Plastic Chemicals May Dumb Down Your Baby Boys_Probs

  • last year

Pregnant women exposed to phthalates during their first trimester give birth to boys who suffer from neurodevelopmental problems. Israeli neuroscientists studied 158 mothers and their children beginning at 11 to 17 months of gestation finishing at 23 to 30 months of age. At study entry, urine levels of phthalates were measured. At 2 years of age, the children underwent neurologic and cognitive testing.

Maternal phthalate exposure during the first trimester was associated with developmental and behavioral deficits by 2 years of age, but only in the male children. The children of mothers with high versus lower phthalate exposures had reduced personal-social skills, were more likely to internalize problems, were more anxious, and expressed more somatic complaints.

So where do pregnant moms pick up these phthalates? They are prominently featured in soaps, body washes, shampoos, cosmetics, and personal care products. Ladies, please, please, avoid using these during your pregnancies.

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