30 Times Divers Messed With The Wrong Animals

  • last year
00:00 In the Bahamian reefs, an 8-year-old boy on vacation with his family went out to explore
00:07 the beautiful ocean floor when things took a horrifying turn.
00:12 The video starts off with the young man peacefully swimming around the depths of the ocean as
00:17 his parents watch over him from the boat nearby.
00:31 Unfortunately for him, though, a shark suddenly appears out of nowhere lurking not too far
00:38 away just in case he quickly turns around to swim back to the boat when this happens.
00:56 Having luckily defended himself just in time, the brave boy continues to swim back to his
01:01 family all while keeping an eye out.
01:04 The video ends there and whether the shark came back is not known.
01:10 In East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, two friends had a brush with death when they incurred
01:16 the wrath of a hungry shark.
01:18 In the beginning, the two men are about 57 meters deep into the ocean and one of them
01:23 appears to be shark calling with the aid of a plastic bottle.
01:38 Moments later, the diver with the plastic bottle turns around by chance and is shocked
01:43 by what he sees.
01:55 Luckily for the pair, the shark pays them no mind after the first encounter.
01:59 It chooses instead to swim away, leaving them unharmed.
02:04 This clip starts off as a man can be seen putting on his diving gear while talking to
02:09 his friends.
02:10 After a while, he finally grabs his spear and dives into the ocean in hopes of catching
02:15 a fish, but he encounters something else.
02:28 Scared by the aggressive shark below him, he quickly swims back to the boat while the
02:34 predator trails him from behind.
02:47 Thankfully he manages to swim back to his boat in time to escape the animal.
02:53 The beginning of this petrifying encounter shows a diver searching for fish to hunt during
02:58 a spearfishing trip.
03:00 Failing to locate a target, he swims up to the surface to talk to his friend about their
03:04 situation.
03:16 After a short conversation, the diver decides to try his luck again, but what he saw underwater
03:22 left him gasping for air.
03:38 Despite most sharks being harmless to humans, he does not take any risks and proceeds to
03:44 kick the animal in hopes of scaring it away.
03:47 Unfortunately, the clip ends prematurely and what happens next remains unknown.
03:54 While on an underwater adventure, two divers came face to face with a monstrous crocodile
04:00 and they nearly did not live to tell the tale.
04:03 In the beginning of the video, a BBC Earth film crew on a boat spots a giant crocodile
04:10 nearby, but it disappears into the water.
04:23 Almost immediately, two divers start gearing up and soon after they jump into the river
04:28 in pursuit of the animal.
04:29 On reaching the river bed, the two men spot the giant crocodile and bravely begin to record
04:35 it in close range.
04:47 For a time, all appears to be well and after a few moments the crocodile rises and swims
04:53 to the surface.
04:55 Suddenly things take an unexpected turn when the beast returns to the river bed and does
05:00 this.
05:11 Luckily for the two divers, they are able to make it back to their boat before the crocodile
05:16 catches up to them.
05:19 While on a spearfishing adventure, an innocent diver was sure he would never return home
05:25 when he made a grave mistake at the worst possible time.
05:29 At the beginning of the video, we see two friends having fun swimming around the ocean
05:35 and a few seconds in, the man recording actually manages to catch a fish.
05:48 Before the excited fisherman has a chance to reel in his catch, a shark that has been
05:54 lurking sees this as a great opportunity and does the unimaginable.
06:12 After the terrifying ordeal, the group heads back to the surface to narrate their encounter
06:17 to the rest of the crew on the boats.
06:22 Diving in the waters of Big Island, Hawaii, a pair of divers had their day take a horrifying
06:28 turn when they were unexpectedly attacked by a curious tiger shark.
06:33 Initially, the camera starts rolling as the divers, unfortunately, notice the huge predator
06:39 beginning to circle them.
06:53 The divers keep nervously recording the shark as it continues to suspiciously swim around
06:59 them when it eventually gets a little too close for their comfort.
07:13 Now most likely feeling a little bit angry, the animal refuses to leave them alone and
07:19 keeps lurking around, probably waiting for the perfect moment to attack.
07:37 With the shark still after them, they unfortunately decide to stop recording and what happens
07:44 next remains unknown.
07:49 A group of Australian friends on a fun spearfishing expedition ended up fighting for their lives
07:55 when they were attacked by a hungry tiger shark.
