VIDEO "Je suis désolé..." : Jarry craque pour sa première dans Tout le monde veut prendre sa place

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VIDEO "Je suis désolé..." : Jarry craque pour sa première dans Tout le monde veut prendre sa place

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00:00 [typing]
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00:02 [typing]
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00:06 [typing]
00:08 [speaking in French]
00:10 [music]
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00:24 He then had the right to a few surprises.
00:27 Very moved, he ended up shedding tears.
00:32 While Lawrence Boccolini has decided to give up "The Queens of the World" wants to take his place after only two seasons,
00:39 If Yestigiri who was chosen to recover them.
00:42 A natural choice for France 2 who already trusted him to animate the Big Show since 2022.
00:54 The animator was then able to start this new adventure in July, by booking a first number room.
01:00 His arrival on the air was expected this August 5, 2023,
01:06 even if the day before he made an appearance in advance to make up for the absence of "Farewell" by Lawrence Boccolini.
01:12 A great premiere on a very special date, a date that coincided with that of his birthday.
01:21 Because if Yesti well this Saturday that Jari celebrates his 46 years.
01:25 And for the occasion, the production of the game had reserved him some surprises,
01:33 namely a beautiful cake that he certainly had the pleasure of tasting after the shooting
01:38 but also video messages from his friends on the small screen.
01:44 There was first Cyril Ferro, then Leila Kadour and finally, Michel Drucker.
01:50 Always in convalescence since he had his heart surgery for the second time in three years.
01:58 The bridge of the 80-year-old television industry has appeared in great shape to wish a happy birthday to his comrade.
02:08 Hello Jari. Happy birthday, good premiere. Two good news at the same time.
02:14 Don't worry, people love you a lot, I know you love them too,
02:21 you have the taste of others and so Yesti is essential in our job.
02:25 The best is yet to come.
02:29 "Friendship", he addressed him from his house in Provence where the goats were in full concert.
02:37 Words that deeply moved Jari, which almost cracked on the set of "Everyone wants to take his place".
02:44 I'm sorry. I am very touched by this great gentleman on TV.
02:51 I kiss you very hard Michel, we spent three great years together and you know I love you.
03:01 Thank you and I take it as a blessing, really, he reacted, wiping away the tears that were about to fall on his face.
03:10 "Friendship"
03:16 "Friendship"
03:22 "Friendship"
03:27 "Friendship"
03:36 "Friendship"
03:46 "Friendship"
03:51 "Friendship"
