30 Scariest Bear Encounters of The Year (Part 3)

  • last year
00:00 This next bear encounter is another CCTV clip showing us a bear walking up to a car parked
00:08 in this person's driveway.
00:20 A few seconds later, a woman comes out of the house to grab something from her car,
00:25 but is instead met with the shock of a lifetime.
00:39 She runs away screaming after failing to trap it inside.
00:43 Despite the initial encounter, the predator goes back to the scene and proceeds to loot
00:48 the basket the woman dropped earlier.
01:01 The clip cuts short, but no one was harmed during this terrifying encounter.
01:08 This terrifying encounter begins with a woman recording a bear walking up to her porch while
01:14 she watches from the windows of her door.
01:26 The unbothered bear proceeds to grab a trash bag from the porch, but as soon as it turns
01:32 its back, this happens.
01:43 The brave house cat immediately stands up to the bear and even starts smacking it in
01:49 the face.
01:59 The cat ultimately scares the predator back into the woods after it grabs the homeowner's
02:04 bag of trash.
02:06 Here, a bear can be seen walking around a garden while dogs are heard barking at it,
02:13 wanting to be let out to confront the intruder.
02:26 A few moments later, the dogs break out of their enclosure and start running towards
02:31 the predator.
02:32 What happens next is chilling.
02:48 Dogs have been used to protect territories since the Ice Age, so it's not out of the
02:52 ordinary to see these canines scare it away.
02:56 After chasing the animal away from the property, only one of the dogs comes back when called.
03:02 Thankfully, according to the video description, both dogs were safe and unharmed.
03:18 At the beginning of this clip, a large drilling machine can be seen making a hole in the side
03:24 of a small mountain.
03:25 If you take a closer look, something can be seen moving around in the dark hole they're
03:31 drilling into.
03:42 Sure enough, when the hole gets bigger and the drill moves to stop covering it, a terrifying
03:48 sight reveals itself.
04:00 For the next few minutes, the enormous grizzly bear can be seen desperately trying to dig
04:05 itself out of the hole where it was most likely hibernating.
04:19 After a while of trying to scare the animal out, they succeed, and what happens next is
04:25 pure terror.
04:32 Thankfully, the predator takes off in a direction away from the people, leaving everyone safe.
04:44 This clip shows two bears below two hunters recording themselves from their tree stand
04:49 while staying as quiet as possible, but not even a few seconds after the recording starts,
04:55 something vastly petrifying happens to them.
05:08 They sit as still as possible, hoping to not anger or startle the predator.
05:14 I'm honestly surprised these guys didn't faint from shock.
05:28 The clip ends abruptly, but it seems like the animal went down without harming them.
05:35 What was supposed to be a quick hike through the Claremont Wilderness Park quickly became
05:39 fuel for nightmares after Chad Bruce, a hiker, encountered a large grizzly bear.
05:46 The video begins by showing us short clips from his trip at a wilderness park, but a
05:50 few clips later, something extremely horrifying can be seen following him.
06:08 An enormous grizzly bear seems to be following him, and despite only being a few feet away
06:13 from the animal, the hiker manages to remain calm throughout the ordeal.
06:29 After securing the distance to be able to go behind the bear, he continues to follow
06:34 it, enabling him to warn another unaware hiker.
06:38 Thankfully, the bear was docile, and no one was harmed in the encounter.
06:54 This next video is nothing but pure terror as it opens by showing a bear breaking into
07:00 a garden and stealing bird food.
07:18 After it manages to open the storage, it proceeds to eat the bird food when, out of nowhere,
07:24 the predator's feast is suddenly interrupted.
07:42 What looks to be the owner's dog bursts into the garden and charges the bear as soon as
07:48 it sees it.
07:49 Bears are afraid of dogs because dogs' barks reach a high decibel level of sound, and they
07:55 are also extremely similar to wolves.
07:57 The brave dog successfully chases the bear away while being unharmed.
08:04 What this man thought to be a drunk roommate coming home and stumbling around turned out
08:09 to be something much more terrifying.
08:12 The clip starts off with the cautious man recording a huge and hungry predator walking
08:17 around his living room.
