Entre Líneas #63 // El enigmático caso de Shoei Ohtani

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Ep 63. Hablamos del caso de Shohei Ohtani y su lesión. Comparamos a dos grandes lanzadores de las Grandes Ligas: Clayton Kershaw vs MAx Scherzer


00:00 Today in Entre Líneas, the opener will lead us to a really enigmatic case.
00:06 Shohei Ohtani, what will happen to him?
00:09 We will review history, a record of Nelly Fox and Alex Rodriguez and the 31 hits of Milwaukee in one game.
00:17 The versus contrasts two races of the Hall of Fame.
00:21 Two throwers, a right, a left, Clayton Kershaw and Max Scherzer.
00:26 And we will review our closing, statistics, probabilities and much more.
00:32 All this in Entre Líneas.
00:51 It's a pleasure to greet you. Thank you for joining us throughout this journey through the world of baseball.
00:57 We will be reviewing very interesting news, some data and statistics, as always, in Entre Líneas.
01:03 Making the appointment to Fernando Arriaza during the next few days.
01:06 Let's start today talking about Shohei Ohtani.
01:10 Undoubtedly, Shohei Ohtani has been the great face of major league baseball for some years now.
01:16 During this important stage for major league baseball, to give the game a different image,
01:23 to try to rejuvenate the show, to try to give it a broader vision to take the fan to the game,
01:30 which began with young players.
01:32 Even there we can place Rona Lacuña, Fernando Tatis, Vladimir Guerrero, speaking of Latino players.
01:39 But Shohei Ohtani is undoubtedly the most important player.
01:43 Why? Because he represents in a single player the ability to bat at a great level,
01:50 to be a star, to be able to lead offensive departments such as the cornerback, with a total of 44,
01:57 and from the other perspective of the game, to be a dominator as a thrower.
02:02 And not in vain, we are talking about a pitcher capable of winning 10 or more games,
02:06 of having very good effectiveness and of punching in the world of major leagues.
02:11 The unfortunate news, which no one wanted to read or wanted to hear last week, was given.
02:16 And after that short exit before the Cincinnati Reds, the general manager of the Los Angelinos
02:21 pointed out that he had a tear in the cubital collateral ligament and that he would not launch again during this 2023.
02:30 The big mystery and the big question was, will he continue to bat?
02:34 Immediately, the general manager himself pointed out, he will continue to act as a batter,
02:38 he will continue as appointed, and well, it is no coincidence that during the last four games he was there,
02:45 even on the weekend series, before the New York Mets, where he connected four unquestionable in 14 shifts,
02:51 three doubles, five tickets, he received, speaking of the respect that a player like Yohei Ohtani deserves,
02:57 and scored four runs. Here the problem is that it seemed to have been a problem not from one day to the next.
03:06 Yohei Ohtani was already showing that there were difficulties in the arm, there was fatigue, exits where they had to go out to hydrate him many times,
03:15 where he had cramps, his arm already seemed to be not 100% at the point that we are talking about a speed decrease of about 3 to 4 mph both in the straight and the slider,
03:28 and contrasts between one and the other exit. And we can see it, for example, in these numbers.
03:34 On July 21, he won against Pittsburgh, yes, that day, but allowed four runs.
03:39 Then, at the next exit, he threw a full game against the Tigers of Detroit and barely a hit, eight punches,
03:46 and that same day, in a double game, as a batter, he would connect a quad.
03:49 Immediately after, short exit, four episodes in white, he had to go out for annoyances.
03:55 Subsequently, on August 9, six episodes of a dirty race, five punches against San Francisco,
04:02 and the exit would come a period of approximately a couple of weeks without throwing,
04:07 due to all those inconveniences, until that job on August 23 against Cincinnati,
04:12 where he could not go beyond an entry and a third.
04:16 Here the question is, will he have to go through the operating room? Will he have to undergo a second operation?
04:21 Tomillon, that is not yet known. I expect, Tani, a second opinion to know which decision to make.
04:29 If he goes through the operating room, it would be the second Tomillon of his career.
04:33 You will remember five years ago when he went through the operating room,
04:37 but that yes, he returned the following year as a batter,
04:41 waiting then for the necessary time to return to the mound in 2020, in that cut season.
