10 CRAZIEST ANIMAL FIGHTS CAUGHT ON CAMERA. Bear versus deer, Crocodile versus zebra

  • last year
00:00 Hello everyone, you're on the Buffalo Channel.
00:03 In the wilderness, the struggle for survival is constant.
00:06 Some fight for food and others fight for their lives.
00:09 Only the strongest survive.
00:11 Here's a new episode of the Animal Battles.
00:13 But before we start, just a reminder that you can subscribe to the channel and click
00:17 on the bell, so you do not miss our new top releases.
00:21 Let's start.
00:22 Possum vs Komodo Dragon In this footage, you see how the fearsome
00:36 Komodo Dragon predator has spotted easy prey, the possum's nest.
00:40 It is one of the most dangerous lizards in the world, with a powerful set of teeth and
00:45 jaws used to tear apart its prey.
00:48 In addition, it has a secret weapon in its arsenal, deadly poison.
00:53 Possums on the other hand are very fearful and small marsupial mammals, running away
00:58 or pretending to be dead at any danger.
01:02 But when it comes to protecting the nest and offspring, the female possum, like any mother,
01:07 fiercely defends its children from the tailed lizard.
01:10 It bit the Komodo's tail as hard as it could and chased it away from the nest.
01:14 I think that it did not have time to eat anyone because, after the attack on its tail, it
01:20 only thought of how to turn and run away.
01:30 Horse vs Crocodile It is unclear to me why the crocodile caused
01:35 such aggression to the horse, perhaps because it got too close to his herd.
01:39 The black stallion furiously pounced on the peacefully resting crocodile and began trampling
01:45 it with his hooves.
01:46 The shocked crocodile immediately ran to the water, but after a second attempted attack,
01:52 it still bit the horse's leg.
01:54 That was the end of their fight, but I think the stallion was very lucky because it could
01:58 have been much worse.
02:01 Bear vs Deer The video quality is poor, but you need to
02:05 see this fight.
02:07 The grizzly bear is none other than the North American subspecies of the common brown bear.
02:12 Today it is one of the ten most ferocious and aggressive animals on the earth.
02:17 Even its Latin name means ferocious and fearful.
02:21 But there is nothing worse than disturbing a bear and her babies.
02:24 The deer did not know that and probably thought that his big antlers would help him in the
02:29 battle, but it ended sorrowfully.
02:31 The deer just drifted away, and the bears just continued on their way.
02:37 For the bear, it was just self-defense because they eat mostly plant food and very rarely
02:42 small fowl.
02:44 The bear tears its prey with claws and teeth in a matter of minutes.
02:50 In 1987 in Canada, a grizzly bear mauled two women who met the bear cub and decided to
02:56 play with him.
02:58 Komodo Varanus vs Deer Komodo Varanuses are found in Indonesia, on
03:04 the island of Komodo and the surrounding islands.
03:07 It is the largest lizard in the world.
03:10 The maximum length of this varanus exceeds three meters and it can weigh up to 150 kilograms.
03:16 When hunting large animals, they use their teeth, inflicting a single bite.
03:21 This is where success comes in as the Komodo dragon's biological weapon is now in play
03:26 with its mouth filled with a mixture of many deadly bacteria.
03:34 After a successful attack, the varanuses have no choice but to wait.
03:38 In the case of the deer, the varanus pulled it off very well and got a well-deserved dinner.
03:54 Next it's Impala vs Impala, which at first glance may seem like a harmless battle, but
03:58 you see a deep wound on the side of one of the males.
04:02 It can have serious consequences, up to and including becoming prey to predators.
04:08 Well, the next Impala fight ended sorrowfully.
04:14 The two males were so engrossed in badassery that they completely lost their fear and vigilance.
04:21 It was at this time that a lioness approached them.
04:24 Surprisingly, it did not even have to hide or catch up with the nimble Impalas.
04:28 She just walked up, and one unlucky goat became her prey at once.
04:41 Next is a slightly funny pigeon incident that took place in St. James Park in London, where
04:45 the pelicans reside.
04:47 One of the pelicans was starving and decided to eat a pigeon.
04:54 Pelicans sometimes eat small birds, but they can even swallow a whole duck or a large fish.
04:58 In our case, the meal was a success.
05:03 The pigeon had almost no chance to get out.
05:05 All of this was happening in front of a crowd of visitors who cheered the pigeon on in every
05:10 way possible, yelling "get out!"
05:12 But it never heeded their hints.
05:14 One of the onlookers was 44-year-old photographer Paul, who captured the drama.
05:20 According to him, after eating one pigeon, the pelican caught another and did the same
05:24 to it.
05:27 And here you see a zebra caught in the jaws of a crocodile.
05:31 It grabbed its leg and held it, not allowing it to get out of the water.
05:38 Most likely, it would have ended sorrowfully for the zebra if the curious hippos hadn't
05:42 intervened in the fight.
05:54 They began stomping on the crocodile, who was lying on the bottom and forced the victim
05:58 to let go.
06:10 Only in this way was the poor zebra able to get out on dry land, although with damaged
06:15 legs, but alive.
06:26 Next comes the battle of the eternal enemies.
06:28 Three lionesses in front of a crowd of hungry and wild hyenas.
06:33 The fight is, as always, over the prey that the hyenas want to brazenly take from the
06:38 lions.
06:39 The lionesses fiercely defend their dinner, but I'm uncertain whether they could hold
06:42 out much longer because the nimble hyenas outnumber them by several times, and the hyenas
06:48 have a much stronger bite.
06:50 Even giraffe bones can be bitten off with their jaws.
06:54 It's good that a big male lion came to the rescue, scaring away all the hyenas just by
06:59 looking at them.
07:05 As you can see, someone managed to film the fight between the two crocodiles.
07:09 But what provoked this attack remains a mystery.
07:13 Niles crocodiles bite with a force of 352 kilograms per square centimeter, the strongest
07:19 bite of any animal.
07:21 Even though crocodiles prefer to hunt at night, if the prey is near them during the day, they
07:26 do not leave it without attention.
07:28 They get information about potential prey thanks to receptors on their jaws.
07:33 They can sense prey even at a great distance.
07:47 And then you see a very violent scene.
07:49 While feeding, the crocodile mistook his partner's paw for his prey, ripped it off in seconds,
07:54 and ate it.
07:55 It's just brutal.
08:07 Look at that.
08:08 A cheeky snake attacked a rabbit's nest with several babies in it.
08:11 I don't know if it managed to kill all of them, but the furious mother returned home
08:15 and immediately attacked the intruder.
08:17 Clearly, the rabbit does not have any special weapons to cope with such an enemy.
08:21 But it attacked the snake as skillfully as possible to chase it away from its nest as
08:25 quickly as possible.
08:27 It worked very well and very effectively.
08:40 If you liked the episode, then, by tradition, put a like, subscribe to the channel, turn
08:46 on the bell, and never miss all the top releases.
08:49 Thanks for watching.
08:50 See you soon.
08:50 (upbeat music)
