Police break down door of British-based fraudsters who preyed on elderly to steal millions

  • last year
Police break down door to detain fraudsters who stole millions from on elderlySource: National Crime Agency
00:00 (door slams)
00:02 (door slams)
00:03 - Stand back from the door!
00:05 (door slams)
00:06 (door slams)
00:08 (door slams)
00:09 - Turn the light on.
00:09 (door slams)
00:10 - Police! Police!
00:11 - Freeze!
00:12 - Stay where you are!
00:13 Police!
00:14 - Put your hands in the bag.
00:14 - Stay where you are!
00:16 (silence)
00:18 (silence)
00:21 (silence)
00:23 (silence)
00:25 (silence)
00:27 (silence)
00:30 (silence)
