12 Times Park Rangers Messed With The Wrong Animals (Part 2)

  • last year
00:00 And these are 12 terrifying moments when park rangers got a little too comfortable around
00:05 wild animals.
00:07 Number 12.
00:08 A lion can be seen and heard growling at people on a safari, seemingly offended or threatened
00:15 by their presence.
00:29 Lions always remain vigilant as they face a constant threat from hunters seeking to
00:35 claim them as trophies.
00:37 Their very existence is constantly at risk.
00:40 With caution, the park ranger orders the group to retreat, careful of any sudden action that
00:45 could spell disaster, stepping back to analyze the situation.
01:01 As they're slowly walking back, watch what happens.
01:04 You can even notice the camera shaking since the holder must be trembling.
01:16 The camera abruptly cuts off, leaving uncertainty of the potential horrors beyond the camera
01:23 lens.
01:25 Number 11.
01:26 Traffic grinds to a halt as a medium-sized grizzly bear circles the roads of Wyoming,
01:33 creating a thrilling standoff with armed park rangers.
01:47 Bears take dangerous journeys.
01:50 They often traverse roads in search of shortcuts leading to their destination.
01:54 The rangers begin to load their guns to hopefully fend the bear off back to the safety of the
02:00 woods.
02:12 Bears have relatively thin skin, and shotgun ammunition can be extremely harmful and in
02:17 some cases even lethal.
02:19 With a few more strategic shots, it sends the grizzly home, the road safe once more.
02:26 Number 10.
02:28 A big wild elephant emerges from the trees as it is considering a charge towards the
02:34 group of safari expeditioners.
02:44 With unwavering courage, the armed ranger engages in a tense standoff with the elephant,
02:50 determined to resolve the situation without resorting to his gun.
03:08 Only 40 to 50 thousand elephants are left in the wild, so it is vital to avoid any fatal
03:14 confrontation with these animals.
03:16 Faced with the elephant's unrelenting challenge, the guide engages in a desperate battle of
03:22 wits trying to outsmart the mammal and avoid a life-threatening confrontation.
03:40 In a final show of defiance, it challenges, but the guide's action intimidates, ending
03:46 the standoff.
03:48 Number 9.
03:49 In this short clip, two individuals come face to face with a large and curious grizzly embarking
03:56 on a nerve-wracking and unforgettable encounter.
04:10 Bears can be dangerous to humans if they feel threatened or provoked.
04:14 However, attacks by bears on humans are relatively rare.
04:18 When confronted by a bear, try to stay composed.
04:21 Running could possibly trigger a dangerous chase, putting your life at risk.
04:38 Thanks to the park ranger standing up to the bear, they are relieved to see it back off.
04:43 After a bluff swipe.
04:46 Number 8.
04:47 A pack of unsuspecting wanderers stumble upon a camouflaged lion, its ferocious growl echoing
04:54 as they frantically search for safety in the predator's territory.
05:09 Suddenly the lion snaps, charging towards the unsuspecting group in a terrifying display
05:15 of power.
05:24 These ferocious predators fiercely defend their pride with mock charges, a warning of
05:29 their power and determination to protect themselves.
05:43 Fortunately they had an armed ranger to stop them from running, otherwise things could
05:48 have gone south.
05:50 Number 7.
05:51 A group of people relaxing near the beach was suddenly greeted by this.
05:56 Strolling along the shore is a huge brown mama bear with her two cubs.
06:13 Mother bears embody love and strength, fiercely protecting and nurturing their cubs with affection,
06:19 devotion, sensitivity and strict attention.
06:33 Fortunately the mama bear felt no need to attack just yet, which is unusual because
06:38 bears are very protective of their offspring.
06:53 In the end, the group was ordered very well by their ranger to stay put and relaxed as
06:59 the bears simply walked away.
07:01 Number 6.
07:03 Nature is full of surprises, and as this heart-stopping video shows, even a gentle giant like a giraffe
07:10 can become a force of terror.
