:40 I've got to aim farther left than usual.
02:02 I always aim too far right.
02:03 Last one,
02:04 They make great swag hats.
02:05 See my hat?
02:06 Clubs, everybody.
02:10 So big thanks to TaylorMade.
02:11 They just make golf more fun.
02:12 Let's get a flop.
02:13 Let's go ahead and lay it in left.
02:14 Far left.
02:15 Look at that dispersion.
02:16 Flop shot.
02:17 King.
02:18 Fork!
02:19 [END]
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