Harry très heureux sans Meghan lors de son voyage au Japon  ces signes qui ne trompent pas

  • last year
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Harry très heureux sans Meghan lors de son voyage au Japon : ces signes qui ne trompent pas

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00:00 Prince Harry is currently on a trip to Asia without his wife Meghan Markle.
00:16 While rumors are spreading about a possible trouble within the royal couple, some signs
00:21 show that the Duke of Sussex is enjoying his solo trip.
00:24 Is there water in the gas between Harry and Meghan Markle?
00:31 It's been a while since rumors have been circulating around possible tensions within
00:35 the royal couple, which has not ceased to be under the fire of criticism since the beginning
00:39 of the year.
00:40 Indeed, the release of the autobiography book of Prince Harry, The Supplant, has caused
00:48 a real tidal wave within the royal family.
00:51 As a result, the tensions already present between the Windsor have only intensified.
00:58 In addition, the Sussex spouses have faced the suspension of their contract with the
01:04 streaming platform Spotify as well as the end of Archetype, Meghan Markle's podcast.
01:10 In this one, she interviewed Serena Williams, Paris Hilton or Maria Carey.
01:20 A Prince Harry far from the pressure it would seem that all these events are weighed in
01:27 the balance and little by little carry a blow to the agreement within the couple.
01:32 While Meghan Markle has decided to go solo for Los Angeles, where she settled
01:39 alone in a large hotel, it is now up to Harry to move away from his wife while flying
01:45 for Japan.
01:46 According to Darren Stanton, a body language expert interviewed by the Mirror, Prince
01:54 Harry would have made some gestures that translated absolute joy during his trip without Meghan
02:01 Markle.
02:02 This Wednesday, August 9, the Duke of Sussex was in Tokyo, where he had to speak in front
02:08 of a panel at a sports summit.
02:10 While he was on stage, he appeared very smiling and seemed to enjoy every minute.
02:17 Always according to the specialist, we could see Harry smiling and laughing, which proves
02:26 that he was feeling absolute joy at that moment.
02:28 His mouth was open and his eyes were very big, which represents the pinnacle of happiness.
02:35 He was having fun and felt comfortable without any pressure or drama.
02:42 He really enjoyed being in this environment.
02:47 Far from the eyes, far from the body.
03:13 He was very happy.
03:28 He was very happy.
03:46 ♪ Tonight ♪
