35 Tragic Encounter A Hyena's Struggle Against Nature's Ruthless Predator Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 Hyenas, animals full of recklessness and greed,
00:07 always deliver dramatic moments.
00:09 They are fearsome hunters in Africa,
00:11 second only to lions in danger.
00:13 (bell dings)
00:19 Today, we will enjoy 35 moments of hyenas
00:21 struggling against nature's ruthless predator.
00:24 (dramatic music)
00:26 The wild world is also a place where the lives of hyenas
00:34 sometimes face dangers.
00:35 Right now, the poor hyena is facing the threat
00:38 of a pack of hungry wild dogs.
00:40 (dramatic music)
00:53 In this tense situation,
00:54 the hyena bravely jumped into the water hole
00:57 to avoid the aggression of the enemy.
00:59 A scene full of heartbreak
01:01 fills the viewer's heart with emotion.
01:03 (dramatic music)
01:06 The brutality of wild dogs
01:17 has not diminished their aggression.
01:19 The lonely hyena's body struggles with all five.
01:23 Hyenas, too weak to this aggression.
01:24 Although he succeeded in stealing food from a leopard,
01:35 worried eyes could not escape these hyenas.
01:38 With the rapid arrival of six adult wild dogs,
01:45 hyenas could not find a peaceful moment to enjoy lunch.
01:47 (dramatic music)
01:50 The tough match began with heartbreaking sounds
01:58 echoing from the wounds on the body.
02:01 The hyena suffered not one,
02:02 but many attacks from ferocious wild dogs.
02:05 The pack of wild dogs is brutal,
02:11 pursuing hyenas painstakingly searching,
02:14 combined with constant attacks.
02:15 (dramatic music)
02:18 The leading hyena is constantly attacking this young hyena,
02:29 no chance to survive.
02:31 Why is this happening?
02:33 The cruel scene when the poor hyena is bitten by a lion.
02:37 A cry of pain rings out.
02:39 (dramatic music)
02:41 Greed and recklessness will come at a cost,
02:49 but fortunately, the hyena was still able to save his life.
02:52 (dramatic music)
02:57 In late August, a female hyena was witnessed
03:03 limping near the water hole.
03:05 It's tough every step of the way.
03:07 With severely damaged elbows, cuts around the face,
03:10 no one can know exactly what the hyena went through.
03:12 Did lions or other hyenas inflict these painful wounds?
03:26 A small but frightening animal that hyenas are wary of,
03:35 honey badgers, who can attack savagely and fearlessly.
03:39 Top of the list of creatures
03:40 that almost no species dares to confront.
03:42 They always go in pairs.
03:49 They're famous for their aggressiveness and flexibility
03:52 and are not afraid of large predators.
03:54 Hyenas are frightened,
03:55 jumping back in front of their aggression.
03:57 Imagine a honey badger, solitary and looking for food,
04:04 threatened by troublemakers.
04:06 And if a honey badger is the size of a leopard,
04:11 how dangerous will the hyena face with this daring action?
04:14 The predator does not always win.
04:25 The natural world is always filled with intense fights
04:29 for a piece of food.
04:30 (upbeat music)
04:32 Hyenas successfully attack and steal food from wild dogs.
04:44 His joy did not last long as he was surrounded
04:47 by a pack of warlike wild dogs.
04:57 I don't know who will get the ultimate victory in this war.
05:00 Hyenas attack newborn baby antelopes.
05:12 The parent antelope does not succumb
05:20 and uses powerful horns to repel the attacker.
05:22 (upbeat music)
05:25 Hyenas chase wildebeest with incredible endurance,
05:40 not letting their prey get out of hand.
05:42 Hyenas run nonstop,
05:46 reaching speeds of up to 65 kilometers an hour.
05:50 (upbeat music)
05:52 In the end, the hyenas succeeded
05:56 in separating their prey from the herd,
05:58 but unfortunately today was not a lucky day to hunt.
06:00 The fight between wild dogs and hyenas at the waterhole.
06:11 The hyena was so daring that he tried to steal
06:18 the pack of wild dogs meal.
06:20 Their drastic action pushed the hyena into the water
06:30 and now it punches itself, unable to go ashore.
06:32 Remember that we are part of an ecosystem
06:48 and its health directly affects our lives.
06:50 Let's work together to protect nature,
07:10 where animals and us both exist.
07:12 (upbeat music)
07:15 We would like to thank you for watching all the videos
07:33 and welcoming newcomers to the Halo channel.
07:35 Please continue to follow our work
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07:41 Our team is dedicated and works hard,
07:43 even for at least 15 hours a day.
07:46 Do not hesitate to share and subscribe to our channel.
07:49 We sincerely thank you
07:51 and look forward to seeing you in the next videos.
07:53 (upbeat music)
07:56 (dramatic music)
07:59 (upbeat music)
