It's Your Season - Pt.2 - Rev. Funke Ewuosho

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Amen. So, part two, it is your
00:06 time. And what is this season for us in harvest time? In
00:11 fountain of wisdom ministries is a season of fruitfulness,
00:14 fruitfulness all around in Jesus name, fruitfulness
00:17 physically in our bodies. Can someone say amen? Fruitfulness
00:22 in material things, in financial things, fruitfulness in our
00:26 spiritual walk. Hallelujah. We are not going to be barren. We
00:29 are not going to be barren in our knowledge of Christ.
00:31 Hallelujah. Fruitfulness mentally, fruitfulness in every
00:35 action in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, it is your
00:39 season. Your season of fruitfulness, of prosperity,
00:42 breakthroughs, and blessings all around. Can someone say amen?
00:46 And our base text is Psalm one, one to three, bless is a man
00:51 who walks not in the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the
00:55 path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scumful. But his
00:59 delight is in the law of the Lord. And in his law, he
01:04 shall be like a tree, day and night. He shall be like a tree,
01:07 planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in
01:11 its season. Brings forth its fruit in its season. Whose leaf
01:16 also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper.
01:20 And I said I divided this teaching, this series into three
01:24 parts. The first part we're looking at the characteristics
01:27 of the season. What, you know, what are the things that
01:30 characterize, you know, the season of a thing? When you say
01:34 this is my season, or this is a season of something, what are
01:38 the things that characterize a season? And then the second
01:41 part will be what to do to come into your season. Hallelujah.
01:46 And I said because it is God's will for you to remain in
01:50 season. But so you must know what to do to come into your
01:55 season. Hallelujah. And I said to us that we are approaching
01:59 that series also from two angles. From the prophetic angle
02:03 and also from the teaching angle. Can somebody say amen?
02:07 And the thing about the teaching angle is so that we know, you
02:10 know, what to do. Praise the Lord. Because it's not the will
02:14 of God for you to say, "Oh, now I'm out of season." There's
02:18 nothing like that. So there are things that are going to take
02:21 note of. The key things that I want us to go with is number
02:25 one, I want to know that for you not to miss your season. For
02:32 you not to miss your season. You see, when you are trying to do
02:36 something out of season, it is difficult. But when something
02:40 is in season, there's an effortlessness. There's a grace
02:44 that goes with it. There's a flow. Can somebody say amen? It's
02:49 like, you know, when the Bible says that, you know, about the
02:51 two builders, the foolish one and the wise one. The wise one
02:55 built on the rock and the foolish one built on sand. And
02:59 storms came to the two. You know what I mean? And while one
03:03 remained standing, the other one fell and great was the fall of
03:06 it. So sometimes you say, "Well, it's not too late. It's not too
03:09 late." But the point is, have you tried to build when there's
03:12 a storm? When there's a storm, the winds are blowing at
03:16 whatever, you know, kilometers, whatever speed. This is
03:19 happening and you are trying to build. So it is true that it's
03:22 not too late, we thank God. But I tell you, it's always a
03:24 struggle when you are not, when you are building out of season.
03:29 So my prayer for you, first of all, is that you will not miss
03:32 your season. And the second thing I want us to go with is
03:35 that God wants you to remain in season. To always be in season.
03:41 The goal of this is not to say, "Oh, now I'm out of season." It
03:44 is for you to remain in season. Because Jesus said that you, God
03:48 wants us to, He called us to bear fruit and that our fruit may
03:51 remain. That our fruit may abide. And it says in Psalm 92
03:56 that even in old age you will be fruitful. So it is the will of
03:59 God for you to remain in season. So I want us to understand that.
04:03 So the third part that this message is divided, has been
04:06 divided into, we have not gone into those ones yet, is what to
04:09 do to perpetuate your season. How to perpetuate your season.
04:14 So the first one is still where we are. I'm talking about the
04:17 characteristics. And the first thing in talking about the
04:20 characteristics, I mentioned fruitfulness and productivity.
04:25 That's number one. So get to part one of this message. The
04:28 second characteristic I mentioned was ripeness,
04:32 readiness, and maturity. Ripeness, readiness, and
04:37 maturity. When something is in season, it is ready. Ripe.