04:48 Doubts that arise. There are many cases of players with a Tomillon operation.
04:53 The fact is that with two Tomillon operations, what will be the recovery time?
04:58 Some doctors have pointed out that it is very difficult, that it is different,
05:02 that he needs perhaps a little more care, that probably batting in the same way as he is doing with the Angelenos now,
05:09 and after that first Tomillon operation, the following year, it would not be so easy for a second Tomillon.
05:16 We are talking about a hypothetical case.
05:18 It would be linked to names like Janko de Gron, to McClanahan,
05:22 who would also have and would have, and had their operation or their second Tomillon on the horizon.
05:29 All this happens prior to the signing or the most important negotiation for many within baseball,
05:37 which is that of the mega contract that has been talked about so much.
05:39 Of 10 years, of just over 600, 700, 800 million dollars, all this in function of signing a player
05:49 who helps you from those two sides, signing and then batting.
05:54 And that he can do it now in the same game, taking into account that thanks to Ohtani,
06:00 in the last labor agreement, as you will remember, the Ohtani law was approved.
06:04 That is, a thrower who is there in the mound, who has retired, can remain in the game as a batter.
06:10 All this motivated by the effect that Ohtani presents for the baseball of major leagues.
06:19 Now, if his arm is not ready to throw next year, what team could offer him a contract
06:26 or risk signing a player as a thrower and batter if his immediate future is uncertain?
06:33 What are the edges? What are the probabilities?
06:37 Take a risk and give it all or nothing for that player or try to take it little by little.
06:44 How? Well, sign it for a shorter agreement where there may be incentives,
06:49 in any case, return to the top in terms of the mound work and then renegotiate.
06:55 Another point, signing a contract of about 400, 500 million dollars.
07:00 We don't know and we don't handle those figures, but it could be that and then give it an extension
07:08 where it involves both parties. That is complicated.
07:12 It is a very complicated issue when we are talking about money and that potential in the free agency of Ohtani to negotiate.
07:18 Remember, if we wait two years and he doesn't throw all next year and he wants to make a mega contract,
07:25 well, we also have to take an example, the age. It would already be over 30 years.
07:31 Many teams have opted during the last seasons not to be so free when giving such long contracts
07:40 to a batter who can already finish the same above 40 years, to be around 40.
07:46 The situation is that, we would have to wait. Did he lose some dollars if he goes through the operating room?
07:52 Or did he lose it? Probably something immediate, but not perhaps in the long term.
07:57 He has the ability to respond, to recover. There are cases, we repeat, where a player returns a second operation to a million,
08:04 but we are talking about a player, a player who does both things.
08:09 Here the question is, did the case of Shohei Ohtani go wrong?
08:13 Perhaps the Angelinos should have stopped the thrower a little earlier and tell him,
08:19 "You are not going to work during this month, rest it." It could be.
08:23 But Shohei Ohtani did not want, as his own general manager said, to undergo a magnetic resonance
08:30 after one of those openings where, unfortunately, he could not finish due to the problems that we had mentioned before.
08:37 So here, who is to blame? The player? The management?
08:41 Or simply, as Phil Nevin, the manager, said,
08:44 "The players do not want to take that risk of undergoing a resonance that can affect their performance,
08:49 but that ends up being something that plays against them, because what is the immediate present can affect the future of this player."
08:57 Ohtani speaks very little, very little about issues that are not his job, his opening, his opponent,
09:03 what is going to happen in the next game.
09:07 That is why he has not spoken in general lines about what this situation may be, how it will be handled.
09:14 He will do it cautiously, as an Asian does, as a man does with that personality,
09:21 where every word, where every movement has to be done with great security,
09:27 and that is what a player like Shohei Ohtani does.
09:30 Meanwhile, we are going to lose a man who had won 10 games, 5 losses, 3.14 in effectiveness,
09:36 167 punches, a hitter who will continue to try to collect some numbers,
09:43 because when we review Ohtani's statistics, he, regularly acting in the last month of the campaign,
09:49 which is what the Angelinos expect, remember that the Angelinos lost to Maitreau again,
09:53 it has been a year full of injuries, we are talking about an Ohtani who is chasing some personal numbers in terms of offense.
