30 Scary Moments When Big Cats and Wild Animals Get Injured

  • last year
00:00 [music]
00:02 Some last steps.
00:04 [music]
00:07 There are a lot of facial wounds.
00:10 [music]
00:14 And many other tragic images are waiting for you to discover.
00:18 So now, please stay tuned and join the Hawk
00:21 in 30 Scary Moments When Big Cats and Wild Animals Get Injured.
00:27 [music]
00:30 Wandering on the trail.
00:32 [music]
00:36 This lion looks very majestic and muscular, right?
00:40 [music]
00:44 But no one knew it had just run away from the fight.
00:47 The long scratch on its buttocks was proof of a big combat.
00:51 [music]
00:55 Lying down to rest.
00:57 [music]
00:59 This lioness had been surrounded by hyenas before.
01:02 With large numbers, running away might be the best method for it.
01:07 [music]
01:11 But the hyenas have also chased here.
01:14 The chance of survival for the lioness is extremely low.
01:18 [music]
01:22 Tried to get up but couldn't. The deer's leg was broken.
01:26 [music]
01:31 As we all know, deer are very easy to hurt themselves after wrong jumps.
01:36 [music]
01:39 Scary.
01:41 [music]
01:44 There were two deer looking for food.
01:46 One of them had a pretty big problem.
01:49 [music]
01:54 A large tumor appeared behind the left deer.
01:57 [music]
02:00 It looked like it was hanging like a ball.
02:03 It is obvious that it will certainly be difficult to live with this tumor.
02:07 Do you agree?
02:09 [music]
02:17 Lion is hunting.
02:19 [music]
02:25 A healthy baby antelope is trying to escape from death.
02:29 [music]
02:35 But...
02:37 Later, it discovered the problem on its hind legs.
02:41 [music]
02:44 It went lame.
02:46 [music]
02:50 This Bengal tiger is walking, but its steps are unnatural, and its body seems thin.
02:56 [music]
03:00 Its spine was injured.
03:02 That's right. That greatly affected both legs when moving.
03:06 [music]
03:14 During the fight with the zebra, this young lion was injured.
03:18 [music]
03:20 Its face was distorted and was severely bleeding.
03:24 [music]
03:30 We can see that its lower lip was also abnormally swollen.
03:34 I think most likely it was kicked in the mouth by that zebra.
03:38 Poor little lion.
03:40 [music]
03:44 Some last steps.
03:46 [music]
03:50 With a severely injured leg.
03:52 [music]
03:56 Its bone were broken, and a lot of broken bones with repeated stab wounds to the skin.
04:02 [music]
04:07 The lord of the jungle chooses a secret place to end its life.
04:11 [music]
04:15 An injured child.
04:17 This little lion was paralyzed in his hind legs, but because of this precious life,
04:22 it was trying to be strong enough to overcome all of these pains.
04:27 [music]
04:32 Even with difficulty, it was constantly moving on two legs to follow its mother and brothers.
04:38 [music]
04:43 The fierce nature was so cruel to this poor child.
04:47 [music]
04:54 This buttocks is bobbing around.
04:56 [music]
04:59 We can see this baby cheetah has a sore leg.
05:02 It has difficulty moving along with its mother.
05:05 [music]
05:09 They are cheetahs from Sambura, Kenya.
05:12 [music]
05:19 The horn was broken.
05:21 [music]
05:24 The impala's horn, which represents the pride of the males,
05:28 had just been broken by a rival of its own kind,
05:31 and it lost to its opponent in this combat.
05:34 [music]
05:40 The strong lion rushes to its prey, as if it wants to win immediately.
05:46 [music]
05:48 The horn was stuck in the lion's jaw, causing it to run away in pain.
05:52 [music]
05:55 This old lion is wandering, looking for a place to hide.
05:59 [music]
06:01 A fatal mistake just happened one hour ago.
06:05 [music]
06:08 It was going to hunt, but because of being too old,
06:11 biting the prey caused its teeth to fall out.
06:14 [music]
06:21 The regret of the prey accompanied by the pain of losing teeth
06:24 makes the lion extremely sad.
06:27 [music]
06:32 What a pity.
06:34 [music]
06:39 Wounded in the neck.
06:41 [music]
06:43 The deer was a little difficult to move.
06:46 A hunter's arrow did not take its life.
06:49 [music]
06:52 This white-tailed buck has pain in its leg,
06:55 but it already knows how to combine the legs to make walking easier,
06:59 but still a little bit limp.
07:02 [music]
07:11 A wounded veteran takes the last steps of its life.
07:14 [music]
07:18 Aging will bring an end to a glorious age.
07:21 [music]
07:26 It's the lion king.
07:28 [music]
07:30 This mother has only two legs left to survive and raise its child.
07:34 [music]
07:38 And it skillfully stood up and walked on its two legs.
07:42 [music]
07:48 Three lions.
07:51 Roaming around their territory and relaxing,
07:54 one of them, a young lion, had a wound in its chest,
07:57 but has since healed.
07:59 [music]
08:04 Follow the herd foraging.
08:06 [music]
08:08 The deer with a broken leg was still trying to move when a car appeared.
08:13 [music]
08:15 A foot hit on the rock broke its joint.
08:18 [music]
08:21 Lame steps.
