30 Moments Foolish Eagle Pay The Price When It Think Rooster Is A Weak Prey Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 If in the previous videos you have witnessed the top hunting of eagles, in this video we
00:08 will bring you the dramatic encounters of this king of the sky with the mother hen.
00:17 Do not miss a moment, follow us and find out why the eagle submits to the mother hen.
00:26 As the top assassins of the sky, if you think that no one can defeat them, then you are
00:32 wrong.
00:39 Powerful Attacks When a hen has chicks, she automatically becomes
00:46 a kung fu master.
00:53 The hen's maternal instinct does not allow the predator to touch her chicks.
01:02 Many times attack the prey, but the hunter received only painful defeats.
01:11 Looks like the illustrious Sky Lord has found a worthy opponent.
01:20 Under Constant Attack The ferocity of the mother hen scared the
01:31 hunter.
01:35 Surely you are no stranger to the lightning strike phase of the eagle.
01:45 Looks like the hunter's plan worked, but the hen's friends rushed in to help.
01:53 The rider had to run away to save his life.
02:01 Apparently this predator chose the wrong prey.
02:07 This is indeed an expensive lesson for the eagle.
02:11 Even if you are the king of the sky, you should know who can touch.
02:20 If you find this video useful, give us a like, share and subscribe.
02:27 Thanks!
02:29 Next is another thrilling eagle hunt.
02:36 This lost sheep became the target of death.
02:42 When faced with a hunter as strong as an eagle, this child's resistance was completely futile.
02:50 What bad will happen next?
02:54 First born, this desert sheep was deprived of the right to live.
03:06 Nature is cruel to small animals.
03:13 The grip of the eagle's large talons helps this bird hunt large prey such as mammals.
03:25 The eagle swooped down to attack and grabbed a mountain goat and dragged it away.
03:41 The mountain goats did not give up easily, but fiercely protested.
03:52 The animal quickly fled, leaving the predator still stunned when thrown from the cliff.
04:00 Possessing a dive with a speed of up to 240 km / h, almost no prey can escape its claws.
04:20 And that is also the hunting style that makes the eagle's name.
04:27 Eagles are one of the most delicate birds of prey on the planet.
04:37 In particular, they are extremely skilled fish hunters.
04:47 Can you guess how they will bring this big fish back to the nest?
04:58 When the fish comes to the surface, the eagle will spread its wings to increase its speed
05:02 and lose the fish's attention.
05:15 Then they will use sharp claws to hold their prey.
05:26 Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
05:37 Their claws are up to 10 cm long and very sharp.
05:49 Thanks to this fearsome weapon, they could easily grab a fish and carry it into the air.
05:58 Eagles are also known to be one of the most cunning snake hunters in the wild.
06:06 They really are a formidable predator when they can confidently face a venomous snake
06:10 like this.
06:21 The eagle continuously pecks at the snake's body.
06:30 He seems to be trying to irritate this cobra.
06:37 Are cobras really safe?
06:48 A large snake does not seem to easily surrender to fate.
06:59 Struggling to resist.
07:02 However, this predator does not let go of its prey easily.
07:15 The eagle strangles its prey.
07:17 Perhaps the great snake's hopes have been completely extinguished.
07:32 In order for the demoiselle cranes to reach their winter home in India, they must cross
07:37 the perilous Himalayas.
07:45 Not only the winds, eagles are also one of the threats to them.
07:53 Escape the touch of one, but the ill-fated crane was grabbed by another eagle.
08:01 Nature is cruel.
08:07 The dangers are not only from the ground, but also in the sky.
08:18 Fast as lightning, the predator rushes to lock the small prey.
08:29 The more the prey resists, the tighter the predator's sharp claws tighten.
08:38 The poor prey has died.
08:43 This cold-blooded killer is truly brutal and heartless.
08:50 Eagles are extremely aggressive birds, often attacking each other when competing for territory
08:56 or resources.
09:02 They use their excellent eyesight to find weak points in the opponent's body and attack
09:07 effectively.
09:15 This is truly a great air battle.
09:27 One of the eagle's favorite foods is the hare.
09:37 This rabbit can run at speeds of up to 64 km / h, but that is nothing compared to the
09:43 golden eagle's dive speed of more than 241 km / h.
09:58 For centuries, hawks have been used to hunt live prey such as rabbits.
10:09 With extraordinary agility, speed, and sharp eyesight, this bird of prey is the best bird
10:15 of prey.
10:23 An excellent acrobatic.
10:31 The quick reflexes of rabbits have helped them escape dangerous attacks from predators.
10:41 This wolf is trying to escape from the chase of the eagle.
10:48 Shortly thereafter, it was captured and taken away by the eagle.
11:02 Two eagles attacked a wolf.
11:14 The eagle started to hunt.
11:23 Its goal is a wolf.
11:30 Eagle can detect prey from 3 to 5 km.
11:39 The victim discovered the danger quickly flee.
11:46 But failed.
11:53 It was caught by the eagle.
12:00 The wolf tried to escape from the attack of the predators.
