30 Moments When Zebras Are Injured And Animal Fight For Their Lives

  • last year
00:00 Zebra broke its leg.
00:07 Weak young giraffes.
00:12 African savannas always hide dangers, and herbivores like zebras must face the brutal
00:18 attacks of many predators.
00:23 Let's join us in today's video.
00:30 Hyena vs Zebra
00:36 Let's revisit this moment together.
00:40 A zebra with a broken leg is trying to run away from five hungry hyenas.
00:53 It knows that if it doesn't fight and protect itself, it will become prey to these ruthless
00:58 killers.
01:04 Despite the pain in both hind legs, the zebra refuses to give up.
01:13 It tries to move on its front legs and uses its last bit of strength to fight off the
01:18 hungry hyenas.
01:24 Hopefully its efforts will be rewarded.
01:31 Bleeding wounds.
01:38 What happened to this poor zebra?
01:45 In the Maze Mara, zebras have escaped a herd of hungry hyenas.
01:55 Both of its hind legs were completely injured.
01:59 A piece of skin on its back is missing, exposing muscle tissue.
02:11 It must have been inflamed.
02:17 With such a terrible wound, what will happen to its future life?
02:27 Escape from the proud lion's chase.
02:35 Now this little zebra has to continue facing these even more ruthless and greedy killers.
02:50 Rhino vs Zebra
02:56 The little zebra is probably still reeling from the recent rhino attack.
03:06 Fights back.
03:13 Continuous kicks.
03:20 It's definitely not a match for this giant.
03:29 Lion vs Zebra
03:38 Zebras are a favorite prey for many carnivorous animals, including lions.
03:48 In the southern Serengeti of Tanzania, thousands of grazing animals gather here.
03:58 It's an excellent opportunity for lions to choose their prey freely.
04:08 The presence of a young zebra has caught the attention of the predator, who quickly approaches
04:13 and attacks the potential prey.
04:21 The young one is dazed from the recent attack.
04:31 A lioness is attempting to approach a wandering zebra.
04:41 Easy pursuit.
04:47 In the end, the unlucky zebra couldn't escape death.
04:57 The zebra tries to control the pain, but it can't hide the agony and desperation in its eyes.
05:11 In the wild, if you neglect your surroundings, you may have to pay with your own life.
05:22 This curious young zebra wanders away from the herd without knowing that danger lurks
05:27 in the grass and is only waiting for it to come closer.
05:38 Quickly six lionesses rush out and bring down their prey.
05:47 The young zebra seems unable to resist the overwhelming force of the pack.
05:59 It is a great opportunity for the lioness to freely choose her prey.
06:09 Stalking.
06:16 Attack.
06:22 The unlucky zebra fell into the clutches of death.
06:30 The herd of zebras, seemingly frightened by this predator, watched as one of their zebras
06:36 was attacked.
06:42 With a strong will to live, the zebra tries not to be defeated.
06:52 All the effort paid off, and it saved its life.
07:04 Wild dog vs zebra.
07:10 Rarely do we see a pack of wild dogs in their natural habitat at Kruger National Park.
07:21 Chasing after an impala that is hidden in the water.
07:30 Three zebras seem to be trying to help the impala.
07:40 This time three zebras are facing a pack of aggressive wild dogs.
07:50 Bloodthirsty predators roam around, trying to bite the legs and belly of their prey.
08:01 For these wild dogs, attacking a zebra is not difficult.
08:11 The zebras know they have to stand firm and stick to each other.
08:20 Can the zebras escape danger from these aggressive hunters?
08:29 Without giving the wild dogs a chance to strike back, the zebras teamed up to counterattack
08:34 the predator.
08:41 Situation is reversed.
08:49 Predators turned into small dogs.
08:58 Down the step, a zebra has just been born.
09:06 It was a beautiful and sacred moment, but it didn't last long.
09:15 Sniffing the smell of food, the wild dogs rushed in to attack the foal.
09:26 Its frail mother was unable to protect her cubs, and the poor child was deprived of his
09:31 right to life shortly after birth.
09:40 Its body was dragged across the grasslands of Africa.
09:50 Not only wild horses, but also wildebeest are also favorites of wild dogs.
10:01 Constantly being hunted.
10:09 Can they escape these bloodthirsty predators?
10:17 Nature is harsh and cruel.
10:24 Crocodile vs Zebra
10:33 The dangers are not only on land, but also in the water.