04:45 When something is mature, can somebody say amen? And I said
04:49 it's not about something that was first ripened. Can somebody
04:52 say amen? And then, you know, you want to understand that and
04:58 there's that effortlessness. Have you noticed that when
05:01 something is ripe, it drops? You know, I told you, I said when
05:07 we were little, my dad used to say to us, you know, because we
05:10 had many trees, you know, in our compound. We had trees on the
05:13 back. We had trees at the back. Mango trees at the back. We had
05:16 coconut trees and different, you know, God is wonderful. None of
05:20 the mangoes was the same. Different species. And then we
05:25 had what you call the Indian almond fruits, about five trees
05:29 or six different whatever. And my dad was against us plucking
05:34 them. He said when they are ripe, they will drop. Of course,
05:38 we didn't always obey. Whenever I went to work, we got to work.
05:42 There were times that we were caught and then, you know, right
05:44 at the scene of the crime, you got the, you know, the
05:48 punishment due to you. You get what I mean? I will not break
05:52 it down any further. But the point is this. He said it and I
05:56 have seen through it. You wake up in the morning, the whole
05:58 compound is full of fruits on the floor because when they are
06:02 ripe, they drop. The Bible says where the clouds were full of
06:04 rain, they will empty themselves. Hallelujah. So, it
06:09 is effortless. No struggle when something comes into season.
06:15 And number three, I said availability, spread. When
06:19 something is in season, you see it everywhere. Is that not
06:22 true? When mangoes are in season, you see mangoes
06:25 everywhere. Spread. When Jesus came out from the wilderness
06:32 having been tempted by the enemy, 40 days and 40 nights of
06:35 not eating or drinking anything, the Bible says he came out in
06:38 the wilderness as a part of the Holy Ghost and his fame spread
06:42 everywhere. Can somebody say amen? God gave the word and
06:45 many were those who published it. Can somebody say amen? So,
06:49 when you come into your season, there's that spread. There's
06:53 that spread. You say something, the the the the god himself,
06:57 you know, just spreads it. Your influence is spread in different
07:02 places. Can someone say amen? And so availability is spread.
07:06 So, when something is in season, it is abundant. This is
07:11 slightly different to the spread I'm talking about. Whenever,
07:16 have you noticed that when when when when when you look up at
07:19 the mango tree and when it's in season, you see many mangoes on
07:23 top of that tree. There's abundance. When you are in
07:26 season, you come into a place of abundance. Is that not true?
07:29 And we looked at how God led them through the wilderness and
07:32 they had just what they needed. And God said, but I'm bringing
07:36 you into a good land. A land where there will be no scarcity.
07:40 A land where you will eat and you have so much. Praise the
07:43 lord. But when they were going to the wilderness and they did
07:46 not go to the wilderness because they were in disobedience. God
07:49 led them the same way the Holy Ghost led Jesus into the
07:51 wilderness. God led them to the wilderness. And they were
07:54 allowed to pick mana just for each day. They didn't have
07:57 extra. When I wrote that book from wilderness or that message
08:01 I did on from wilderness to the promised land. You know, that
08:04 was what I was talking about there. Looking at the things
08:06 that characterized the wilderness. It's there to humble
08:10 you. To test you. Hallelujah. So you will know that man should
08:14 not, you know, does not, should not live by bread alone. But by
08:17 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And we've been
08:20 through that. I remember when I just got my, I talked about it.
08:23 You know, when those early days in ministry, you just had
08:25 enough. You could not even complain. Because God was
08:30 faithful. But you didn't have excess. Are you getting what I'm
08:34 saying? And that was that time. And that's your season of, that
08:39 is the time of the wilderness. But when something comes into
08:41 season, there is abundance. You look at that tree full of
08:44 mangoes. Full of whatever. Praise the Lord. When you are in
08:47 season, there's abundance. What is abundance? Having more than
08:50 what you can use for yourself. You have enough. You know, like
08:55 somebody said that somebody was so poor that they could not even
08:58 pay attention. You come into that place. God said they land
09:02 in their own scarcity. James tells us in James chapter 1
09:06 that, you know, when you allow patience to do his work. When
09:09 you go through trials, allow patience. Then you become what
09:12 mature and entire lacking nothing. You come to that place.
