pres wealth video.mp4

  • last year


00:00 American family wealth has reached a record high of $454 trillion.
00:10 But what are the reasons that led to this increase in wealth during this period?
00:16 We will discuss the details.
00:17 Starting in the second quarter of this year, American family wealth has increased by more than 4%.
00:24 This increase was $5.5 trillion during this period and has reached $154 trillion.
00:34 This amount of wealth is considered the highest ever for American family wealth.
00:39 The increase in American wealth has also contributed to the facing of a number of crises that the American economy is facing,
00:46 including future economic crises and the possible increase in unemployment.
00:52 Despite the measures taken by the US government and the US federal government to intensify the monetary policy to curb inflation,
01:00 there were a number of factors that we noticed a positive impact on,
01:04 namely the financial markets, which have entered them well during this period.
01:09 Therefore, families have invested in families, especially Americans, in American financial markets.
01:14 This is in addition to the curbing of real estate and the value of homes, which has risen to nearly $2.5 trillion.
01:22 We notice that the growth of American investments in the US stock market was more than $2 trillion.
01:29 We also noticed a growth in the curbing of real estate, more than $2.5 trillion during this period.
01:37 These were the main factors that supported the wealth of families.
01:41 But we also notice the details related to the increase in American family wealth and the positive impact on living conditions.
01:48 We notice that the Moody's agency mentioned that the slight changes in wealth during the past year did not lead to an increase in spending.
01:57 Therefore, there was a kind of savings that was clear, and therefore their investments were clear during the second quarter of this year.
02:04 The rise we noticed from the third quarter of this year to the continuation of this rise in wealth, we noticed, extended to the second quarter of this year.
02:14 Therefore, there was a conclusion for CNN that Biden's policy was a kind of agreement on Biden's economic policy.
02:22 Also, 85% of the US security forces believe that Biden's policy has made economic conditions more difficult during this period.
02:32 And maybe some people also see that 63% of Americans see that they disagree with Biden's policy on the problem of inflation.
02:43 We noticed the rise in inflation rates, which have reached the highest level in several decades.
02:48 And since March 2022, the US federal government began to intensify its monetary policy, and it has reached its highest level since about 22 years.
02:57 Therefore, this was a clear pressure on the intensification of monetary policy to curb inflation, which exceeded the measurable levels during the past period.
03:08 But the increase in pressure on the working class, despite the rise in wealth, we notice that there was a situation of tension related to the closure of obligations related to credit worthiness.
03:20 Therefore, we noticed that the debt of credit cards in the second quarter of this year rose to the highest levels ever, to nearly a trillion dollars.
03:29 There was also an excession of the cases of defaulting on the credit we mentioned for credit cards.
03:34 And also for new car loans and levels, these levels return to the default.
03:41 And also the default returns to its highest levels before the corona crisis.
03:45 Therefore, we notice that there is a kind of discrepancy in opinions regarding the economic situation and Biden's policy, in addition to the circumstances, but the US wealth remains at its highest levels ever.
03:56 at all.