08:29 A few seconds after he started recording, the bear notices him recording from the stairs,
08:35 leaving it with no choice but to run after him.
08:47 As the bear makes its way upstairs, he runs to his room and looks back one last time,
08:52 only to see this.
09:05 After reaching his room, he talks with his scared roommate, who tells him that the predator
09:09 went back downstairs.
09:11 Unfortunately, the clip ends abruptly, and what happens next remains unknown.
09:18 This encounter, captured on a Wyze cam, begins by showing us a bear peeping through a window,
09:25 and then accidentally breaking its frame.
09:38 This gives the bear the opportunity to stick its head inside and search for food to loot
09:43 in this home's kitchen area.
09:56 It begins sniffing around, and eventually manages to snatch an item from the sink, immediately
10:02 retreating outside afterwards.
10:05 After that, it sticks its head inside again, and starts searching for other things it can
10:09 put inside its belly.
10:24 This goes on for a few more minutes, until the bear finally decides it has had enough,
10:29 and leaves the house alone.
10:32 While floating down a river towards their next camp, Fred Eichler and company came across
10:38 three bear cubs and one angry mother bear.
10:42 At the start of the video, Fred's team can be seen riding the river, and they come across
10:46 three bear cubs.
10:58 While moving forward, they unfortunately come too close to the cubs, which angered someone
11:04 else previously hidden in the thick bushes.
11:13 Thankfully, the large mother bear got scared of the shot, and ran away from them.
11:25 At the start of this video, a guy in snowboarding gear records himself getting ready to slide
11:30 down the mountain.
11:32 After smiling for the camera, he stands up and starts snowboarding down the path while
11:37 recording himself throughout the process.
11:49 After a few seconds, the camera pans to the right, and reveals a terrifying sight, enough
11:55 to make your hair stand up.
12:07 The bear chases after him for many seconds.
12:09 Meanwhile, he is unaware of what's going on, and the possibly tragic fate that lies ahead.
12:19 His luck seems to have given him some epic snowboarding footage, while remaining unharmed.
12:27 This bear encounter begins with a man recording a bear stuck in a trap, supposedly meant to
12:33 catch wolves.
12:34 He decides not to kill the bear, but instead to let it go, which could endanger his life
12:40 greatly as the animal is extremely aggressive.
12:43 Not wanting to waste any more time, he readies his catch pole, and what transpires next is
12:49 something you should see for yourself.
13:01 After grabbing a hold of the agitated animal, the man tries his best to open the trap without
13:06 putting himself in harm's way.
13:19 After what must have felt like hours, he musters up the courage to try to unlock the trap one
13:24 last time.
13:28 Fortunately, after he frees the young bear, it quickly runs away without causing any trouble.
13:42 A doorbell camera shows a bear approaching the entrance of a house, while knocking down
13:48 several Christmas decorations in the process.
14:01 It plays with the decorations for a bit, until it eventually loses interest and decides to
14:06 sniff around the house walls.
14:08 In doing so, it accidentally rings the doorbell, and now we can only wish that the owner checks
14:16 the camera first, before opening the door.
14:29 Thankfully the owner does check it, and as soon as he sees the bear, he proceeds to talk
14:34 loudly in hopes of scaring it away.
14:48 After hearing the man talk through the doorbell speaker, the bear freaks out and runs away.
14:53 We can only imagine what would have happened if the man didn't check the camera first.
15:01 While hiking Mount Roberts in Juneau, Alaska, two men came face to face with an extremely
15:07 curious black bear.
15:09 This nerve-wracking clip opens with one of the hikers trying to scare off the animal
15:14 while recording the ordeal on his camera.
15:26 Instead of running off like the men expect it to, the predator continues to approach
15:31 them at a steady pace, forcing them to slowly retreat.
15:48 This encounter stretches on for quite some time, but eventually the animal seems to lose
15:54 interest in the men and decides to venture into the nearby bushes in search of food.
15:59 Taking advantage of the bear's distracted state, the hikers pull out their bear spray
16:04 and wait for the animal's next move.
16:17 Since the animal fails to make a move, the hikers decide to continue their trip.
16:23 This next encounter starts by showing a couple of guys playing golf, when suddenly an unexpected
16:30 player wanders into their area.