09:16 Is it possible? Yes it is. It is possible. And I can testify. I
09:22 know what it means to go through, you know, that place
09:24 where, you know, you're going through things. You see the
09:26 hand of God. You see the faithfulness of God. God said
09:29 your shoes did not wear out. You know, your garments did not get
09:33 torn and everything. They didn't have extra but they had enough.
09:39 Hallelujah. But then God said the goal is to take you to a
09:42 land where there will be no scarcity. A land of abundance.
09:49 Hallelujah. And I tell you if you are faithful, you come to
09:51 that place. That's what God said. He said in that
09:55 Deuteronomy, that place we're reading in chapter 8. He said
09:59 something. He said when, verse 12 said, when you have eaten and
10:03 have food, not if, and have built beautiful houses and
10:11 dwelt in them. Some people think that God is against being
10:14 prosperous. He's not. When he saw that rich young girl, the
10:18 Bible said Jesus loved him. Some people whenever they see people
10:23 who have, they just have that thing and there's something in
10:26 some climate, in some culture that vilify and demonize people
10:32 that have. And that's why a lot of people would rather not have.
10:38 So I know I will be on them. God said I'm going to bless you and
10:42 people will sit and nudge their teeth and be angry. God said you
10:46 will have, Jesus said it in Mark chapter 10. You will have
10:50 hundredfold with persecution. And many times, you know, nobody
10:55 wants that persecution. So he said God just keep me humble,
10:59 keep me poor so I can remain humble. Can somebody say amen?
11:05 He said when, verse 13, your herds and your flocks multiply.
11:09 When, not if. And your silver and your gold are multiplied.
11:14 God will say it's about Abraham, that Abraham was rich in
11:17 everything. Can someone say amen? What I will tell you when
11:22 we get to that place about how to perpetuate your season.
11:27 Because when you come into a season like this, you must know
11:29 how to manage the season. That will determine if you remain in
11:33 season or not. Or you will, God forbid, you will be saying, ah,
11:37 if you knew me before. That will not be your portion. You will
11:40 not say, ah, before I used to have. You know what I always
11:42 tell people? There's nobody that God has never done anything
11:45 for. He gives seed to the sower, bread to the eater. He
11:52 multiplies the seed. What did you do with the seed? Oh, this
11:56 is so little. Let me just eat it. Oh, this is just one talent.
12:00 Let me bury it. That's where the problem is. Is that not true?
12:05 Oh, what can I do with this seed? I have just 50 pounds. I
12:13 have seen people like that. I don't want to get ahead of
12:16 myself in this series. But if you are going to perpetuate your
12:19 season, you are not going to be thinking like that.
12:23 I remember when I was doing my national youth service, and that
12:26 was when I finished from the law school. So that would be 1985.
12:32 Yes, I was in the law school, 1984 to whatever, 1985. And you
12:37 know, those days, you know, core members, they paid you
12:41 allowance. And you know, very soon you run out of your
12:44 allowance and all of that. And I had a friend who was also a
12:47 learned colleague, but she was a senior colleague. She was a
12:50 state council then in the states where I was doing my youth
12:52 service. And she was, I think, maybe two years or so ahead of
12:55 me. I can't remember. And one day she gave me 20 naira. 20
13:00 naira in 1985 was like 20 pounds or just a little, you know,
13:05 maybe more than 10 pounds, more than 10 pounds, not 20 pounds,
13:08 20 dollars, but you know, not up to whatever. And then as soon
13:12 as she gave me that money, I was so excited, praise God. And I
13:15 heard in my spirit, 1985, I heard in my spirit, he gives
13:20 seed to the sower and bread to the eater. And the Lord said to
13:25 me, inside this 20 naira is seed and inside it is bread. If you
13:32 eat everything, he does not multiply the bread eaten, it is
13:36 the seed sown. So poor as I was, when I say poor, not that I was
13:41 in poverty, you know, I'll be broke, let me use the word,
13:43 broke as I was like a doodoo. That was why I was so excited.
