Love is Blind_ Tiffany & Brett Defend Vanessa Lachey and Share 'After the Altar'

  • last year
Love is Blind_ Tiffany & Brett Defend Vanessa Lachey and Share 'After the Altar'


00:00 Obviously, after the live finale, I feel like fans had a lot of thoughts, right?
00:04 And I feel like a lot of that criticism was directed towards Vanessa.
00:07 Marshall.
00:09 What's up?
00:09 What do you want to say after watching that video?
00:12 Did you know in the back of your mind, like, this isn't working out?
00:14 Did you feel like it was kind of unfair the way they were going for her in particular?
00:18 You know, only thing I can say is, obviously, like, in a production like that,
00:27 doing it live for the first time, I know there's a lot of things going on at the same time.
00:32 So I think it'd be unfair to put so much of everything on one person.
00:37 So, I mean, obviously, we were just there to talk about ourselves and our story.
00:44 So, yeah, I wouldn't say a lot of it is probably warranted.
00:50 But, you know, people are going to say what they're going to say.
00:53 Specifically, critics felt like she was maybe a little biased in favor of the women.
00:58 Did you feel like her questions were fair and balanced?
01:00 Or that she could have pushed harder with the guys?
01:02 I don't think she should have pushed harder with the guys.
01:07 But I think it would have been great to have, like, dialogue on both sides at the live event.
01:14 Versus one pre-taped portion of the event.
01:19 Yeah.
01:20 I mean, I would say that I felt that, like, when it definitely came down to,
01:25 you know, the Marshall and Jackie thing, obviously, Jackie, you know, was not there in person.
01:30 But I did feel that Marshall was getting more heat.
01:34 And I'm like, come on, y'all.
01:36 Like, we all saw what happened.
01:38 Like, this shouldn't be that way.
01:40 You know, I don't know why it was that way.
01:42 Maybe it was there just because Jackie was not there to actually be a part of the conversation.
01:47 But yeah, I didn't think that Marshall necessarily deserved some of the heat that
01:52 even I was picking up on when I was sitting around the console.
01:55 What are you guys thinking on the baby timeline?
01:57 As of right now, like, we're really just trying to enjoy our marriage.
02:00 Hey, y'all.
02:02 Weed a brow.
02:04 You guys actually shot after the altar about one year, right?
02:11 After your marriage.
02:12 Can you believe one year has passed?
02:14 Did it fly by like that?
02:15 Absolutely.
02:16 It just it flew by.
02:18 But we've had some really good moments.
02:21 Were there any hesitations, though?
02:22 You know, not only letting the cameras back into your lives,
02:26 but also reuniting with the whole cast.
02:28 I wouldn't say that there were hesitations.
02:33 The biggest thing is like, oh, like, are you ready to be back in front of a camera?
02:36 And are you comfortable being back in front of a camera and everything like that?
02:39 But other than that, I mean, it was good to be like officially reuniting with everybody.
02:44 What do you want fans to know about what's to come from this ATA?
02:47 Well, definitely from the Browns.
02:51 I mean, it's just a lot of fun.
02:52 It's a celebration of love.
02:54 It is our connection to some of our friends that are on the cast as well,
03:00 which is some of the married couples, some that, you know, walked out of the process single.
03:05 So, yeah, we just celebrated love from our end and good vibes.
03:10 The way it just happens naturally.
03:11 Oh, I love it.
03:13 Well, you guys obviously have since moved to Portland, which has been an adjustment.
03:18 What has been the, I would say, the most difficult part of that move, would you say?
03:22 Well, so Brent was living in Portland when we were filming the show,
03:27 and I was living in Seattle.
03:29 So whenever I did move to Portland, it was quite the adjustment because I built my life in Seattle.
03:34 I had my job up there.
03:36 I had my friends up there.
03:38 Just built a nice community.
03:39 So having to start all of that over while also trying to, you know,
03:44 adjust into being in this new, beautiful marriage.
03:47 I'm just like, okay, I still need to have some
03:51 a sense of like freedom or independence.
03:56 My own life.
03:57 Like, I love my husband, but I also want to have like my poor group of people here.
04:03 So it was just building that.