07:26 Though they're known for their calmness, these creatures can surprise you with unexpected
07:31 actions.
07:32 Watch what it does, carefully.
07:34 The tourist better hope that the giraffe is simply curious, or brace for impact as the
07:39 wild animal attempts to catch up.
07:51 The relentless pursuit of the towering hoofed mammal has the truck's passengers gripped
07:56 with fear as it tirelessly chases them as far as they can go.
08:10 This is a reminder that in the animal kingdom, there is always something waiting to unleash
08:15 fear.
08:17 Number 5.
08:19 In another elephant video, while on a walking safari, these people were enjoying the view
08:24 of a big elephant from afar.
08:37 Did you know that elephants are social creatures with strong family bonds displaying emotions
08:42 like grief, joy, and compassion?
08:45 The unsuspecting group smiled.
08:48 Unbeknownst to them, this elephant was not being friendly and was planning something
08:53 horrifying.
09:05 The mighty elephant reigns supreme, possessing unparalleled brute strength among mammals,
09:11 making it the strongest land animal.
09:25 In this very heart-pounding moment, the day is saved by the quick-thinking and skilled
09:31 park ranger.
09:33 Number 4.
09:35 Venturing away from mammals, with a steady hand, a park ranger in Missouri embarks on
09:40 a mission to capture a sleek and mysterious black snake.
09:55 He handles the snake well by doing this, making the snake tighter and easier to grab.
10:08 Though relatively harmless, the mere sight of these slithering serpents near people's
10:13 homes is more than enough to send chills down your spine.
10:31 These ominous and fearsome reptiles are capable of reaching awe-inspiring lengths, growing
10:37 up to an intimidating 8 feet long.
10:40 The tension goes away when they share a laugh and crack a couple of jokes.
10:45 Number 3.
10:46 A group of friends travel vlogging in Jenny Lake, Grand Teton, Wyoming, are very eagerly
10:52 looking forward to having their taste of true American wilderness.
10:56 Despite their tireless search, the friends were filled with disappointment and frustration
11:13 as they continued to come up empty in their search for an encounter with a bear.
11:17 For a place with a documented number 1500 bears, the group of friends were a little
11:23 let down.
11:34 Up until a park ranger receives a warning of a bear heading to a populated area, the
11:39 peacefulness of the park shattered.
11:42 A park ranger sounds the alarm because another ranger reported that a mother bear is headed
11:47 for a crowded walkway.
11:55 Finally, the mama bear and her cubs try to cross a river without harming anyone.
12:08 Number 2.
12:10 During a lion safari, this park ranger is briefing the tourists on what to do if they
12:15 were in a moment of a lion encounter.
12:18 He educates on what to do, such as staying calm, avoiding eye contact, and slowly backing
12:24 away in order to avoid a dangerous confrontation.
12:38 On the first encounter, they see a lone lion seemingly concentrating intently on something
12:43 in the bushes, making it unaware of the tourists' presence.
12:57 But on the second encounter, the lion unfortunately spots them growling loudly, so in response,
13:04 they cautiously retreat.
13:17 Shaken but unharmed, they return with their guide to the safety of their vehicle.
13:23 Number 1.
13:24 As a tourist group journeys through the African bush, a massive bull elephant abruptly blocks
13:30 their path, forcing them to reverse and navigate away.
13:34 The African savannah elephant towers as the world's largest land animal, with bulls reaching
13:40 up to 13 feet tall, weighing 6,000 kilograms on average.
13:55 As the group continues on their journey, a massive elephant can be seen rapidly approaching.
14:01 With its sheer size and strength, it is clearly making its presence known and establishing
14:17 its dominance over the surrounding area.
14:20 The elephant dominates, displaying power and claiming the territory as its own.
14:26 The group witnesses the elephant's display of dominance.
14:40 Luckily they were in an open space and the rangers did a great job of avoiding any fatal
14:46 confrontation.
14:47 Thanks for watching until the end.
14:49 Check out this other video you might also like.
14:51 I'll see you there.