13:49 You know, when money comes to your hand and you're like,
13:51 "Woo!" And then, you know, the only good just comes, deflates
13:56 your balloon. And I heard it. But I thank God, it was a good
14:01 deflation and I obeyed. You see, if you are going to be at
14:07 the top, there's a way you must carry yourself. You know, I said
14:12 to you on Sunday, I was talking about the attitudes of somebody
14:15 who knows he's blessed. People who know they are blessed don't
14:19 eat everything. That is how hustlers behave. Do you
14:25 understand? And, you know, you come into that place where as
14:30 you're going on, you know that there's seed and there's bread.
14:34 It is not the bread that is multiplied. Don't be deceived.
14:37 I remember one lady, you know, her husband ran into some
14:41 financial problems. He lost his job for a long time. The guy
14:44 used to do well and everything and the lady, you know, was
14:46 always coming to do some things for me, you know, back in the
14:49 days in the '90s. And she would do some things for some people
14:52 and then people would give her money, we're giving her money.
14:55 And one day I said to her, I said, "What do you do with
14:57 money?" I said, "Do you tithe? Do you give?" I said, "That's
15:02 how to sign your way out of poverty." Because the problem,
15:06 the Bible says the destruction of the poor is their poverty.
15:10 The mentality of the poor is what keeps them poor. The
15:15 mentality that says everybody owes me, that says who am I to
15:21 give, that says I'm the one they should be giving to. And I said
15:26 to her, I said, "The way to get out of this situation is that
15:29 from the things that people are giving you, give seed." I'm not
15:33 saying to me, I was giving to her. But it's very easy for you
15:36 to say, "I don't have much." But how are you going to get out of
15:40 it? It's like when Jesus said, "You have what you say." If you
15:43 keep saying what you have, then you keep having what you say.
15:47 I keep having what you have. So if I say I don't have much and
15:52 based on that I become tight-fisted, I believe the
15:56 Spirit of God just wants me to go because this is ahead of me.
15:59 This is ahead of my notes. You look at yourself, "Oh, who am I?
16:03 Who am I?" That's how you are going to remain like that. And
16:07 then all you'll be doing is to be envious of people and then be
16:11 telling to yourself that God knows what they are doing, that
16:14 they have money. You could ask them and they'll tell you what
16:17 they're doing. Can somebody say, "Amen"? God is faithful. You
16:24 know, there was someone that told me about wanting to do
16:28 something, wanting to start a business. I just said to her, I
16:31 said, "You know what?" I said, "I was thinking about you and I
16:33 just want to be a part of that business, not as a business
16:37 partner." I said, "I just want to give something to you to just
16:41 bless you." Can somebody say, "Amen"? You see, when you know
16:47 you are blessed, you are not thinking of getting all you can,
16:50 sitting on the can, getting all you can, canning all you get,
16:53 and sitting on the can. You are going nowhere fast. You know,
16:59 someone was saying even on this last trip, you know, trying to
17:02 blame the downturn on how things are, you know, economically. I
17:08 said, "But you know what I found out? People that came from my
17:10 party did not say that they didn't have money. People that
17:14 came to celebrate me, they did not say, you know, I was shocked
17:17 at the people that turned up. The flights in Nigeria has gone
17:21 up. I was shocked how they came in from different angles, Abu
17:27 Ja, Lagos, Kano, from outside the country. I was like, "Wow."
17:32 Some people had not even been to Kano for quite a while because
17:36 of, you know, how tickets had gone up, but they came. I said,
17:42 "How come nobody gave excuses? Are you following what I'm
17:48 saying?" I was shocked to see the people, how they came.
17:53 Couples. I mean, it was something else. There were
17:57 flights that were packed and people were like, "Oh, we
17:59 should have chatted this flight." Not that they chatted
18:01 it, but, you know, they just looked around, they're like,
18:03 "Wow, how many of us?" You know, "How many flights?" You
18:07 know, none of that. And, you know, and I said to the
18:10 person, I said, "I didn't hear anybody tell me that, oh,
18:13 sorry we couldn't because of the economic downturn." And that is
18:18 how it is. That is how it is. Hallelujah. And that is why I
18:28 know it's my, it's not that is why, but that's one of the
18:33 things that make me know that it's my season. Nobody came to
18:37 me to say, "Sorry, we would have." Instead, I was
18:41 surprised. People who had not even come for a while to
18:46 Cano, they turned up, turned up with their spouses. I was like,
18:50 "Wow, what's going on here?" That is God. And then nobody
18:56 came and said, "Okay, sorry, you know, what we would have
18:59 given you, you know, because of how things are in Nigeria."
