12 Scary Animal Encounters That Went Terribly Wrong

  • last year
00:00 Are you ready to be shocked beyond belief?
00:05 These 12 scary animal encounters will prove to you that nature isn't all that safe.
00:11 Number 12.
00:13 If you thought elephants weren't capable of harming humans, you might want to think
00:17 about that one again.
00:19 Posted in December of 2013, this scary clip initiates with a gigantic elephant making
00:25 its way towards a number of cars on the road.
00:39 As the cars begin to slowly pass the elephant, it quietly moves away from the traffic.
00:44 However, the last jeep driving away seems to infuriate the animal.
00:59 The elephant appears to charge at the car out of nowhere while letting out a trumpet,
01:04 causing the car and its passengers to roll over.
01:07 Unfortunately, this is also where the video ends, and no one knows how things played out.
01:13 I honestly hope I never have to experience something like that in my life.
01:18 Number 11.
01:19 Sharks do not hunt humans regularly, but human presence can tickle their curiosity,
01:26 leading to dangerous situations.
01:29 Posted on July of 2014, this chilling video starts off with an underwater view of the
01:35 sea where a diver is seen wandering around the reefs.
01:47 After exploring the bed of the sea for quite a few minutes, the boy immediately finds himself
01:52 in imminent danger as a hungry shark approaches him.
02:04 Fortunately, the predator is swayed by the presence of the shark gun pointed directly
02:12 at it, saving the boy's life.
02:14 In the end, the diver appears safe, with no sign of the shark in sight.
02:19 What would you have done if you were in this situation?
02:23 Number 10.
02:24 If you thought a single bear was a dangerous sight, how about hundreds of them?
02:29 Published in November of 2017, this recording picks up with a man entering a national park
02:35 in his car in search of some good footage for his YouTube video.
02:46 A few minutes in, the man slows down as a black bear is seen wandering right up to the
02:55 front of the car without a care in the world.
03:08 However to the man's surprise, he eventually comes across an area of the park where hundreds
03:14 upon hundreds of black bears are walking around.
03:28 The man carefully maneuvers his car away from the area and appears safe as the video approaches
03:34 its end.
03:35 Would you ever want to go exploring this park?
03:39 Number 9.
03:40 Are polar bears friendly?
03:42 Can we feed them by hand?
03:44 Well, Russians sure can.
03:46 Published in January of 2020, this clip initiates with a white polar bear eating a biscuit right
03:52 out of the hands of a man in Russia.
04:05 After his first cookie, the man proceeds to feed the wild animal a second cookie out of
04:10 his hands.
04:11 Immediately followed by a third one.
04:23 A few moments in, a bun is offered to the bear by the man, which the beast happily devours
04:29 in seconds.
04:40 The man continues to offer food to the white bear with no danger posed to his life and
04:45 the video approaches its end.
04:48 This could have ended differently if the polar bear wasn't feeling friendly.
04:54 Number 8.
04:56 Snakes may appear dangerous to most people, but as this video shows, Floridians don't
05:02 seem to care too much.
05:03 Posted in June of 2013, this shocking video initiates with a man about to fish inside
05:09 of a sewage opening in Florida.
05:11 A few minutes in, the man can be seen fully immersed in the hole in search of a supposed
05:17 snake that he had been locating for a few minutes now.
05:31 Eventually the man surprises everyone by pulling out an absolutely massive snake.
05:37 More than 25 feet in length.
05:49 The group lays the snake flat on the road and are later seen photographing themselves
05:54 while holding the beast in their hands.
06:07 After showing off their accomplishment for quite a while, they eventually decide to move
06:11 on with their video completely.
06:13 I wonder what went through his head after he set off on his chase for a snake.
06:19 Number 7.
06:20 If meeting a bear out in the wild sounds like a crazy circumstance, imagine one walking
06:26 right into your house.
06:29 Published in July of 2017, this chilling clip begins with a fully grown black bear making
06:35 its way downstairs to a kitchen inside a house.