04:06 It's good that everybody's coming, but I'm just hoping that we can all just
04:10 have a good time, get along.
04:13 What I love is that you guys have stayed close with Bliss, Zach, Kwame, and Chelsea.
04:18 How much have you all leaned on each other?
04:20 Well, I can speak for, we have the wifeys chat.
04:24 I talk to them at least, I would say like once a week.
04:28 But yeah, definitely just leaning on each other on just this new life that we have
04:34 and knowing that whenever we have days when we're a little off, just reassuring each other,
04:40 like, you're doing great, honey.
04:41 Like, this is all a part of the process because not only did we get married,
04:45 but we did it in such a public platform.
04:50 How about you and the guys?
04:50 Yeah, I mean, similar to what, you know,
04:54 Tiff was talking about leaning on each other.
04:56 I think, yeah, I feel like I've definitely had more talks with Kwame over the,
05:02 but either way, me and Zach are tight as well.
05:05 But yeah, I feel like we've definitely leaned on each other when it comes through
05:08 just having somebody to talk to that actually understands.
05:12 But now, like being public, you know, like that's another layer that only somebody who
05:16 went through this publicly would also understand of like public reception and people's opinions.
05:21 So it's just a very, very unique experience.
05:24 You know, after the altar did bring a little drama,
05:27 but how do you feel that had nothing to do with y'all?
05:29 Exactly.
05:30 I'm like, "Hey, nuts."
05:32 You're like in your love bubble.
05:33 That must be a good feeling.
05:35 Keep that over there.
05:36 Brett, you are close with Marshall and he has a new girlfriend,
05:39 but we also learned about his relationship with Keisha.
05:42 So break that down for us as his friend.
05:44 What can you tell us what we can expect from that?
05:46 Oh, well, you know, like I said, I, we were a little bit in our little bit of bubble.
05:52 I mean, obviously I feel like the conversations that I had with Marshall were more about
05:58 Shay, his new girlfriend and less about, you know, things in the past.
06:03 Anybody can say anything, just like you're saying whatever you want to say.
06:18 Okay. Walk away, Josh. Such a child.
06:21 There was also some focus on Marshall, Jackie, Josh, and Monica.
06:28 What did you make of all that drama?
06:29 Well, you know, again, the drama that happened, it looks like when we were at the
06:34 after party for the football game, like honestly,
06:37 saw it in the distance, like, "Ooh, what's going on there?"
06:44 But that's it.
06:46 You never saw it?
06:46 I never saw it.
06:48 I was busy catching up with people that I hadn't seen in a while.
06:51 So like, cause I have some friends that weren't shown on the show as much.
06:58 So I was busy like catching up with them and not so much concerned with
07:02 what could be happening on the other side of the bar we were at.
07:07 Obviously we all came to this experience under the umbrella of trying to find love.
07:12 And I think that all of us walked away with whatever our experience was.
07:16 For some people, it was love.
07:17 And for some people, it was friendship.
07:23 It was growth.
07:25 What advice do you have for the next cast going on the show?
07:28 I think it's what we've been talking about all along.
07:31 It's just really knowing yourself, not changing who you are in front of the cameras
07:35 or when you're in the pods.
07:36 Really know yourself because if you don't, you're not going to find your soulmate on the other side.
07:41 They're going to get somebody completely different.
07:45 I love it.
07:46 It's a social experiment, but you do learn a lot about yourself in the process.
07:49 Yeah.
07:50 What is next for you both?
07:51 That's a good question.
07:52 I think maybe for any newlyweds, yeah, it is normal to be like, "Hey, so when are you going
07:56 to start a family?"
07:57 Because I think, yeah, that's what people naturally expect.
07:59 You get married and at a certain point in time, you start a family.
08:02 With that said, yeah, we'd love to start a family.
08:04 It's not in the plans now, but definitely sometime in the future.
08:08 But right now, we are enjoying ourselves.
08:10 We got a lot of different places we want to travel to.
08:12 And as much as I would love to have a little one, that was just complicated.
08:17 And I hope moving forward for everybody here, it's all love and nothing but positive energy.
08:22 We love you guys.
08:23 Love you all.