19:02 And nobody said that. Instead, I was surprised at what they
19:08 gave. Having paid to come, to come and to go back and put
19:16 themselves in hotels, wow. I tell you, that's what they call
19:22 judgment day, reckoning day. And they come at different times. I
19:30 believe I'm qualified to share what I'm sharing. I'm talking
19:36 about abundance. Malachi 3.10 says, "Bring all the tithes into
19:43 the storehouse." Don't listen to those who tell you not to
19:46 tithe. All those people, those greedy, covetous people saying
19:51 that in the New Testament is all your 100%. Ask them how much
19:55 they give. You know, God is saying 10% and they are saying,
20:00 you know, in the New Testament is 100%. You ask them, "Okay,
20:05 how much do you give?" Penny pinches. Why don't you start
20:12 with the 10%? You know, back at home, people even teach their
20:17 children to tithe. That's the joy over there. One of my young
20:22 girls that I mentor, you know, she came to me and, you know,
20:25 she did so well in her whatever junior, secondary school,
20:29 whatever, did so well. She got A's and everything. And then
20:32 she said, you know, when you were sharing, God, the first
20:35 night, I did this series with them in Lagos, but I didn't have
20:37 much time, but I did it for three days anyway, so it went
20:40 far enough. She said, "When you're talking about
20:41 fruitfulness and everything, I was trusting God after that
20:44 first night." I said, "You know what happened? My uncles and
20:47 aunties, people began to call me and say, 'Oh, you did so well
20:50 in your exams. Send us your account details.'" A 14-year-old
20:56 girl. And then, listen to this, then her parents said, "Well,
21:00 you know, you're going to tithe." Then, like the rich
21:04 young ruler, her countenance fell. But when they explained
21:11 to her the blessing of the tithe, gladly she did. Did God
21:15 not say you should teach your children? It's when you want to
21:19 tell them about the things of God, they tell you about abuse.
21:23 But when the enemy is telling them all kinds of things, and
21:26 when they tell them now that from what age they can decide to
21:29 change their gender, nobody's talking about abuse. So if you
21:34 like, let the enemy raise your kids for you. That will be your
21:38 problem and not God's problem. Because anything you don't
21:41 attend to, you live to the devil. Let the schools, let the
21:45 government, let the enemy raise your kids for you and come back
21:49 later to complain. Thank you for your thunderous silence.
21:56 Hallelujah. Did God not say you should teach your children? Did
22:00 you not say you should rehearse these things in the hearing? Did
22:03 God not tell you? When we were little, they would put money in
22:07 our hands when we were going to church and we gave offerings.
22:09 Who told you that? Too little to do it. When will they know?
22:12 "Spend your children the way they should go. When they've
22:14 grown up, they will not depart from it." What are we talking
22:17 about here? You know what? Oh my God. A lady came to me on this
22:23 trip and she said, "Rev. Mother," that's what they call
22:28 me over there, "She has three kids." I think the oldest will
22:32 be, I don't know if he's 10 or 11, I don't know, I don't know
22:35 whatever, maybe 18, I don't know the age. Anyway, "That the three
22:38 kids came to her," maybe more than that, maybe 12, 13, I don't
22:41 know, I don't want to go into, but they're quiet, you know.
22:44 "That my kids came to me and they said to me that I should go
22:47 to the bank and get their money out. That they want to launch
22:51 Rev. Mother's book." Kids. They said, "Give us our money. Go to
23:03 the bank." And she went. And they brought money. I don't
23:10 know what was there, but you know, their little way. And they
23:13 addressed it, they brought to me, and I was praying for them.
23:16 And when I was praying for them, I found myself saying, "You're
23:18 going to write books, and I'm going to read your books. Train
23:26 your children." Can someone say amen? He says, "Bring all the
23:33 tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house."
