Selena Gomez's 'Single Soon' Disappears From Streaming Platforms

  • last year
Selena Gomez's single 'Single Soon' disappears on Spotify and Apple Music causing fans to be concerned. It reportedly has now returned.


00:00 Selena Gomez's new song, Single Soon,
00:01 returns to streaming platforms after fans noticed
00:04 the song had been removed for a period of time.
00:06 Selena Gomez released her new single just last month
00:08 in an effort to give Selenator something to listen to
00:10 until she's finished with her next album.
00:12 And while many fans have been listening to Single Soon
00:14 since its release, unfortunately,
00:16 that streaming was recently interrupted.
00:18 Many of Selena's fans took to social media
00:20 to share that out of nowhere,
00:21 the song was removed from multiple streaming platforms,
00:24 including Spotify and Apple Music.
00:26 While some users were getting an error message
00:27 whenever they tried to play the song,
00:29 others couldn't access the song title at all.
00:31 Now, like I said, for many,
00:33 this problem has seemed to have been solved
00:35 as Selena's song is now showing up
00:36 for the majority of her fans.
00:38 However, the question as to why this happened remains.
00:41 There's currently multiple rumors online,
00:43 ranging from a security issue to her adding credits.
00:46 And of course, there are some who think it's because
00:48 of the song's alleged lack of success.
00:50 Whatever the reason, at least Selena Gomez's fans
00:53 can get back to streaming Single Soon.