10:01 He already has 44 home runs, he is 2 of what he achieved in 2021, that 46-goal-close campaign.
10:09 He is at the gates of his second season in his career with 100 or more remarks.
10:16 He did it in 2021, last year he reached 95 remarks.
10:22 This year he accumulates 92, he can perfectly do it,
10:25 and he is on his way to do this, the season for Shohei Ohtani, with an average of 300.
10:32 He is averaging 305 at the moment, and his best production in a year ended up being that of 286 in a 2019 season,
10:43 285 in 2018, in short, this year he could present numbers and tops,
10:48 at least in those ranges that we have mentioned, apart from hits connected, he is missing 15 for what he did last year.
10:55 That Shohei Ohtani, we all want him to return, we all want that bidirectional player to be back
11:02 and continue to enjoy the Japanese every five days in the mound,
11:07 and every day as a designated batter for the Los Angeles Angels.
11:11 In between the lines, the time has come for the trivia, because apart from Maitreau and Shohei Ohtani,
11:18 who is the player of this team to accumulate two or more campaigns with 40 or more quadrangles?
11:25 The options, Gene Edmonds, Troy Gloss, Vladimir Guerrero or Tim Salmon.
11:31 Today's trivia, in between the lines, Los Angeles player with two or more campaigns of 40 or more quadrangles,
11:40 at the same time as Maitreau and Shohei Ohtani.
11:43 [Music]
11:51 Here we are again with much more between the lines, thank you for joining us in this space.
11:56 It's time to review news and information in our press room.
12:00 Let's start with Boston, because the X-ray of Rafael Devers' right wrist was negative for fracture.
12:09 After experiencing some pain in his wrist, he was removed from the lineup in the game this Sunday,
12:15 before the Astros' team, and manager Alex Cora has the expectation and great hope
12:22 that he can play this Monday at the beginning of a new fundamental week.
12:26 Rafael Devers, an important player who can return to the team.
12:30 In Toronto news, Matt Chatman also left the game on Sunday with an inflammation in his middle right finger.
12:38 Chatman lost three games at the beginning of this month because of the same injury.
12:42 For that reason, they decided not to take any kind of risk.
12:46 It is doubtful for the start of the series against the Nationals, which is scheduled for today.
12:51 We move on to the Indians of Cleveland, because not to Sindegar, yes, who would say it?
12:55 That arm that at the time seemed to be, along with Jacob DeGron, two of the faces of the New York Mets.
13:00 Well, it was placed in the lineup by the Guardians.
13:04 The announcement was made after concluding the game on Sunday, in which Sindegar was in action and did not do well at all.
13:11 In that Sunday presentation, he tolerated five races in six episodes against the Blue Jays of Toronto.
13:17 Sindegar's short pass through Cleveland concluded with 20 clean races in a total of 33 entries and a third with 10 allowed runs.
13:27 Let's go to Houston, to the Astros, because they activated Phil Mayton from the list of injured.
13:33 The referee was there from the beginning of August, after receiving a blow to the left elbow.
13:38 Mayton has done a good job, and a good job, of Steve Baker's manager, with an efficiency of 3.04, 58 punches, 53 innings and a third.
13:48 All this in a total of 54 presentations.
13:52 And by the way, the reception of Phil Mayton could not be better for the rival team.
13:57 Because Miguel Cabrera, yesterday he disappeared him, quadrangular.
14:00 Miguel gives a horn to anyone, but Phil Mayton was the victim this Sunday, in that scheduled meeting.
14:07 So Mayton is back, but he already has one more horn in his personal account.
14:11 Let's go to the New York Mex, because they activated Matt Vientos from the list of disabled for 10 days.
14:17 The infilter had been placed on that list with tendinitis in the wrist, this on August 17th.
14:24 He only needed a rehabilitation game before being activated.
14:27 There is no pressure now for Matt Vientos and company, because the Mex threw the campaign on the edge several weeks ago.
14:35 And they are simply preparing the team for the immediate future.
14:38 All this in full review, Sunday's day, several injured.
