12 Times Hunters Messed With The Wrong Animals (Part 3)

  • last year
00:00 These are 12 shocking moments when hunters and animals unfortunately didn't get along so well.
00:06 Number 12.
00:08 At the beginning of this clip, a man can be seen walking in a forest with his gun ready to be fired.
00:15 A few seconds later, he hears something moving around in the bushes, and what happens next is shocking.
00:21 [Music]
00:30 Surprisingly, he misses his shot by only a few inches, despite wild boars being able to run at 25 miles per hour.
00:38 The animal disappears into the bushes shortly after, but its squeals and stomps can still be heard, echoing a few feet away from the hunter.
00:47 [Music]
00:55 It appears that everything turned out fine, despite the clip cutting prematurely.
01:00 Number 11.
01:02 This next video, taken from a hunting vlog, shows two hunters stalking and trailing a bull elk they spotted earlier.
01:10 After waiting for the perfect moment, they finally get the chance they were waiting for, as the elk stops in a relatively open space.
01:17 [Music]
01:27 One of the hunters then pulls his bow and makes his shot, but something unexpected occurs.
01:34 [Music]
01:44 A mature bull elk can charge at a speed of 40 miles per hour, capable of seriously injuring a human if hit.
01:51 After the close call, they compose themselves and move on with the rest of their hunt.
01:56 Number 10.
01:58 This next clip begins with a man recording his encounter with a massive moose during his hunt.
02:05 Moose usually tolerate humans at close distances and rarely attack, but in this case, things went very differently.
02:13 [Music]
02:16 "No, no, no, no, no, no."
02:23 He tries to scare it away by raising his voice while slowly backing up, but the animal's curiosity seems to have no match.
02:31 Moments later, the man finally reaches his ATV, which he uses as a barrier between him and the animal.
02:38 "No, no, no."
02:47 The clip ends abruptly, and what happened next is sadly unknown.
02:53 Number 9.
02:55 This intense clip begins by showing us a hunter looking around a dense forest during a hunt when suddenly he sees this.
03:04 [Music]
03:10 Despite their large size, bears are exceptionally stealthy, enough that they can trail hunters from about 100 yards.
03:18 Unfortunately, the clip ends suddenly, so it's unclear what the outcome was.
03:23 Number 8.
03:25 The beginning of this terrifying encounter shows an enormous boar being chased and pinned by a pack of little dogs.
03:34 Men in yellow jackets can be seen climbing the trees as best they can in order to avoid being caught in the commotion.
03:42 [Dogs barking]
03:51 Wild hogs can often weigh more than 100 kilograms, which is an extremely dangerous trait, especially for such an aggressive and unpredictable animal.
04:01 As the dogs continue to chase the hog, it runs into a guy struggling to hold on to a tree.
04:07 [Dogs barking]
04:17 After falling, the guy proceeds to run away and find another tree to climb, afraid of what might happen if he doesn't.
04:24 The video ends without showing us what happened, which is unfortunate.
04:29 Number 7.
04:30 Filmed in Portland, Victoria, Australia, this next video displays two men trying to hunt fish with spears being circled by a lone, curious seven-gilled shark.
04:43 The men try to scare away the shark by hitting it lightly and pointing their weapons at it, but to no avail.
04:50 [Music]
04:59 The predator continues to bother them, despite their best efforts, proving that sharks are both intelligent yet curious animals.
05:07 A few minutes later, while attempting to drive the animal away, something happens that instantly makes the situation more dangerous.
05:16 [Music]
05:26 The agitated shark wiggles around with its mouth open, which makes the situation more dire, as one accidental bite could seriously injure the divers.
05:36 Thankfully, according to the owner of the video, they managed to escape unscathed.
05:41 Number 6.
05:43 This encounter opens by showing a group of people accompanied by armed men taking pictures and videos of an elephant during a trip to Africa.
05:52 At first, the group stays far away from the animal, trying to be as cautious as possible.
05:58 [Music]
06:08 Moments later, the elephant goes off to another place, where they decide to follow it and continue observing from up close.
06:15 [Music]
06:25 At first, the animal doesn't seem to mind them being up close, but moments later, something petrifying transpires.
06:34 [Music]
06:44 One of the armed men thankfully manages to de-escalate the situation, leaving no one harmed.
06:51 Number 5.
06:53 The clip begins with a man already high up in a tree recording a bobcat approaching him from beneath.
06:59 Bobcats are known to be excellent tree climbers, so when the predator starts to look up at him, the camera starts to shake, indicating panic.
07:07 Without a safe way to escape the encounter, the man is left stuck, and what happens next will send chills down your spine.
07:15 [Music]
07:25 The clip suddenly cuts, and we're not given the chance to see what happens next.
07:30 Number 4.
07:32 At the beginning of this encounter, a spear-hunting diver can be seen following a sea snake, trying to get a good look at it.
07:41 While pointing his weapon at the animal, it suddenly changes direction and proceeds to do the most frightening thing ever.
07:48 [Music]
07:58 The diver flails and kicks around to drive the snake away, surely knowing that all species of sea snakes are extremely venomous.
08:07 [Music]
08:16 After the attack, he can be seen composing himself and looking down to see if the snake is still around.
08:22 The clip ends there, but it is assumed the diver made it out unharmed.
08:27 Number 3.
08:29 To start this encounter off, a man sitting in a tree stand records a black bear under him when out of nowhere it does this.
08:38 [Music]
08:48 Bears can climb trees extremely fast, so it doesn't take more than five seconds for the animal to reach the hunter.
08:54 Once at the top, the predator starts to smell and inspect his things while the man tries his best to stay calm and collected.
09:02 [Music]
09:12 The video ends by showing the bear climbing back down, leaving the hunter alone.
09:17 Number 2.
09:19 At the beginning of this clip, a man on an elk hunt in Arizona can be seen recording an elk yelling just a few yards away.
09:28 [Elk call]
09:35 Elk often scream when they are looking for a mate or when they're trying to show other animals in the area their dominance.
09:43 This is already bad news for the hunter, but things get a lot worse when the animal gets defensive.
09:50 [Elk call]
09:54 [Elk call]
09:59 Now just a few feet away, there is nothing stopping the elk from charging at him with its sharp antlers.
10:06 Hoping for the best, he remains still, trying not to anger or agitate the animal even more.
10:13 [Elk call]
10:22 Thankfully, his plan works and the animal walks away.
10:26 Number 1.
10:28 This final and most intense encounter begins with a bow hunter stalking a large bear, staying out of sight as much as possible.
10:37 [Music]
10:47 At first, the bear does not see him, but as soon as it catches the hunter's scent with its excellent sense of smell, it starts to come closer.
10:56 [Elk call]
11:07 Having come just inches away from a potentially fatal encounter, they somehow make it out fine.
11:13 Thanks for watching until the end. Check out this other video you might also like. I'll see you there.