16:43 In order to retrieve their ball, they proceed to walk towards the black bear, despite knowing
16:48 the potential life-threatening repercussions.
17:01 Undeterred by the danger, one of them can be seen going up and talking to the bear,
17:07 urging it to leave their ball alone.
17:18 Luckily for all of them, the bear walks away and leaves them alone to continue playing.
17:26 This next clip begins by showing us a home security camera video of a bear walking and
17:33 messing around private property.
17:35 The animal can be seen trying to climb an enclosed area and when it fails to do so,
17:40 it moves on to playing with a tree.
17:52 Moments later, it disappears for a couple of seconds, until this happens.
18:08 These predators use their paws, noses, and mouths to investigate different things they
18:13 find lying around.
18:15 Unfortunately, this one becomes interested in the camera.
18:18 After taking it off its stand, the animal proceeds to check it further by sniffing and
18:23 poking it with its claws.
18:35 The bear eventually leaves it alone, and no one was harmed in the encounter.
18:41 This next clip shows another CCTV footage of a bear managing to reach a backyard, where
18:48 a man is seen taking a nap.
18:50 At first, the bear gets interested in the pool, but as soon as it sees the guy napping,
18:55 it gets a little curious.
19:06 After cautiously approaching the person, it starts to sniff him out, and moments later,
19:10 this happens.
19:15 Thankfully, after the guy wakes up, the animal gets startled and runs away quickly.
19:27 A group of friends got the experience of a lifetime after they encountered a large, hungry
19:32 predator in search of food on a rural Russian road.
19:37 This intense clip starts off with a group of friends recording a bear trying to go inside
19:42 a parked, but occupied truck.
19:53 Despite the dire situation, they make so much noise to get the attention of the predator
19:58 that they unfortunately attract it towards them.
20:13 After the animal goes back into the bushes, they follow with the goal of petting it and
20:18 giving it more food.
20:30 At first, everything seems to be going well, as the bear does not seem to mind the driver,
20:35 yet moments later, something unexpected happens.
20:47 Surprisingly, the driver's fingers remain intact, despite the situation they put themselves
20:55 into.
20:57 This video appears to be recorded from a hunting dog's point of view, who's out and about
21:02 exploring the woods. As the animal continues walking through the woods, it seemingly catches
21:07 a scent and immediately starts following it.
21:18 Moments later, the dog stops tracking the scent and is eventually taken off the leash
21:23 by its owner, allowing it to run after the target.
21:36 The owner stands still, with his dog barking at his side, hoping for the best and trying
21:42 not to prompt the bear to do something bad.
21:55 The clip cuts short, although it appears that they were able to go home safely.
22:02 This CCTV footage shows a family of three coming home after a night out, expecting their
22:08 day to end in a peaceful night's rest. After the man closes the gate, something grim enters
22:14 the scene, missing the family by only a few seconds.
22:23 Unfortunately, the woman goes outside again, walking towards the direction of the bears,
22:36 which is probably the unluckiest decision of her life.
22:51 Female bears are extremely aggressive when they are with their cubs, so the woman walking
22:57 towards them is in grave danger.
23:12 Despite the pressure, she is successful in saving her life and escaping the bears.
23:18 An elderly woman can be seen peacefully taking a nap when all of a sudden something wakes
23:24 her up.
23:35 After waking up, the woman immediately gets up out of her chair, which frightens the predator,
23:40 causing it to also run away immediately. Bears do not normally hunt humans, which explains
23:46 the predator's docile nature when approaching the sleeping lady. Fortunately, the bear does
23:51 not attack the woman, instead opting to run away.
23:56 The beginning of this clip shows a carload of tourists driving down a road in Yellowstone,
24:01 when suddenly they are greeted by a whole bear family. They stop the car to avoid provoking
24:17 the three large bears blocking their path and hope for the best as fear starts creeping
24:23 in. Failing to put sufficient distance between them and the bears, they unfortunately put
24:29 themselves in a rather unusual situation.
24:42 The child in the car starts to panic as the bear's claws showcase themselves in bright
24:48 light, but a few seconds later, this happens.