14:43 As always, we review it here, between the lines.
14:46 Friends of Baseball Play, Osvald Peraza next to me to talk to us.
14:54 First, thank you for your time. Talk to us physically, how have you felt again in the big leagues with this team?
15:02 And also talk to us about this version of the Yankees.
15:04 Happy to be here, really. Since I was a child we always dreamed of being here in the big leagues.
15:10 And for me it's a dream, because wearing this shirt, wow, I always wanted to wear it since I was a child.
15:17 And being here with this uniform, for me it means a lot.
15:20 Being surrounded by so many stars, when they left Josh Donaldson, for me, having him as a teammate means a lot.
15:30 And now we are trying to play hard to the ball, do our best in the game.
15:40 And at the end of the day, to have the victory, which is what we want.
15:43 And more now that we need it so much.
15:46 Yes, definitely a team with many stars, but also with many young players who are receiving the opportunity.
15:53 I want to ask you about this, you debuted last year, you go to the minor leagues again.
15:58 But how much do you think you have grown, how much do you think you have matured?
16:02 What are those changes that you think you have made both in your game and in the personal part?
16:07 Whenever I played in AAA, I tried to give my best, really.
16:12 I tried to do the details that I needed to do when I played in the major leagues, which as we all know is not easy.
16:17 But it's about doing the work and I focus a lot on the routine, before the game I focused a lot on the routine.
16:23 Because if I work hard in practice, that's what I'm going to do in the game.
16:27 So I try to give my best when I'm on the field, so that at the end of the day I have the best result.
16:35 Now you were reactivated very recently, but you arrived at a complicated moment for the team.
16:40 In fact, they had been accumulating a series of lost games.
16:44 For you, arriving at this moment to the Yankees, how can you assimilate the situation and what is the atmosphere that is experienced in the Clubhouse?
16:53 It's a bit difficult, because we know that whenever we start the season, we always want to finish strong, which is in the playoffs.
17:01 And the goal is always to be champions.
17:05 And since we have time without getting that victory, we are going through difficult times, but there are about 35 games left.
17:14 And inside we talk about playing hard, as if we were in the playoffs, which you never know.
17:21 Baseball, you never know what can happen.
17:25 We are giving our best and at the end of the day we want the best result.
17:32 You tell us that you are a Yankee by nature, since you were a child.
17:36 But what a responsibility it is to wear that uniform and play in a square of as much tradition as the Yankees of New York.
17:47 When you are in the Yankee Stadium and you have all those fans there, it's a thrill and at the same time there is pressure.
17:55 Everyone knows what the team is like and I am proud to wear that jersey.
18:02 I always had a Boston and Yankee sticker in my room and I thought that one day I would be a Yankee or a Boston.
18:11 And look, I'm here now and I'm happy and I will take advantage of it as much as I can while I'm here with the team.
18:19 What is that role within the team that you support?
18:27 Last year, Marwin Gonzalez helped us a lot, as did Cabrera and Gleyber.
18:39 He has spent more time with us than I have. We are always helping him.
18:49 It is important that you know what you are doing and try to explain it to the guys.
18:55 But the gringos also, we take care of everything.
18:59 A team with a lot of Venezuelan flavor, you have a lot of teammates, including coach Mendoza, Cabrera, Gleyber Torres, Pereira, who is also in the senior team. What does that mean for you?
19:13 To be four or five, because we are four players and with Mendy, it is a pride for us Venezuelans to have the flag here in Venezuela.
19:23 We are always giving our best for our country and leaving Venezuela on top.
19:29 We are the pride of Venezuela and we are taking advantage of the best of us to bring that to our country.
19:38 Speaking of Venezuela, do you want to play in the winter baseball?
19:41 I had the opportunity to debut in 2020, but I played little.
19:45 This year I am talking to my agent to see if there is an opportunity to play this year.
19:52 I want to play for a month or two, but I want to know about this experience of playing in Venezuela.
19:58 Osvald Pérez Atalento, who is lost in sight, the final message for all the people who support you and also for the Yankees fans.
20:06 My people from Venezuela, from all over the world, Yankee fans, we are here giving the best of us, giving the best we can.
