Reporters Interrupt News To Watch Dog Chase Bears

  • last year
Every major news outlet took a break from talking about politics in order to watch a dog chase away some bears.


00:00 And in other news, Donald Trump is falling in...
00:02 Oh my gosh! Cute animals! Break in guys, break in!
00:05 On Thursday, Fox News broke into their coverage of presidential polls to cover a much, much more pressing story.
00:12 Three little bears found their way into a residential neighborhood in Pasadena, California.
00:17 I said to the producers, "If this dog becomes bear lunch, you know, it'll be the end of our bear activities on the screen here."
00:24 They took a dip in someone's pool! Aw, look at them splashing around, they're all happy!
00:29 And then they hung out in a dumpster looking for food, which is me at 3 in the morning after I'm coming home from the bars.
00:34 Eventually, one very brave neighborhood dog took it upon himself to scare the giant-ass bears away.
00:40 "What happened? Look at pup! Look at the puppy down there! Arr-arr-arr-arr-arr-arr-arr-arr!"
00:44 And because it's Fox News, they of course had to make at least one derogatory remark towards Hillary Clinton.
00:51 "See that? Wow, that'll live like Hillary Clinton's barking."
00:54 But before you go thinking that Fox was the only one to waste time on this story, you'd be wrong.
01:00 CNN also devoted a bunch of time to this story.
01:03 "And they are off, and then you see a dog, wait for it. Dogs chasing them away, and we don't know where the bears are now."
01:10 Time to take a look at some tweets.
01:12 Teresa Versace, "When a city is trending I assume bad news and panic, especially if it's a place I know.
01:17 Glad it's just some bears having a swim in Pasadena."
01:20 Ellen Mayer, "The bear in the pool is a hero. The dog chasing the bear out of the yard is an even bigger hero."
01:26 For more trends like this, you can go to
