Migrant MLA said no opposition to the party

  • last year
Migrant MLA said no opposition to the party


00:00 I have been in the middle of this for 8 days, since 20th. I have been able to visit different places and places.
00:13 I can say that the way the people of the state, the people of the state, the people of the state, and the people of the state are reaching out to the people, it can be said that the air force of the people of the state is being held in the Meena Vidhan Sabha.
00:40 If we look at these events, you must have seen and you must have also contributed to the events.
00:48 Through the mandalkar committees, all the leaders, leaders, members of our people, our members of the party, our workers, we got the opportunity to do one-to-one with everyone.
01:04 And we also got the opportunity to go to various places, all the mathas, temples, all the centers of worship, doing all these activities, we got the opportunity to talk to you on the last day.
01:17 You all know that...
