Panayam kay I-ACT Chief Charlie Del Rosario

  • last year
Panayam kay I-ACT Chief Charlie Del Rosario
00:00 I ask Sir Charlie Dan Rosario, sir good morning.
00:05 Yes good morning.
00:08 Okay. Good morning. This is Aljo Bendijo, Sir Charlie.
00:12 Yes Aljo.
00:14 How is your monitoring in the carousel?
00:17 Especially the components of the countries joining the FIBA World Cup 2023.
00:26 Also, our youths are returning to school.
00:30 Yes Aljo. Our system is good.
00:34 Our delegates are continuing.
00:39 There is no traffic or any untoward incident.
00:44 We have not received any report.
00:46 When we return to our school, our bus carousel runs normally.
00:52 The buses in the bus carousel are serving our students, not only our students, but also our regular students.
01:04 I noticed something in the bus carousel, Sir Charlie.
01:09 What is it Aljo?
01:10 Even though there are no logos saying that their vehicles are government-owned,
01:16 this is only used for official use, but can it only be used for red plate use even though there is no logo?
01:24 Actually, we are already considering that.
01:27 Because the government vehicles that we are talking about are for law enforcement and emergency vehicles.
01:35 Actually, the transportation industry has already issued a notice.
01:42 This is especially for our agencies and government and attache agencies.
01:50 I already reported that I noticed that even though it is only for red plate use, it is passing through our EDSA bus carousel.
02:01 That is not allowed.
02:02 We will only use red plate government vehicles that have no logo.
02:10 If it is not an emergency, we will discuss it when it comes out.
02:16 If it is not allowed, we will catch it.
02:19 It is continuous. We have already caught some.
02:22 Yes. Sometimes, they allow MMDA personnel, those kind of government vehicles that are only for red plate use.
02:33 That's what I noticed. I'm passing through EDSA, Sir Charlie.
02:37 Yes. Aljo, this is what I'm saying.
02:39 To help us, I encourage you to take a picture.
02:43 Yes.
02:44 You can.
02:45 Send it to us here in IAC.
02:50 Yes.
02:51 We will do it.
02:53 Anyone can take a picture or video.
02:58 Yes.
02:59 Actually, I have three here.
03:02 I'm here in the office now. I'm signing our endorsement letter to the LTO so that we can invite them to the LTO.
03:11 Okay. If there is an emergency vehicle passing through EDSA busway that has a convoy of private vehicles,
03:19 but it is accompanied by a patient, will that be allowed?
03:24 What will be the process, especially if it is an emergency situation?
03:29 That is clear. That is the only emergency vehicle that will continue.
03:34 The private vehicle that is accompanied, it is easy for them to say that it is our patient.
03:40 How can we verify that? We cannot ask the patient.
03:45 Yes.
03:46 We will still catch that. That is clear.
03:50 Only emergency vehicle. They can continue to the hospital.
03:56 The IAC is not a two-hearted organization. But the presumption is that if it is an emergency, it is in an emergency vehicle.
04:06 We cannot say that it is in an emergency. How can we verify that? That is difficult.
04:14 But this is the plan. They can continue to the hospital.
04:22 Okay.
04:23 That's the plan.
04:24 Sir Charlie, there is a new entry in the parliament.
04:27 Yes.
04:28 If necessary, will the school services be included in using EDSA bus carousel?
04:37 That is clear. If it is a private vehicle, there is no exemption.
04:42 Okay. That is clear.
04:44 Based on your continuous monitoring of EDSA bus carousel, are our warning signages enough for the point of entry of busway in EDSA?
04:56 You know, the determination of whether it is enough or not, those who violate it.
05:04 If they really see it, they will not violate it. But if they violate it, their simple reason is that we did not see it, even if the signage is very big.
05:17 Okay. Can we say that the carousel is a big help and the traffic in EDSA was reduced?
05:28 The number of people using EDSA bus carousel is in the MNDA count.
05:39 But the speed of a passenger from a point to his destination,
05:51 if he uses a bus carousel, even if it is a private vehicle or if there is a vehicle using a public utility vehicle,
06:01 the time of their travel will be greatly reduced.
06:06 Yes. General De la Pena of TV5 has a question.
06:10 What is the IAG's view on the call to break the EDSA busway?
06:15 Break it?
06:18 Yes.
06:19 I have already discussed it. There are hearings on it. LTFRB is studying it.
06:27 You know, we at IAG, we saw the change in the minds of the passengers now.
06:35 The minds of the passengers now are simple.
06:40 I will go to a station, I will ride a bus because my travel is fast.
06:47 The door-to-door mentality is gone.
06:52 The door-to-door mentality is reduced because we are used to going to a station, we will ride a bus and go down to another station.
07:01 For me, this is my personal view, not the official stand of IAG or DOTR.
07:08 The time of travel from one station to another destination is greatly improved.
07:17 Is it good? For me, it is good.
07:21 Okay. Let us give, Sir Charlie, again, the prohibitions on the busway and the related penalties, Sir.
07:30 Yes.
07:32 For those who want to use the busway, it is clearly allowed.
07:40 Only those are authorized by the LTFRB buses that can pass through there and only those can pass through.
07:50 All private vehicles, all private vehicles cannot pass through the EDSA bus carousel.
07:59 All emergency vehicles and law enforcement vehicles can pass through there.
08:07 Other government agencies, even if it is a red plate or you have a mark, if you are not an emergency vehicle, you cannot pass through the EDSA bus carousel.
08:20 The traffic law is simple. Let us implement it and we will not have a problem.
08:28 Okay. So, it is really an emergency.
08:31 Yes. Thank you very much for your time.
08:35 Charlie Del Rosario, the chief of the Interagency Council for Traffic or IAC.
08:40 I am.
