Breaking World Records at The Arizona Science Center

  • last year
Teresa heads to the AZ Science Center to experience the Guinness World Records Exhibit. Learn more at
00:00 Big Bang Theory is coming right here to AZTV7,
00:04 and we're so excited.
00:06 Sheldon, of course, he's a science fanatic,
00:09 so to celebrate, we're here at the Arizona Science Center
00:12 where they have a special exhibit
00:14 on Guinness World Records.
00:16 Sari is here to tell us more.
00:18 There's so much science involved in records.
00:20 - Absolutely, this is the science of Guinness World Records,
00:23 so this is a great exhibit with lots of interactivity,
00:26 all about the science behind those records
00:28 and how Arizona can achieve amazing.
00:30 - There's so much science when you think about
00:33 propulsion, momentum, physics,
00:35 throwing things, running, stacking things, right?
00:37 - Absolutely, there's a ton of great exhibits in here
00:40 that showcase those world records
00:42 and how they apply to the science principles.
00:44 So everything from technology and megapixels
00:47 to muscles and fast-switch muscles,
00:49 your peripheral vision, lots of different science
00:52 in a really, really entertaining way.
00:53 - And not just humans, because as I was walking in here,
00:56 I saw footage of the world's tallest cat.
01:00 - That's right, so we've got video and records in here
01:03 that showcase everything from,
01:04 like you saw, the world's largest cat,
01:06 or excuse me, the world's tallest cat,
01:07 to the world's largest cake pop,
01:09 to even the world's largest scissors,
01:12 which Arizona Science Center actually set the record for
01:15 at the opening of this exhibition.
01:16 - So the world's largest scissors are here, okay?
01:20 If you have a, what do you cut with it?
01:22 You know, when you're opening a business and you cut the--
01:25 - We did a ribbon cutting.
01:26 - A ribbon cutting.
01:27 - We did, we did a ribbon cutting right here.
01:28 - With the giant cartoon scissors?
01:30 - It's what it felt like, because they're really,
01:32 really long, they're almost, well,
01:34 they're over nine feet long and about 100 pounds,
01:36 but they do function.
01:37 - Why are we so fascinated by extremes?
01:40 Somebody who can jump the highest,
01:42 somebody who can punch the most times,
01:43 somebody who can shoot the most baskets in a row.
01:46 - You know, I think it's all about that sense of wonder,
01:49 and like we said before, achieving amazing,
01:51 it's so out there and it's so extreme
01:54 that really people just like to see,
01:56 you know, how far we can go,
01:57 and that's everything from exploration
01:59 to how far we can push our bodies
02:00 and where science can take us in the future.
02:02 So there's a lot here that really,
02:04 I think, piques that curiosity.
02:06 - How big we can make our scissors.
02:07 - Absolutely, how big we can make them.
02:09 - I had the book when I was a kid, and I assume you did.
02:12 - I did.
02:13 - Guinness Book of World Records.
02:14 I don't think I read any other book more.
02:16 I was just like, how long is that guy's beard?
02:19 How, whoa, that girl's fingernails are--
02:21 - The fingernails. - The fingernails.
02:22 - And some of it's so weird, right?
02:24 Things that you don't think about,
02:25 but what's great about this exhibition,
02:27 it shows that anybody can achieve amazing,
02:29 anybody can achieve a world record.
02:30 So maybe it's growing out your hair or your fingernails.
02:33 It might even be, you know,
02:35 how many times you can fold paper
02:36 or somebody who's building, say,
02:38 the world's largest bubble wand.
02:41 You can do it.
02:42 How fast you can dance, how long you can balance,
02:45 cup stacking, there are so many
02:46 different opportunities in this.
02:47 Anyone can do it.
02:48 - Well, speaking of that, I think part of your exhibit
02:52 is behind it is that conceptually,
02:54 you want people to be hands-on,
02:56 whether it's kids, grandmas, parents.
02:58 You want us to get in here and try things.
03:01 - Absolutely.
03:02 Should we go take a look at them now?
03:03 - Yes. - Let's go take a look.
03:05 (upbeat music)
03:07 - You might not think about the science of peripheral vision,
03:20 but that's what this record tests.
03:22 - It is.
03:23 - It uses speed tags, so peripheral vision
03:26 and reaction time are all the science
03:28 that you need for this one.
03:30 It's super fast.
03:31 A lot of people don't know, it's actually,
03:32 have you heard of rods and cones in your eyes before?
03:34 - Yes.
03:35 - So the rods in your eyes are actually
03:37 what are most sensitive to changes in light,
03:39 and that's what's gonna help you succeed here.
03:42 - It does feel like an arcade,
03:44 which you told me earlier.
03:45 It's like an arcade in here.
03:46 - That's right, lots of action.
03:47 - Human arcade, should I try this?
03:49 - I think so.
03:49 I think this is a great one.
03:50 Let's see if you can do it.
03:51 It's gonna be a 30-second challenge.
03:53 (upbeat music)
03:55 So we're gonna try the balancing exhibit
04:07 is what we're gonna end up doing next.
04:08 - Somebody was on this for 11 minutes.
04:09 - 11 minutes.
04:10 - Here at this location.
04:11 - Here at this location.
04:12 (upbeat music)
04:14 - I'm gonna lower my center of gravity, okay,
04:17 because I'm sciencing this.
04:19 Sari, I'm sciencing it.
04:21 Hold on.
04:22 - Gravity, right?
04:23 It's really important.
04:24 - And,
04:24 (exhales)
04:25 - Yes.
04:26 - That was one second. - Fiscal fail.
04:27 (upbeat music)
04:30 - So what have we learned here about balance?
04:31 - All right, so this one is all about
04:33 that center of gravity, using your core muscles,
04:36 and again, the flexibility and the incredible nature
04:38 of the human body.
04:39 It's just a great challenge.
04:42 - I think Sheldon would be proud of us.
04:44 - I think so.
04:45 - We scienced it.
04:46 Thank you for having us.
04:47 - Thank you for being here.
04:48 (upbeat music)
04:50 (upbeat music)
04:53 (upbeat music)