23:37 Somebody said, "Well, that's why I don't want to bring the tithes,
23:38 because I don't want there to be food in God's house." "And try
23:42 me now in this," says the Lord of hosts. When you say Lord of
23:46 hosts, it means Lord of the angels, the heavens armies. "If
23:51 I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out
23:58 so much blessing," we're talking about abundance now, "that there
24:01 will not be," what? "Room enough to receive it." More than enough.
24:13 The New Living Translation says, "I will open the windows of
24:15 heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't
24:20 have enough room to take it in." More than enough. Abundance.
24:28 More than you can have need of. That you have to start giving.
24:36 Not to pull down your barn to build a bigger one. That's been
24:39 a wretched fool. Psalm 23 verse 5 says, "You are not my head
24:46 with oil. My cup with all its words runs over." New Living
24:51 Translation says, "My cup overflows with blessings. Surely
24:56 your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of
25:00 my life and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." How
25:05 many days of my life? Oh, my cup of blessing. My cup runs over.
25:11 My cup overflows. Today you had so much money. You were making
25:14 so much money. So what happened to you? What happened to all the
25:18 money you had before? What did you do with it? That was the
25:22 time to be like a rich fool. What did the rich fool say? I
25:27 told them this in Abuja. Pull down the smaller barn, build a
25:31 bigger one. That's when you want to change your iPad. Let me
25:34 come to your terms. Your iMac or MacBook. I don't know what
25:39 they call it. Mac Pro, Pro Mac or what's that thing. That's
25:42 when you look at your car and say, "Ah, I cannot be caught.
25:46 Is there life or dead in this?" Can somebody say amen? You know,
25:51 you change your car but nothing has changed. Your behavior has
25:55 not changed. You're a rich fool. Rich what? Fool. The
26:05 prospect of the rich, of the fool, destroys them. That's why
26:09 you now say, "Ah, in fact, I should not be wearing, you know,
26:13 D&G trainers." Two thousand five hundred pounds. You are a rich
26:18 fool. That's when you want to buy a pair of joggers for six
26:25 hundred pounds. Where are you going? Amen. That's when you
26:32 want to say, "Oh, I want to bless my wife." Look, when you
26:36 become poor, she's going to leave you. You know, all those
26:43 friends, Bible actually says actually that the rich man has
26:46 many friends. But when you are poor, nobody wants to say they
26:50 know you. Do you understand? So all those friends that when you
26:54 are rich, you are not rich towards God. You are rich about
26:58 the rich fool. What was his offense? He said, "That is what
27:03 will happen to anyone who is not rich towards God. You must be
27:06 rich towards God. God must feel it when money comes into your
27:11 hand. That's what it has to be yesterday, today, and forever
27:16 more. Amen. This is what I've been giving before. Has anything
27:21 changed in your status? Yes. So God should feel it. Thank you
27:30 for your thunderous silence. I'm very qualified to say what I'm
27:33 saying. Highly qualified. Some of you, things will change. You
27:39 know, like that person that saw, was it this man, this man of
27:42 God, and said, "Pastor, can you keep secrets?" You know, this
27:46 little girl, you know, this little girl saying, "God, you
27:47 have to be converted to be like a child for you to make heaven."
27:50 So this child said, "Pastor, can you keep secrets?" Said, "My
27:53 mom just made money and said I don't want pastor to know
27:56 because the pastor will expect tithes." That's why some of you
28:01 don't increase your giving. If they know now, they will know
28:03 that maybe, keep it to yourself. Don't worry. For one, God's
28:07 work will go on. And you are the one that will become poor. I
28:11 assure you. I promise you. It's not the time to become yesterday,
28:17 today, and forever. Amen. You know, things have changed. The
28:23 five pounds we were giving before is what you are still
28:25 giving. What's wrong with you? You are not faithful. And the
28:32 Bible says if you are not faithful, then all right, just
28:34 my money. The only way you know you have come to money is that
28:37 you are not wearing an Apple watch. Your giving in joy does
28:44 not reflect it. Don't say, "Well, oh, pastor knows what I
28:48 give." Number one, don't worry. Your secret is safe. I don't
28:50 know what you are giving. I don't know who gives. So don't
28:53 worry. But I'm glad that Jesus Christ was standing by where
28:57 offerings were being taken. And as I noticed that that woman
29:00 gave all, and so what all the other crooks were giving. But be
29:06 very happy. Don't worry. I don't, you know, I leave Michelle
29:09 and go to her and do that. I don't. Michelle, do I know what
29:13 anybody gives? Thank you. I don't. I don't show interest in
29:17 those things. Amen. So let your heart be at rest. Do not be
29:23 troubled. I say, "I just think that pastor is saying that."