20:15 I hope you are well, enjoy the games and I send you many blessings and a big hug.
20:21 In 1958, as it is today, Nelly Fox of the Chicago White Sox sets a record of consecutive games without getting punctured.
20:32 Fox reached 98 games in a row.
20:37 In 1992, as it is today, the Milwaukee Beers beat the Blues of Toronto 22 to 2 with a record for the American League of 31 hits in a 9-episode game.
20:52 A total of 22 of the unstoppable were easy.
20:56 And in 2001, as it is today, Alex Rodriguez becomes the ninth player and second shortstop to connect 40 horns in 4 consecutive seasons.
21:08 The other shortstop was Ernie Vance, who did it between 1957 and 1961 with the Chicago Pups.
21:18 And in today's versus, we are going to talk about two launchers who will possibly be in the hall of fame.
21:39 A left-footed, a right-footed, Clayton Kershaw, all his career with the Los Angeles Dodgers team and a man like Max Scherzer, who has had the tour of several organizations.
21:50 This year he is even in his second team, like the Texas Rangers.
21:55 Two careers that started practically simultaneously.
21:58 However, Clayton Kershaw probably from the start showed what he could do in the major leagues.
22:04 We are talking about a shortstop that many cataloged at the time and some maintain that opinion.
22:10 The best thrower of all time or one of the best of all time, we can include it there so as not to complicate ourselves at this point.
22:19 However, as soon as he arrived with the Los Angeles Dodgers, he showed what he could do.
22:24 He was the leader in effectiveness on five occasions.
22:26 First thrower even, who did it in four consecutive campaigns.
22:31 We are talking between 2011 and 2014.
22:34 Also a man who is very consistent.
22:37 What did Clayton Kershaw characterize?
22:39 When we remember him as a thrower, yes, a good straight, a good slider, he has a change, a very complete curve.
22:47 But very consistent in working with that type of pitching.
22:50 In the low part, from the knee down, with extraordinary handling of the strike zone.
22:57 A very complete pitcher.
22:58 They said that his ability to work was unmatched.
23:02 That he made a difference to any other thrower.
23:06 And well, it is no coincidence that he has those numbers that include 10 star games, a more valuable prize, 3 Aion,
23:14 apart from a great defender because he has a gold glove, a triple crown, three times leader in victories.
23:20 He also dominated the Ponches department three times, without a single occasion he exceeded 300.
23:26 25 complete games, 15 strikes, 294 quality openings.
23:32 Imagine that.
23:34 And not only those statistics, nothing more.
23:37 But Kershaw achieved, just in his second year, the first of his 10 consecutive campaigns with an effectiveness below 13.
23:45 Including three of them below 2.00.
23:49 It seems that the injuries have affected an arm that for many was due in the playoff, in the postseason.
23:56 That is where Mark Scherzer probably has a point in favor.
24:00 The dominance shown by Scherzer in playoff games.
24:04 But Kershaw was at the time, in 2013, signed with a record contract, at the time for the Doyers team,
24:13 a seven-year franchise, and $215 million.
24:19 A perfectionist, yes, many cataloged him within the world.
24:23 He won that triple crown in 2011, Aion, and at that time he was the youngest to do and get those two facts since Dwayne Gooden.
24:32 The first since Dwayne Gooden in 1985.
24:36 That was Clayton Kershaw.
24:38 But on the other side, speaking of Mark Scherzer, Matt Matz, as he has been cataloged, Matt Matz,
24:44 to this arm that with the Tigers and Detroit, mainly after having debuted with the D-Bucks of Arizona,
24:51 with Detroit he achieved very interesting facts.
24:55 He was able to lead this team to four titles in a row in the Central Division of the American League between 2011 and 2014.
25:04 We had already talked about that contract that Clayton Kershaw received of seven years and $215 million.
25:10 Well, he received with the Nationals a seven-year contract and $210 million, very similar.
25:19 We are talking about a snake-eater who has, in turn, a World Series, Washington, eight star games,
25:26 three Aion awards, 12 complete games, five blanks, four times leader in victories,
25:32 three times leader in punches, in one opportunity he also exceeded 300 billiards, 286 quality exits,
25:40 and holds another record.