08:23 [music]
08:25 The white-tailed deer was injured after jumping over a fence from a people's house.
08:30 [music]
08:35 Wounds all over the neck and chest.
08:38 [music]
08:42 The horn was also broken.
08:44 [music]
08:49 This buck was not at all alert to the cameraman.
08:53 It was even exposed at very close range.
08:56 [music]
09:01 It just wants to rest, but hyenas do not want that.
09:05 They use every opportunity to attack the lion.
09:08 [music]
09:15 In nature, lions very rarely eat hyenas,
09:18 but hyenas, on the contrary, do not miss anything.
09:22 [music]
09:29 In Banerjara National Park, Bangalore, a huge tiger was injured.
09:34 [music]
09:37 These steps are lame on the sore leg.
09:40 [music]
09:46 In Kruger National Park, a once majestic lion king is now experiencing such harsh moments.
09:53 [music]
09:55 Some final steps.
09:57 [music]
10:02 It then slept forever and never woke up.
10:05 [music]
10:12 A horrifying scene.
10:14 [music]
10:17 This lion has just been through a terrible and expendable fight.
10:22 [music]
10:27 The old lion lay down with an ugly appearance, looking like it was dead.
10:32 [music]
10:37 About 500 meters away,
10:40 [music]
10:43 it was the young lions that caused this mess.
10:46 [music]
10:53 One, two, three.
10:56 [music]
10:58 Oh, one horn fell from the moose's head, then the other two.
11:03 [music]
11:09 Emaciated bodies.
11:11 [music]
11:12 Hungry stomachs.
11:14 [music]
11:15 The lions looked lifeless, waiting to be eaten in the situation that the food source was running out,
11:21 and they were unable to hunt.
11:24 [music]
11:29 Do you think that they can make it through?
11:32 [music]
11:40 In the dim darkness, a fox appeared with an injured hind leg.
11:46 Immediately, the other fox took the opportunity to attack.
11:51 [music]
11:58 Thirst has defeated Waterbuck's will.
12:01 [music]
12:03 A second of loss of sight made the crocodile aggressively take advantage of the opportunity to hunt.
12:10 [music]
12:15 The crocodile attacked the stomach, but this brave Waterbuck did not give up.
12:21 [music]
12:26 After many unsuccessful attempts, the appearance of the hippopotamus made the crocodile give up its prey.
12:34 [music]
12:39 A giant black thing.
12:42 [music]
12:44 It's a black bear.
12:46 [music]
12:48 One of its legs had a serious problem before.
12:52 [music]
12:57 Losing a leg, the life of this black bear is affected a lot, from hunting to defending and finding a mate.
13:05 [music]
13:10 This leopard was badly injured after falling from the cliff to the valley.
13:15 Humans sought to help it, but seemed that it was very aggressive and ready to attack at any time.
13:22 [music]
13:27 Coyote's leg was seriously injured after the leopard attack.
13:33 Coyote approached the meal of the giant hunters without any permission.
13:38 [music]
13:44 The chaos is beginning.
13:47 [music]
13:50 Unidentified nomads have attacked the old lion's territory.
13:55 [music]
13:58 Those are young free lions. They have no territory and are looking for one to rule.
14:04 [music]
14:09 The power of all three combined was extremely formidable, so the old lion could not resist.
14:16 [music]
14:20 It seems that the old lion has a lot of respect from the wild elephant and the hippopotamus.
14:26 These two large animals have approached the fight to free the lion many times.
14:32 [music]
14:35 In the end, it had to lie down on the riverbank.
14:39 [music]
14:48 A ray of light glimmered in the darkness. It was the wounded fox's eyes. It was moving with its limp.
14:56 [music]
15:02 A goat with a swollen hind leg, a large tear that reached the bone and could cut the tendons, causing the leg to be completely paralyzed.
15:11 [music]
15:17 A difficult life ahead, right?
15:21 [music]
15:27 Broken foot.
15:29 [music]
15:32 This poor wildebeest can't even walk with three legs left.
15:36 [music]
15:40 The constant pain attacked its brain.
15:44 [music]
15:49 A snow leopard rests forever after a clash with a lion.
15:53 [music]
16:00 Unnatural steps.
16:02 [music]
16:04 This lion is having problems with its feet. Plus, being chased by a rhino makes the injury worse.
16:11 [music]
16:16 Rhinos are the craziest animal in Africa, so they often have gratuitous fights.
16:22 [music]
16:30 Appearing near a residential area, a deer injured its leg after a jump and landed unsafely.
16:37 [music]
16:43 The leg was broken and swollen.
16:47 [music]
16:52 Age is the invisible thing that kills kings of the wild.
16:58 That's what this lion is going through.
17:01 [music]
17:04 Old age, weakness, and also having to compete with young lions to regain territory make its survival time even shorter.
17:13 [music]
17:19 It lived and has fought for a long time.
17:23 [music]
17:30 And now it's time for this lion to rest.
17:33 [music]
17:42 With its one sore leg which is unable to fully land, the coyote is making menacing sounds when disturbed.
17:50 [music]
17:56 And this guy was bitten on the leg by a fellow during the fight for food.
18:01 [music]
18:08 I think that it may take some time to fully recover.
18:12 [music]