29:27 Amen. So don't let your heart be troubled. But God knows. If
29:31 Jesus knew what they gave, he still knows what you are giving.
29:34 The only way we know that money has come to your hand is that
29:40 you have changed your car. "Oh, I've always wanted to buy a
29:47 Jaguar. It's been my life." Look, forget those things. Let
29:52 me just finish. "Oh, from when I was a child." I don't care.
30:03 Yes, number five, freshness. Are you glad you came? Freshness.
30:09 One of the characteristics of being in season is freshness.
30:13 You see, the Word of God is not new, but it's fresh. The Word
30:18 can be fresh. Amen. You share again from John 3, 16, it is
30:24 fresh. Freshness. That scripture, our best text says,
30:32 "Whose leaf also shall not wither?" Freshness. Their leaves
30:37 never wither. Bearing fresh fruit, message Bible says, every
30:42 month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. Psalm 92,
30:47 verse 10 says, "But my horn you have exalted like a wild ox. I
30:52 have been anointed with fresh oil." Psalm 92, verse 14, "They
31:00 shall be fresh and flourishing, planted in the hands of God."
31:06 NIV says, "They will stay fresh and green." Psalm 103, verses 4
31:12 to 5, "Who redeems your life from destruction? Who crowns you
31:17 with loving kindness and tender mercies? Who satisfies your
31:20 mouth with good things so that your youth is what? Renewed like
31:25 the eagles." The Amplified says, "Who satisfies your mouth, your
31:28 necessity and desire at your personal age and situation with
31:32 good so that your youth renewed is like the eagles, strong,
31:35 overcoming, soaring." In Deuteronomy, chapter 34, verse
31:40 7, Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not dim
31:46 nor his natural vigor diminished. Moses was 120 years
31:52 old when he died, New Living Translation, yet his eyesight was
31:56 clear and he was as strong as ever. Can someone say, "I
32:01 received that?" Deuteronomy 33, 25, "As your day so shall your
32:06 strength be." Message Bible says, "Your strength like iron as
32:14 long as you live." Number six, prosperity, prosperousness. Let
32:21 me just read this very quickly. What does it mean? Prosperousness
32:26 or to be prosperous. Marked by success or economic well-being.
32:32 Enjoying vigorous and healthy growth, flourishing, robust,
32:41 wealthy, well-heeled, well-off. Those are similar words, well to
32:45 do. In the best text, it says, Psalm 1, verse 3 says, "And
32:50 whatever he does shall prosper." He shall be like a tree. Is that
32:57 whatever he does? Can someone say, "Whatever?" Whatever means
33:02 whatever. In Deuteronomy 28, 12 to 13, "The law we open to you
33:07 is good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in
33:11 the season and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall
33:16 lend to many nations and you shall not borrow. And the law
33:19 will make you the head and not the tail. You shall be above
33:22 only and not beneath." Remember Joseph? Does he come to your
33:26 mind? When he was a slave in Potiphar's house, everything he
33:29 did prospered. Can someone say, "Amen?" When he was in prison,
33:33 everything he did prospered. He was put in charge. Whatever he
33:37 does shall prosper. Can somebody say, "Amen?" Whatever he does
33:41 shall prosper. That is how it is. Prosperity. Head or tail,
33:45 you win. Whatever you're doing, God will send his rain. The law
33:48 will send his rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in
33:52 the heavens and will bless all the work you do. New Living
33:55 Translation. "You will lend to many nations but you will never
33:58 need to borrow from them." If you listen to this command of
34:03 the Lord your God that I'm giving you today and if you
34:06 carefully obey them, the Lord will make you the head and not
34:08 the tail and you will always be on top and never at the bottom.