12:10 The eagle is enjoying the breakfast that he earns with the birds.
12:19 It was bothered by two wolves.
12:28 The battle for the right to pick up trash between them was just beginning.
12:40 The eagle has a body length of more than 1 meter and weighs 7 kg.
12:45 Wingspan up to 2 meters.
12:53 They use their claws to climb into the ill-fated prey.
13:02 Intense fighting power, prey does not surrender to fate.
13:16 Try to run away from death.
13:21 But the sharp claws of the predators are constantly clinging to.
13:30 There is no intention of letting go of prey.
13:44 Then drop the prey from the top of the mountain.
13:53 Make the victim no chance to survive.
14:05 They have a rather cruel murder.
14:13 Grab the victim.
14:21 After discovering the goal.
14:27 The eagle rushed to bring a mountain goat away.
14:38 The victim flee but still could not escape the attack of the eagle.
14:47 Both fell to the cliff.
14:58 Crowned eagle is a prey bird in the east and central South America.
15:06 This is a large meat-eating bird with a length of 73 to 79 cm, wingspan of 170 to 183 cm,
15:16 and an average weight of 2.95 kg.
15:26 Their main prey are mammals including tattoo, mansions, weasels, rodents, and monkeys.
15:38 They are the fear of monkeys.
15:46 Their unexpected attack makes the prey unable to return.
15:53 The immobile victim lies on the ground.
16:01 It seems when the assassin's hand fell, small monkeys could not survive.
16:09 Monkey often lives alone and they also have their enemies.
16:17 One of the most scary species is the eagle.
16:26 The predators with 7-inch long claws can easily squeeze a monkey.
16:36 The monkeys flee frantically.
16:47 An unfortunate monkey was taken away by the eagle and become food for them.
16:59 The food source of monkeys is ripe fruit.
17:07 Remote eagles observe prey.
17:15 The eagle possesses a 10 cm long swipe with a wingspan of more than 2 meters wide.
17:26 The ability to attack from the air is extremely formidable.
17:32 The monkey fled into the foliage to escape the attack of the predators.
17:41 Without just a little loophole, he will become a prey for the eagle.
17:48 The eagle needs too much physical strength to forgive the prey to the nest.
17:56 The ill-fated monkey became food for them.
18:04 Like their brothers, the golden eagle uses the agility and speed of combined with extremely
18:09 powerful claws to grab the prey.
18:15 The sharp eyes, they can see the prey at a distance.
18:23 A young fox is bullying a crow.
18:30 But he did not know that, now, I also became the good bait of others.
18:43 Consecutive prey suffered critical attacks from the eagle.
18:55 After many fighting, the ill-fated animal could not escape the claws of the predators.
19:04 The confrontation between the eagle and impala.
19:12 In the middle of the eagle mountains is the greatest predator.
19:21 With a sharp beak, it can tear the meat as a blade.
19:29 Strong and talented legs like a dagger can crush the victim's skull.
19:38 It started hunting.
19:46 Rabbits have caught the eye of the eagle.
19:55 The prey strives to flee.
20:03 But still not escaping the attack of the eagle.
20:16 This brown bear began to hunt.
20:19 It was attacked by eagle.
20:44 Snake
20:45 A beautiful predator in Africa, snake eating kite.
20:54 This bird has a height of up to 1.3 meters and a wingspan from 1.9 to 2.1 meters.
21:07 Strong and strong legs.
21:17 It can make critical kicks that make the opponent difficult to support.
21:26 Snake hunting eagles have met their meals.
21:33 Certainly it will not be difficult to defeat the animal.
21:42 He is just giving the snake more time to survive.
21:54 In another development, a hawk catches a snake.
22:07 Continuously holding your legs tightly.
22:21 The snake tries to struggle, but useless.
22:33 The victim was finally captured by the hawk.
22:45 People accidentally filmed a bird trying to swallow the snake after it fainted.
22:54 The bird swallows half of the snake and cannot swallow the rest because of being stuck.
23:07 The bird was tired and tried to take it out of the throat.
23:20 After a struggle, it finally pulled out the prey and slowly enjoyed his breakfast.
23:33 After hunting prey, the eagle uses its sharp talons to hold the snake.
23:45 Start enjoying the meal it earns.
23:54 Constantly biting and tearing the victim in pain and writhing.
24:06 Giant snakes looking for food.
24:14 It was held by the hawk with its claws.
24:24 The consecutive attacks made the giant snake painful.
24:32 The victim tries to be aggressive, but in this fight he is weaker.
24:44 The big snake is defeated.
24:53 Become the hawk's breakfast.
24:57 Finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the hawk from the first
25:05 videos until now, and we always welcome new viewers to the channel.
25:10 Follow the work that we do every day to send you the best videos.
25:14 These are two of our video editors, and here are two of our research and content writers.
25:20 We all work up to 12 hours a day to be able to upload two videos a day.
25:26 Don't hesitate to share the video with your friends.
25:29 Thanks again and see you in the next video.
25:31 Bye.
25:44 (upbeat music)