07:58 The camera starts rolling right as they spot the predator suspiciously swimming around
08:03 right below them.
08:10 Luckily armed with sharp spears, both men bravely hold their ground to fight the animal
08:16 off in hopes that it will eventually leave them alone.
08:29 With the stubborn shark unfortunately refusing to back down, their other friend shows up
08:34 just in time and immediately tries to get them out of the water.
08:47 The men luckily make it on the boat unharmed and proceed to scream out in celebration of
08:53 what they've just experienced.
08:57 While on an underwater adventure, a cinematographer identified as Ash Gibb got a lot more than
09:03 he bargained for.
09:04 The video opens with a clip of the cinematographer driving to a location where he intends to
09:10 do some myth busting about the spot being home to a great white shark.
09:15 Once in the water, Ash soon realizes that the tale about the great white shark is no
09:20 myth because he sees this.
09:32 Having developed an interest in the diver, the beast continues to circle him from different
09:37 angles, even charging him from behind on one occasion.
09:52 Luckily for the brave man, he is able to stand his ground and prove to the shark that he
09:57 is not prey.
09:58 Deciding that he has recorded enough footage, Ash returns to the shore and thankfully he
10:03 is able to do so unharmed.
10:07 A group of divers decided it was a good idea to take a dive in crocodile infested waters
10:14 for the thrill, but what happens throughout will shock you.
10:18 In the beginning of the video, the man uses multiple lionfish catches to lure the crocodiles
10:24 towards them in order to get good footage.
10:36 The group then proceeds to dive into the water after luring the predators towards them, allowing
10:42 for some scary close up footage of their sharp teeth.
10:56 As the video progresses, the group appears to be getting more and more comfortable around
11:01 the crocodiles and one man even does this.
11:11 Fortunately, even after getting face to face with him, the predator does not attack and
11:20 allows everyone to return home in one piece.
11:26 In the Fiji Islands, a brave underwater film crew were just trying to do their job when
11:31 a rather big tiger shark tried to let them know who's boss.
11:36 As the beast swims down from above, the men attempt to make the most of this close encounter
11:41 by capturing as much footage of the shark as possible.
11:45 The unexpected happens when the animal, probably feeling a bit hungry, approaches one of the
11:50 divers and tries to bite his hands right off.
12:01 Out of shock, the man quickly backs off.
12:03 Fearing that it might make another attempt, the diver does his absolute best to remain
12:08 face to face with the beast as it now begins circling around him.
12:13 A few stressful minutes go by when the shark finally decides to spare the men and swim
12:19 away.
12:20 They all look at each other in disbelief of what just happened.
12:24 Those divers were very lucky to capture such footage without getting bitten, injured or
12:30 worse.
12:34 During a solo spearfishing expedition in Hawaii, this diver, unfortunately, grabbed
12:40 the interest of a hungry tiger shark.
12:43 Watch to see how things play out.
12:46 When the video starts, the diver seems to have just caught a milkfish and is seen trying
12:51 to reel it in.
13:00 However, before the fisherman is able to do so, a giant tiger shark appears out of nowhere
13:10 and comes inches away from biting him.
13:27 Now feeling as though his life is in danger, the man immediately equips himself with his
13:32 spear and aims it directly at the predator while it starts circling him for several minutes.
13:39 Unfortunately, the video ends as both the man and the shark are just a few feet away
13:57 from each other and what happens next remains a mystery.
14:03 In Kona, Hawaii, a daring fisherman paid the price for attracting the attention of a starving
14:09 tiger shark.
14:10 This intense clip picks up with the man spearfishing underwater.
14:14 For a time, all seems to be going well and he even manages to catch a fish, which he
14:19 leaves on the springer.
14:20 All of a sudden, a tiger shark emerges and positions itself dangerously close to the
14:26 spearfisher and his catch.
14:41 In order to scare off the relentless predator, the fisherman decides to grab his courage
14:46 with both hands and moves to poke it with his spear.
15:04 Now terrified, the man slowly starts swimming backward towards the shore and he even surrenders
15:10 his catch to the beast as a way to keep it distracted.
15:25 The clip ends abruptly and what happens next sadly remains a mystery.
15:31 This next terror-striking animal encounter begins by showing a recording of fishermen
15:36 spearfishing in the deep blue waters of Australia's Coral Sea.