34:12 Can someone say, "Amen?" Now, because of the exhortation I
34:17 went into before I started the message, I actually started the
34:20 message at 8.30 today because of the exhortation that I felt in
34:24 my heart that we needed to do. So, I'm going to stop here
34:27 today. Praise the Lord because of time. And when we come on
34:30 Sunday by God's grace, I'm going to take the seventh one which is
34:34 rightness, appropriateness. When something is in season,
34:39 there's a rightness about it. Appropriateness. God says that
34:44 for everything there's a season. For every purpose. God makes all
34:49 things beautiful in each time. When you something is in season,
34:54 there's a rightness. A word fitly spoken. Can someone say,
34:59 "Amen?" There's a rightness. Being in the right place at the
35:02 right time, doing the right thing, being with the right
35:04 people. Can somebody say, "Amen?" There's a rightness and
35:08 appropriateness. Have you noticed that when you say a word
35:11 in a season, it's appropriate? It's right. If you had said it
35:16 before then, there might be a problem. Jesus said to his
35:20 disciples, "I have many things to say to you but I'm not going
35:26 to say them now because you can't understand them. You can't
35:29 receive them now but when the Holy Ghost comes." So when it is
35:34 the season of something, you know when we came to this
35:37 country, there were some things we didn't do. When we came to
35:41 this country, we did not say because we used to have night
35:43 vigil in Nigeria, in our church in Nigeria, "Hey, everybody,
35:47 come and pray through the night." Just like what I told
35:51 you. We've been doing in-gathering for how many
35:54 years? It was just last year and that was by the Spirit of God.
35:59 That was okay. Let it be streamed on Wednesday. We had
36:03 never done that. It was by the Spirit. We didn't go by
36:07 religion. We didn't go by, you know how some people do, you
36:10 know, fountain of wisdom ministries. No, no, no, no.
36:12 Everybody doing what they are doing in Ghana, what they are
36:14 doing. There's a rightness. Praise the Lord. And you know
36:19 when the right time came, it starts well. Don't do things
36:29 before your season. Jesus will always say, "My time has not
36:33 yet come." There's a time for everything. A word fitly spoken.
36:41 Have you received anything tonight? And then when we
36:45 finish that on that Sunday, we're going to just move on to
36:48 talk about how to come into your season. Are you blessed
36:53 already? How many people want to come into their season? You
36:58 are ready to come into your season. No more games. No games
37:05 Jones. You mean business. Father, we worship you. You're
37:09 going to come into your season in the name of Jesus. And when
37:14 you come into your season, you're going to see these
37:16 things manifest in your life. In Jesus mighty name. There will
37:21 be no force ripening, no force fitting of anything. Can
37:25 somebody say amen? And your days of struggle will be over. In
37:31 Jesus name. You're going to barefoot effortlessly. Things
37:34 are just going to be happening for you. And your vine will not
37:39 drop his fruit before time in the field. When you come into
37:45 season, there's ripeness. Your vine will not drop his fruit.
37:53 Father, we worship you. Let's worship the Lord with our
37:56 substance. I want us to give to God with the ripeness of heart
37:59 today. I want us to give to him because we acknowledge that he's
38:03 the source of every good gift in our lives. I want us to give him
38:08 with honor. Let's worship him. Let's give him because we love
38:14 him. He says, honor the Lord. Let's give with an attitude of
38:18 honor. He is a great source of all our total supply. And maybe
38:23 some of us need to repent before God today and say, God, you
38:26 know, you have been faithful. And when you were faithful, I
38:28 wasn't faithful. I wasn't faithful when you blessed me
38:31 with money. I squandered it like the prodigal son. But Lord, I
38:36 repent before you and I ask for mercy. In the name of Jesus.
38:43 Father, we worship you. Father, we thank you for the word today.
38:47 Thank you for granting me utterance. Thank you for
38:50 speaking through me. Thank you for enabling me. Thank you, God,
38:54 for those who have been, who were opportune to hear the word
38:59 tonight.