25:01 The parents fail to calm the kid down, so they proceed to drive forward, despite one
25:06 bear still latching onto the car. Fortunately, the predators decide to leave them alone after
25:22 they drive faster.
25:25 A group of bears can be seen passing by a house, when suddenly one of them pauses and
25:31 seems to try to push the door open. One of the home residents notifies another person
25:46 in the house, leaving them both terrified, yet excited about the whole situation. Thankfully,
26:04 after a while, the predator decides to leave their house alone.
26:09 A man came face to face with death after he encountered a large mother black bear with
26:15 cubs hiding in the trees during his hike in the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. The intense
26:21 encounter starts with the man recording his hike, when suddenly he stops in his tracks
26:27 after seeing something between the trees.
26:41 After seeing the enormous black bear staring at him, he stops and slowly backs up a few
26:47 inches from the animal in order to compose himself.
27:02 Despite the presence of the bear, he resorts to walking forward once again as slowly as
27:07 possible, hoping not to anger or startle the mother bear as he passes by. Luckily for him,
27:24 the predator lets him pass through and go on safely.
27:29 In the beginning of this clip, a bear can be seen entering a house through a window
27:34 that was left open while no one was home.
27:47 Throughout the video, the bear can be seen exploring the house and roaming around, seemingly
27:52 looking for something to eat.
28:03 At one point, the animal is even seen awkwardly trying to scratch itself on the side of a
28:09 kitchen counter.
28:20 Luckily for the family, the bear made its way back out before they got home.
28:26 A supposedly long and drawn-out hunt almost ended in the most gruesome way imaginable
28:33 after the hunter became the hunted.
28:36 This terror-striking encounter begins with the man recording a bear trying to sniff him
28:42 out from the ground under his little tree stand.
28:55 Moments later, the bear spots him and doesn't waste any time and proceeds to climb up towards
29:00 the hunter with a menacing look.
29:07 Fortunately, the bear goes back down, giving the man the chance to grab his shotgun and
29:18 pepper spray.
29:19 Expecting the worst, he prepares and aims down his weapons as the bear decides to pull
29:24 off one terrifying move.
29:37 Thankfully the hungry bear gets the message and leaves him alone, ending the close call.
29:45 But even your own house is safe, as we can see this bear approaching and entering the
29:51 property.
30:04 Black bears, despite the stigma, are intelligent animals capable of using their knowledge wisely,
30:11 stealthily avoiding humans, and choosing their meals carefully.
30:15 There seems to be no one at home when the animal enters the house, which is good, but
30:20 then something terrible happens.
30:36 The homeowners arrive after a trip to the store while the bear is still inside.
30:41 What happens next is something you should see for yourself.
30:56 They run away, fearing for their lives, but it seems like the bear was not interested
31:01 in them as it doesn't follow them.
31:06 This next encounter takes place while YouTuber "Hiking with Braids" and her friends are
31:11 seen calmly relaxing in their hammocks.
31:14 Moments later their rest is interrupted after one of her friends spots something terrifying
31:20 stalking them.
31:32 After seeing the bear, they immediately jump out of their hammocks and make loud sounds
31:37 in an effort to scare the animal away.
31:50 Since shouting doesn't seem to work, the women resort to throwing rocks in the animal's
31:55 direction.
32:06 After a while, they thankfully drive the animal away and continue their backpacking trip.
32:13 This short yet haunting clip shows a black bear sprinting towards a family getting out
32:19 of a car.
32:26 It almost seems like the bear was going for the young boy beside the car, but his mom
32:31 pulled him away just in time.
32:33 The black bear is then seen sprinting away as they are known to be easily frightened
32:38 by humans.
32:41 In this next clip, a mother bear with two cubs can be seen walking around and scavenging
32:46 near a house with people inside.
32:49 Later the mother bear starts to walk away, giving the woman the confidence to open the
32:54 door and record outside.
33:06 A few seconds later though, a cub walks towards her, which makes her shut the doors again
33:11 out of fear of provoking the mom.
33:24 The woman continues filming the nearby cubs for a little longer until she suddenly has
33:29 the fright of her life.
33:42 After the attacks, the bears quickly run away after a loud horn is blown at them.