10:42 The annual migration is indeed a matter of survival for the most adaptable.
10:49 Here, a wild horse was nearly trampled to death by a herd of aggressive wildebeest that
10:58 were eager to climb up the riverbank.
11:06 But thanks to his strong will, the zebra found another way, and despite being extremely exhausted,
11:12 tried to climb ashore.
11:20 In the end, it succeeded in reaching the shore safely.
11:31 Fierce battles always occur.
11:38 The killer crocodile lurks underwater and awaits fresh prey.
11:47 An unlucky zebra is dragged out into the water.
11:56 But he doesn't succumb to his fate, struggling against this cold-blooded predator.
12:04 Eventually, he manages to escape from the sharp teeth of the crocodile, but not without
12:11 losing his tail.
12:18 This is a significant loss for the zebra.
12:26 They will have to face new challenges and difficulties to overcome with a body that
12:30 has been damaged like this.
12:40 Crocodiles and rough waters are challenges that Mother Nature wants these animals to
12:45 overcome.
12:51 It's a joyous moment when a mother and her young survive such adversity.
13:05 These rivers seem peaceful, but are hiding places of a fearsome killer, the crocodile.
13:14 However, to reach the new land, these animals have to cross the river.
13:26 The zebra gets stuck in the crocodile's jaws and gets stuck in the water for hours
13:32 with a low survival rate.
13:39 It seemed that the life of the zebra would soon end, but what happened next was really
13:44 unexpected.
13:51 The hippo seems to be very displeased with the cold-blooded killer's behavior, and it
13:55 rushes to threaten the predator.
14:03 It is not clear why this aggressive giant acted like that, but its actions indirectly
14:08 help the zebra narrowly escape death.
14:17 Zebras are identified by their distinctive black and white stripes.
14:27 Their stripes have different symbols, which are unique to each individual.
14:39 This animal usually lives in herds.
14:48 They occur in a variety of habitats, such as grasslands, open forests, thorn bushes,
14:55 mountains, and coastal hills.
15:10 There are too many dangers lurking in front of these poor animals.
15:19 Apart from the crocodile, not sure it is safe.
15:27 New land, new predators many times more fearsome than cold-blooded assassins.
15:41 Are zebras still lucky?
15:49 Nature has an immutable law.
16:04 The strong have the right to live, the weak will have to die.
16:22 One minute of carelessness.
16:32 The baby zebra almost gave its life to the big cat.
16:46 No one can hurt you unless you allow it to happen.
17:00 Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
17:12 Lions are really strong cats.
17:21 Walk slowly.
17:30 As the head of the kingdom, they are free to choose the food they like.
17:43 Pregnant zebra is the ideal choice because of its heavy body, poor tolerance.
17:55 The predator locks the victim's neck.
18:04 The poor animal tries to fight the bloodthirsty man to save his life and the unborn child.
18:12 I really hope her kind will come back and rescue her.
18:26 Beautiful and sacred nature moments like these won't last long.
18:33 America's top predator is stalking their children.
18:45 Its sharp fangs grip small prey.
18:53 Brave mother scares away predators, but it doesn't frighten stubborn predators.
19:05 It's sad to see the mother's helplessness.
19:15 Not only do hyenas steal prey from lions or leopards, they can also hunt their own prey.
19:28 It was amazing to witness the speed of this predator.
19:36 The ambition of them is really great.
19:44 This tribe of hyenas takes their time to tire the zebras and divide them.
19:52 The weak will be swept away by death.
20:04 In this world, zebras face many dangers.
20:11 Crocodile is one of them.
20:19 Biting on the foot of the prey, the crocodile does not let the prey easily escape.
20:30 The zebra tries to suppress the pain.
20:33 It tries to take its life.
20:38 Never give up, this animal gave us great hope.
20:49 Freedom comes to those who always try their best.
21:05 Mammals had to go through the scariest moments of their lives.
21:14 But they can't stop.
21:26 Zebras are like true warriors and they deserve to be alive.
21:38 The unlucky zebra fell into the clutches of a predator.
21:46 The hind legs are locked.
21:53 His chances of escaping were really slim.
22:02 Other zebras arrived, but they didn't seem to have the courage to help him.
22:14 How will he save himself?
22:30 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
22:34 What other animal would you like to learn about?
22:37 Let us know what you think.
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22:47 Wish you a good day.
22:48 See you again.