15:41 The clip shows one of the fishermen trying to haul a fish that he speared while a larger
15:46 fish tries to steal it from him.
15:58 The other fish poses no problem for the fisherman at first, but things eventually escalate as
16:04 other unwanted visitors join in on the fun.
16:18 Thinking that their situation couldn't get any worse, the fisherman recording then gets
16:23 the fright of his life when this happens.
16:36 Surprisingly they are able to keep calm despite the shark feeding frenzy going on just a few
16:42 feet from them.
16:44 Thankfully the frenzy ends after a while and they are able to swim away unharmed.
16:51 In Blue Springs, Florida, a man and his wife went out on an exciting snorkeling adventure
16:57 that took a very unexpected turn.
17:00 Originally the day starts off fairly well as they both seem to be having a blast exploring
17:05 the bottom of the lake.
17:07 At some point though, the man spots what appears to be an alligator lurking in the shadows
17:12 right in front of him.
17:26 Due to not seeing quite clearly, he bravely starts swimming around the predator for a
17:31 few minutes in hopes of capturing some more compelling footage.
17:48 After a while though, the man feels like he's seen enough and finally decides to swim away
17:53 from the area altogether.
17:56 Near St. George Island, YouTuber Grayship went out on an exciting spearfishing trip
18:04 when he unfortunately became the unlucky target of a hungry great white shark.
18:10 Before anything he spends his time swimming around the bottom of the ocean and even manages
18:15 to successfully catch a few fish.
18:17 After a while though, he feels like he's done enough and decides to swim back up to
18:22 his boat when he suddenly feels something swimming beneath him.
18:37 Now fearing for his safety, he immediately reloads his speargun and does his best to
18:43 stay alert of his surroundings when the predator unfortunately decides to come back.
19:05 Understanding the danger of the situation, his friends quickly help him get back on the
19:10 boat and they all attempt to process what just happened.
19:17 Set in Florida, this frightening clip kicks off with a shiver of sharks swimming past
19:22 a terrified diver who is doing his best to remain still.
19:27 At first, the still diver's strategy seems to be working because the dangerous predator
19:33 swam by without sparing him a glance.
19:46 However in an unexpected turn of events, one of the more aggressive sharks gets a frightening
19:51 idea and does this to the diver.
20:04 Thankfully the clip ends just as the shark swam away.
20:09 At the beginning of this encounter, a spear-hunting diver can be seen following a sea snake, trying
20:16 to get a good look at it.
20:17 While pointing his weapon at the animal, it suddenly changes direction and proceeds to
20:22 do the most frightening thing ever.
20:34 The diver flails and kicks around to drive the snake away, surely knowing that all species
20:40 of sea snakes are extremely venomous.
20:53 After the attack, he can be seen composing himself and looking down to see if the snake
20:58 is still around.
20:59 The clip ends there, but it is assumed the diver made it out unharmed.
21:06 YouTuber M. Hakim was on an ordinary dive at Brothers Island in Egypt when a member
21:11 of his crew got extremely unlucky.
21:15 At first it seems like an average shark encounter where nothing bad usually happens.
21:20 Unfortunately, things go south rather quickly when the shark begins circling around one
21:26 of the divers.
21:27 Feeling threatened, the man tries to swim away from the predator as it suddenly attempts
21:32 to take a bite out of his foot.
21:50 Luckily it fails in doing so and calmly swims away like nothing happened.
21:56 The divers now begin to seriously worry about their safety.
22:01 Just a few minutes later the shark comes right back for the same guy and attempts to bite
22:05 his face off.
22:07 He does everything in his power to fight the beast off as it keeps coming back at him.
22:12 Thankfully, the man is able to land a powerful punch on the shark's face that scares it
22:17 away.
22:36 Truly anything is possible in the ocean and you should always be prepared to fight for
22:41 your life like this man did.
22:44 What would you do if a shark came that close to you?
22:48 Would you swim away or fight it off?
22:55 At the start of this fear-inducing shark encounter, a fisherman can be seen recording a tiger
23:01 shark swimming around him.
23:03 Moments later the situation becomes much worse after the predator decides to approach him
23:08 which leads to these terrifying events.
23:21 Despite already being poked by the fisherman's spear, the shark still circles around him,
23:27 even approaching him again despite the first warning.
23:40 After being poked again, the predator seems to have learned its lesson, yet much to the
23:45 man's surprise, it approaches him again.
