Resumen Rockies de Colorado vs Cascabeles de Arizona / MLB 05-09-2023

  • last year
Kyle Freeland laboró seis innings con solvencia, el novato Nolan Jones conectó un doble remolcador y  Rockies de Colorado superaron este martes 3-2 a Cascabeles de Arizona.

Rockies, colistas de la División Oeste de la Liga Nacional, derrotaron apenas por tercera vez en 12 duelos durante esta campaña a Cascabeles, que tienen posibilidades de avanzar a los playoffs.


00:00 First and second with two outs
00:04 and that'll bring up Nolan
00:05 Jones.
00:06 This ball is lifted to deep
00:08 right center field and it is off
00:11 the middle of the wall.
00:11 Charlie has scored and a stop
00:14 sign for Diaz one nothing
00:16 Colorado on a flick of the wrist
00:20 double off the bat at Nolan
00:22 Jones.
00:22 Tell Martel step in the right
00:25 side.
00:25 Mattel knocks it into the gap in
00:29 left center.
00:29 Second double he's going to get
00:31 there it gets to the wall and
00:33 this might be three Martel on
00:35 the run.
00:35 Gattel is in there at third
00:38 hit that ball extremely hard
00:40 through the left side and it
00:41 just keeps rolling.
00:43 A lead off triple here's Rivera
00:45 now that time run a third base
00:47 to open the bottom of the first
00:50 first pitch swinging Thompson
00:52 into right field.
00:52 Martel is home and Manuel
00:55 Rivera the answer backs have
00:56 answered back.
00:56 It's one one nine steel for
00:59 Tovar.
00:59 He is in scoring position with
01:01 two men out the batter is Nolan
01:02 Jones who had an RBI double in
01:04 the first inning to third
01:06 throwing to left field Tovar
01:08 coming home he'll score as
01:11 Jones walks.
01:12 Tovar took off for third and
01:15 Moreno air bailed it in the
01:17 Rockies lead two to one.
01:18 It'll be Brenton Doyle and then
01:21 back to the top of the order
01:22 Charlie Blackman and Ezekiel
01:25 Tovar and he'll drive this
01:27 towards right center field as a
01:29 ball tries to get down.
01:29 It does it goes to the wall
01:32 Doyle's accelerating.
01:33 He wants to go for three.
01:35 He's in there with a head first
01:38 slide Brenton Doyle gets his
01:41 third triple of the year two for
01:44 two night for a guy who's been
01:46 scuffling with the bat.
01:47 That has to feel very good.
01:49 Infield comes in Rockies up two
01:51 to one as they bat in the fourth
01:53 inning.
01:53 Charlie hits his ball to center
01:55 field.
01:57 Carol's got it and his throw
01:59 toward the plate is not going to
02:01 be in time for Charlie comes
02:04 through with a scoring fly ball.
02:04 The Rockies up three to one and
02:07 the time of accident business
02:08 here the time runs in scoring
02:10 position for Corbin Carroll who
02:11 walked his first plate
02:12 appearance.
02:14 It's this one out deep to left
02:16 center field Doyle out there
02:18 from the warning track it's
02:19 Jones.
02:19 Here comes Walker Guerrero moves
02:21 up as well throw into third not
02:24 in time and an RBI for Corbin
02:25 Carroll.
02:27 And he's going to be Blackman
02:27 the left handed hitter.
02:29 Smothered by the gold lover
02:31 Walker beats Blackman to the
02:33 bag Christian Walker with a
02:35 tremendous play good play by
02:37 Walker the gold lover at first
02:39 show the gold glove their major
02:41 league debut for the left hander
02:42 Andrew Solfrang who was out
02:44 there to start the seventh
02:45 inning after getting the final
02:46 out of the six playing in a
02:48 mess.
02:48 Andrew Solfrang his first major
02:50 league strikeout and it comes
02:52 with that signature curveball
02:53 Tyler Kenley's looking for his
02:55 second save of the year.
02:57 Here is Thomas off the bench to
03:00 pinch hit.
03:02 And McMahon has a play in foul
03:05 ground and the Rockies win it
03:08 three to two and Diamondbacks
03:10 let one get away that they
03:11 really need.
03:11 And.
03:16 (cymbal crash)