25:43 On May 11, 2016, he reached 20 batters and became the second pitcher to collect or have in his statistics
25:54 at least one game without hits or races and a game of 20 punches.
25:58 In addition, that day he also managed to beat team number 30 in his career.
26:03 He has beaten all those who have faced him in the majors.
26:06 Dave Martinez, who led him with the Washington Nationals, with whom he reached the title in 2019, said,
26:11 "The big difference that Matt Max makes is that he prepares not only thinking about him,
26:17 in what he can do in the mound, he focuses on each batter.
26:21 He has a very premeditated study of each man he is going to face and every day,
26:28 and that ends up being a great man in the mound.
26:31 Before this figure of the designated batter who became universal,
26:37 well, Max Scherzer, when he had to bat in the National League,
26:41 had shown that he had that ability to do it, even with averages above 270, 280.
26:47 He was a very complete batter, as several of his teammates pointed out.
26:51 If they ask me who is the best, I will not fall into controversy.
26:55 I'm just going to say that in my team, if I can have Clayton Kirscher as left-handed
27:00 and Max Scherzer as right-handed, I would possibly play everything to have those two elements
27:07 and those two arms so important in the world of major careers,
27:11 with statistics and numbers that speak of potential for the Hall of Fame.
27:16 Scherzer is in a very important test.
27:18 We are talking about a Serpentineiro who with the New York Mets
27:21 came to sign for two campaigns and an average of 43 million dollars per year.
27:27 A really scandalous figure that later Justin Berlander would also be able to reach with the Mets.
27:33 Today, neither of them is with the New York franchise.
27:36 Berlander trying to take Houston back to a World Series and win the title,
27:40 and Scherzer trying in that same division of the West of the American League
27:46 to lead the Rangers to Texas to postseason playoffs and to break the stars of the division center.
27:53 Very attractive things.
27:55 Unfortunately, today's Kirscher is a wounded Kirscher.
27:59 A Kirscher who is not at 100%, who continues to show talent because he has the qualities,
28:06 and faces a Max Scherzer who possibly has been a year with some problems,
28:11 with some difficulties in some of his exits, but in playoffs and postseason
28:15 has been a man who has won very important games.
28:19 To whom they gave the ball in the first and in the closing of the series,
28:23 that of the Washington Nationals against the Astros themselves.
28:26 That showed character, that showed the lead necessary to win that type of game.
28:31 Something that unfortunately in that victorious era with the Detroit Tigers, that debt was pending.
28:37 That ring that he could have won with the Detroit Tigers, with a team that was full,
28:41 that was full of figures, and that possibly only lacked nothing more and nothing less than winning the title in the World Series.
28:50 So our versus today focused on two names who possibly, shortly after announcing their retirement,
28:57 perhaps five years later, can enter the Hall of Fame.
29:02 They have numbers, they have statistics, they have exemplary behavior,
29:06 and they must also be considered an example to follow.
29:10 We repeat, it is no coincidence that outstanding careers also have outstanding lives
29:18 outside and inside the field of play.
29:20 With the ability to work, to deliver, a lot of additional time to prepare each of his commitments,
29:27 and these two names reflect it.
29:29 Clayton Kershaw against Max Scherzer, who do you prefer?
29:32 Well, we stayed with both, a left-footed and a right-footed.
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33:12 equaled, 5 wins. But if the Dodgers have won 21 of 25 in August... Well, Arizona when
33:19 everyone said "no, Arizona seems to have lost the train" and "Arizona seems not even going to be on the commodity".
33:24 Well, they have won 10 of the last 12. And today they bet on Sad Galen, a good arm to take into account at the beginning of this series.
33:32 Galen in the last 4 games, 1, 42 of effectiveness, and 3 victories in a successive manner. So Sad Galen against Bobby Miller...
33:41 An attractive and interesting duel, 2 teams in a very good moment. Uncertain, right?
33:48 But here Los Angeles could have a slight advantage. And another series that promises.
33:54 A very attractive series, will have Milwaukee 0-0 and the Chicago Pups face to face.