23:48 Unfortunately, the clip cuts early and what happens next remains unknown.
23:55 Recorded in Portland, Victoria, Australia, this next video displays two men trying to
24:00 hunt fish with spears being circled by a lone, curious, seven-gilled shark.
24:06 The men try to scare away the shark by hitting it lightly and pointing their weapons at it,
24:12 but to no avail.
24:23 The predator continues to bother them despite their best efforts, proving that sharks are
24:28 both intelligent yet curious animals.
24:31 A few minutes later, while attempting to drive the animal away, something happens that instantly
24:37 makes the situation more dangerous.
24:50 The agitated shark wiggles around with its mouth open, which makes the situation more
24:55 dire as one accidental bite could seriously injure the divers.
25:00 Thankfully, according to the owner of the video, they managed to escape unscathed.
25:06 This last clip is from Jonathan Bird's Blue World Show, where they showcased a heart-racing
25:12 encounter with massive tiger sharks.
25:15 The show starts off with Jonathan and a team of shark handlers feeding the enormous tiger
25:21 sharks in the Bahamas.
25:32 The handlers feed and interact with the sharks, even managing to touch their noses, bringing
25:38 them only a few inches from being bitten by their sharp teeth.
25:49 Despite the sharks being almost as big as they are, the handlers showcase a terrifying
25:54 display of bravery as they repeatedly flip the sharks upside down.
26:10 Thankfully the sharks proved to be smart, remaining calm and unaggressive towards the
26:14 team, knowing they were going to get fed.
26:19 A group of underwater divers at Fort Pierce, Florida went through a real-life nightmare
26:25 when a huge great white shark suddenly took interest in them.
26:29 The video starts as the man recording quickly alerts the others of the imminent danger when
26:35 he notices the faint shadow of the predator swimming below them.
26:51 Equipped with spears, the divers continue to point their weapons at the shark as it
26:56 unfortunately starts swimming closer and closer by the second.
27:19 Eventually the men lose sight of the animal as it appears to have swum away.
27:24 Because of this, they for some reason decide to split up and go searching for it.
27:35 After many minutes of searching, the predator is luckily nowhere to be seen and the divers
27:41 just stop recording and go back to their boat.
27:45 During a diving trip in West Palm Beach, Florida, Nick O'Brien was met with a heart-racing
27:51 encounter after something sneaked up from behind him, which left him scared stiff.
27:57 The video begins with a group of divers enjoying the view of the ocean bed below them.
28:02 As the clip progresses, the diver recording the video suddenly exclaims in shock after
28:08 he feels something behind him.
28:21 The diver struggles to keep his composure after seeing the 8-foot lemon shark circling
28:26 him over and over again, leaving him gasping for air.
28:40 Sadly the clip ends with the predator still near and what happens next is unknown.
28:46 While on a spearfishing expedition, a brave diver faced off against an aggressive tiger
28:54 shark on multiple occasions.
28:56 Wait to see how things played out in the end.
28:59 This nerve-wracking video starts out with a tiger shark swimming at full speed towards
29:04 the diver, who is armed with a spearfishing gun.
29:20 Just as things seem to be calming down, the determined animal unfortunately comes right
29:25 back for more, forcing the man to arm himself once again.
29:44 As many minutes pass, the diver's hopes for peace continue to be crushed time after
29:50 time as the hungry shark refuses to abandon such an opportunity for a snack.
30:08 After thankfully managing to ward off the animal on several occasions, things finally
30:13 calm down as the animal eventually disappears into the darkness of the ocean.
30:20 This video begins with what is seemingly a calm video during a spearfishing trip, but
30:26 a few seconds later something extremely terrifying catches the unsuspecting fisherman by surprise.
30:44 After the close encounter, he grabs his partner's legs to inform him of the danger lurking below
30:50 them.
31:01 Unfortunately the clip ends early and their fate still remains a mystery.
31:06 Near the coast of Mozambique, a group of divers had their day take a horrifying turn as they
31:13 were unexpectedly circled by a rather curious great white shark.
31:19 Initially they appear to be peacefully enjoying the ocean floor when they suddenly spot something
31:25 to their left.
31:39 The divers keep nervously recording the predator as it continues to swim around them, seemingly
31:46 plotting something.
31:57 With the shark still suspiciously lurking nearby, they all unfortunately decide to stop
32:03 recording and what happens next remains unknown.
