The Pass - Official Trailer - Available on DVD and Digital Download Now

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The Pass - Official Trailer - Available on DVD and Digital Download Now
00:03 Ah!
00:04 Oh, oh, oh!
00:06 We've been at this academy since we were eight.
00:08 Uh, seven.
00:10 You know them girls hanging in the lobby?
00:12 Yeah.
00:13 One of them look like your sister.
00:14 Shut up!
00:15 This is the champions league, man.
00:17 We made it.
00:18 What's that?
00:19 It's my celebration.
00:20 Well, it looks like you got a bit of dirt in your eye.
00:22 10 years from now, all the little kids
00:23 are going to be doing that.
00:26 Oi.
00:29 Jason!
00:30 Jason!
00:31 Jason!
00:32 Oh.
00:33 I'm just shocked, you.
00:34 Does that happen a lot?
00:35 Getting the hassle of the paparazzi?
00:38 Normally, they're all right.
00:39 It's all fun and games.
00:41 Yeah.
00:42 You've got to take chances where they come,
00:44 because life ain't fair.
00:45 And when it comes to it, they don't have information.
00:51 [KNOCKING]
00:53 Good to see you, man.
00:57 You haven't changed, have you?
00:58 What, it's been eight, nine years?
01:00 Ten.
01:01 That room in Romania, do you remember?
01:04 They can't keep us both on.
01:06 There is a window.
01:07 I can see it closing.
01:08 If I'm in a better position, will you pass me the ball?
01:12 My mind wasn't in the right place.
01:14 Why was your mind in the right place?
01:16 You know why.
01:17 I inspire devotion.
01:23 Will you take a picky for us?
01:25 Oh, you wouldn't put that online, would you?
01:28 The whole world is full of people pretending to be someone they're not.
01:32 You are in the presence of some special one.
01:35 How expectable is the word?
01:37 What are you thinking about?
01:39 It is amazing.
01:40 When was the last time you had a proper blowout, like the old days?
01:47 [LAUGHTER]
01:50 Daddy, you need me.
01:51 You want me to stay.
01:53 The last thing I'll remember of any value.
02:05 (upbeat music)