06:49 The bear immediately proceeds to open the fridge door and begins wandering around the
06:53 kitchen in search of food.
07:05 The next few moments are spent by the bear completely navigating the kitchen in hopes
07:10 of finding itself a tasty late night snack.
07:13 What would you do if you saw a bear in your kitchen in the middle of the night?
07:19 Number 6.
07:20 A shark and rough sea waters don't always go very well together and this clip just proves
07:26 it even more.
07:27 Published in June of 2013, this scary video initiates with two kayaks barely staying afloat
07:35 on rough waters at sea.
07:37 Moments later, the fin of a hammerhead shark is visible, swimming right across the kayaks
07:43 in order to intimidate them.
07:55 The next few moments show the shark continuing to circle the men as their boats maintain
08:00 their stability on the water's surface.
08:13 By the end, however, everyone appears safe as the predator seems to have swum away.
08:18 I might never understand people who go kayaking in shark-infested waters.
08:24 Number 5.
08:26 Rhinos are highly dangerous animals and seeing one up close can be quite intimidating.
08:32 Posted in June of 2014, this recording starts off with a view of a massive male rhino calmly
08:39 approaching a tour guide seated in a jeep.
08:52 The rhino continues to move closer, albeit very slowly, and does not appear to show any
08:58 signs of aggression just yet.
09:10 After several moments of engaging the human, the beast decides to turn around and make
09:15 a run in the opposite direction.
09:17 How brave do you have to be to stay face to face with a rhino like that?
09:23 Number 4.
09:24 People usually tend to avoid encountering mountain lions, but this man went out of his
09:30 way to hunt one with his dogs.
09:32 Published in July of 2016, this clip starts off with a man setting off alongside his hunting
09:38 dogs in a mountainous region in search of a cougar.
09:52 The trail dogs can be seen tracking the path in the snowy terrain, but to no avail for
09:57 quite a few minutes.
09:59 It wasn't too long after this that the camera was finally able to spot a mountain lion,
10:04 calmly seated in a tree, accompanied by the dogs signaling its presence.
10:19 The predator is spotted and remains unharmed by the hunters, as the video eventually comes
10:24 to an end.
10:25 I don't know about you, but I would never go out of my way to chase a cougar.
10:32 Number 3.
10:34 Sometimes we need a completely new perspective to understand the sheer massiveness of elephants.
10:41 Posted in February of 2019, this video starts off with a view of a gigantic elephant some
10:47 distance away from a couple.
10:59 For the following minutes, the frightened couple continues to film the animal as it
11:03 appears at multiple different areas of their camp.
11:16 The elephant continues to wander around, but does not pose any danger to the humans.
11:21 I know I'd be terrified seeing an elephant that close to me.
11:27 Number 2.
11:29 Tigers are highly ferocious animals and do not take lightly aggressive actions by humans.
11:35 Published in April of 2018, this terrifying clip initiates by showing a tiger in the distance
11:41 as it strolls within the woods towards the main road.
11:55 A few minutes in though, the predator decides to take back control of its territory by chasing
12:01 the poor tourists away.
12:13 By the end, the jeep has fully left the scenario with the tiger in the distance still staring
12:19 at the visitors.
12:20 What do you think would have happened if that tiger got to them?
12:25 Number 1.
12:26 If hippos did not appear like aggressive animals to you before, they sure will after this video.
12:33 Published more than four years ago, this video initiates with the inside of a boat as a family
12:38 is seen cruising the river while chatting with each other.
12:50 As minutes go by, absolutely nothing happens and there is no sign of danger in sight.
12:56 However, as the video is about to approach its end, a gigantic black hippo comes out
13:01 of nowhere and does this.
13:06 Fortunately, the boat is able to speed away before the beast could inflict any damage.
13:19 Still think hippos are harmless and cuddly creatures?
13:23 Thanks for watching until the end.
13:25 Check out these other videos you might also like!