34:01 Well, we are talking about the Chicago team having in this match Jamie Sontagion and Wett Meili as the Pups' opener.
34:11 Several numbers too. Particular series this year, 4-3 for Milwaukee. The Chicago Pups since July 18, 26 wins, 11 losses.
34:20 The third best brand in the world of baseball. Milwaukee has won 8 in a row, 12 of the last 15.
34:28 Anyway, what a duel. But look at this number too. Christian Yelich against the Pups this year, beats him 357, a horn.
34:39 And William Contreras against the Pups too, 385 with a pair of horns, 4 doubles and 9 races.
34:48 Wett Meili, who at the time would also launch with the team, or launched with the Chicago Pups team,
34:54 against the Cubs in his career, 9 wins, 4 losses, 4.01 of effectiveness.
35:00 And Jamie Sontagion, who is one of those arms too, we were talking about operations Tomillon.
35:06 Jamie Sontagion, a man who has recovered from a couple of Tomillon, has 2-1, 3-22 of effectiveness in the last 4 home games.
35:15 Milwaukee and Chicago, 8 successive victories for the Beerers and the Pups, trying to stay there in one of the dressing rooms of the National League.
35:24 Experience from Wett Meili against a team of the Pups at a good time. So, an attractive series to start this week.
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36:00 It's time to review, to answer the question, the trivia of today, which we remember, apart from Mike Trout and Shohei Otani,
36:09 who is the player of the Los Angeles to accumulate 2 or more campaigns of 40 or more quadrangles.
36:16 What were the options? Gene Edmonds, Troy Gloss, Vladimir Guerrero and Tim Salmon.
36:23 That was the question of today. Surely many of you already have the answer, you immediately looked for it,
36:30 in very angelic names, historically speaking, those of these players.
36:35 And without a doubt, the answer is Troy Gloss.
36:39 And it is that Troy Gloss had those two campaigns of 40 or more quadrangles in 2000, which in the year gave 47,
36:46 not only were 47 quadrangles, but he was the leader of the American League, in addition to being registered for the Los Angeles Angels franchise.
36:53 And the following year he connected 41 quadrangles in a row.
36:59 Troy Gloss, a player who played the third quadrangle between '98 and 2004, was with the organization.
37:07 He was a bronze medalist in the Atlanta Olympic Games in '96 with the United States team.
37:14 He was the most valuable in the 2002 World Series in that series.
37:19 And in the playoffs he was also a very opportune man.
37:23 He averaged 347 with 9 quadrangles and 6 promoted careers.
37:28 So Troy Gloss has that figure.
37:30 There were many people who could think of Tim Salmon.
37:33 Well, Tim Salmon played his entire career with the Los Angeles team and gave 299 quadrangles.
37:39 He was one of the 300 with this organization. He was the leader of this team and this franchise for a long time.
37:46 But then a man named Mike Trout came along who would come to move him.
37:50 And Gene Ammons, beyond Vladimir Guerrero, who we all know, hall of fame, the Dominican footballer,
37:55 a great hitter of bad pitches, capable of making pitches on the ground swing, an extraordinary capacity, strength, also the contact.
38:04 Player who also marked an era and a time and one of the most important Latinos.
38:10 That's why he's in the hall of fame.
38:12 Well, Gene Ammons, the other one on the list, many will remember him, especially for his great defensive ability.
38:19 He won 8 gold gloves.
38:21 Beyond his impact with the Angelina, perhaps many remember Gene Ammons with the Cardinals of San Luis,
38:28 where he ended up being a fundamental player after his passage to this organization.
38:34 But very interesting names and that contributed, that gave a lot to that organization.
38:39 But the answer is Troy Gloss, two consecutive campaigns of 40 or more quadrangles.
38:44 And in this way we come to the end of "Entre Líneas".
38:48 Today with very interesting things that we review throughout the last minutes.
38:53 From the entire production team, from the hand of Sergio Gómez in the direction, editing, from José Gabriel Salas in the production,
39:00 Pedro Ricardo Mayo says goodbye, making the kit for Fernando Arrias these next few days.
39:06 So, once again, thank you. We will meet again in a next installment of "Entre Líneas".
39:11 [Music]