Only Murders in the Building Season 3 REVIEW NO SPOILERS

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Only Murders in the Building Season 3 REVIEW NO SPOILERS


00:00 Only murders in the buildings season 2 finale was a thing of beauty
00:04 It was a genuine surprise for almost everyone
00:08 Hardcore fans of this show did some serious sleuthing that would make the show proud and had kind of gotten tipped off about Paul Rudd
00:16 But for the most of for most of us when he stepped out it was an incredible moment
00:20 Again a genuine surprise, and it was really evidence of the show
00:26 Leveling up that they could land someone like Paul Rudd for more than a small cameo and then when we found out that Meryl Streep
00:32 Was joining the show. Oh my goodness. It was it's incredible
00:36 I think all of us have been extremely excited for this third season
00:40 So imagine my disappointment to discover that it's a mixed bag. I'm gonna explain don't worry and with no spoilers
00:48 All right, so I got eight of the ten episodes in advance
00:51 They always do that because they don't want to give away who the who the killer is
00:55 So I got I got eight episodes and again in my my zeal for the show. I binged them
01:01 I watched them I think like in two to three days and that was a really bad idea
01:05 Some shows benefit from the weekly release
01:08 Strategy and only murders in the building. I have now discovered is one of them
01:14 I binged season two and that was glorious, but this show you need the week to week. I think I would have enjoyed it
01:20 Well, I think I don't know if I would have enjoyed it more, but I don't think it would have been such a drag
01:25 Because it would have given me a break between episodes to kind of get over the more annoying and frustrating
01:31 Aspects of season three. I know I know it's so disappointing but not to say there's not very good stuff here again
01:38 Allow me to explain
01:40 So as I said, this is a non-spoiler review and to the show's credit after eight episodes
01:45 I don't even have a guess as to who the killer or killers might be
01:50 Which is good, which is very good an episode 8 had such a great surprise. Let's say that's all I want to say about it
01:57 That it totally turned me around about the season like up until then I was like this season sucks
02:02 Like I really just was not having a good time anymore after a couple of good starter episodes
02:07 But then with this I was like the show is back and I'm very excited for the final two episodes
02:13 I will binge them as soon as I get them. I mean, I thought I mean I really got back into it
02:18 So obviously as I said, everyone is very excited about not just their favorite show returning or one of their favorites
02:25 But the Paul Rudd and Meryl Streep have joined the cast what a coup
02:29 It turns out that they're not in every episode unfortunately, but Meryl Streep does have a surprisingly large role, which which is great
02:37 Rudd though actually, I don't like his work on this show surprisingly because he's usually a great addition to anything
02:45 But here he comes across more as stunt casting and he just does not fit the vibe of this show
02:51 Maybe he has more of an LA vibe
02:53 Because this show is just so New York and he he just doesn't fit
02:57 Plus he's cast as a type of actor a stereotypical type of actor and I just don't believe Paul Rudd is that type of actor?
03:04 I mean no matter how good of an actor he might be
03:06 He just doesn't have the physical qualities of that of what he's playing
03:10 So it seems more like a joke than is that as organic as the rest of the show
03:15 He just did not work for me, which pains me to say because I'm such a Paul Rudd fan
03:20 But Meryl Streep, I mean she's Meryl Streep. She's of course
03:23 Incredible not only is she a perfect fit with the vibe of this show Wow
03:28 But while she has played of course so many different roles at this point famously
03:33 So I don't think I've ever seen her care play a character quite like this one
03:37 So it makes her performance not only incredible but very refreshing and she gets a song
03:43 I mean we all know Meryl Streep can sing
03:45 But this one's incredible
03:48 It's written by the Pasek and Paul and it's as good as their best work with Sarah Bareilles help helping out as well
03:55 It is a wonderful song beautifully sung by Streep
03:58 Like I don't really love musical theater as many of you know, particularly stories about musical theater
04:03 so when people started breaking out in a song during this season I was like, uh-oh and then when Meryl Streep was like now I'm
04:10 Going to sing a song and I was like no
04:12 But then when she started I was like hold up a minute
04:15 This is actually really good and I love the song so much that I'm gonna buy it when it becomes available
04:21 It was that good. It was as good as the greatest showman soundtrack and the big names don't stop there again
04:28 No spoilers, but clearly only murders in the building has arrived like the bear with its season with its season 2
04:33 You know, the bear has all these amazing guest stars
04:35 Well, there are some very impressive cameos sprinkled throughout season 3 that I was like, well, that's so cool that they got that person to come
04:43 Play so what are my problems with season 3 again without spoilers?
04:48 First off while for the first two seasons the show has been focused on a murder
04:54 Here season 3 is as much about if not more focused on this play that Oliver and Charles are working on
05:00 I mean, I guess it's nice to get out of the Arconia their apartment building
05:04 We're still there for a decent amount of time. Oh and it's fun to hang out at a theater particularly backstage, right?
05:11 there have been a lot of murder mysteries and
05:13 sleuth slew things going on behind backstage at the theater
05:17 So that kind of fits but season 3 should still feel overall like a murder mystery at heart
05:24 like a murder mystery first instead of wildly veering into a comedy about Broadway that for many episodes seems to leave murder totally
05:32 Behind and you know
05:33 It just it became something different than what I had signed on for and it's very hard to do that
05:38 Some movies and shows can flip the script, but I just don't think it's successfully done here
05:44 It also means that Selena Gomez is Mabel who has nothing to do with the theater is
05:50 Significantly sidelined which is a part of the plot, but it also means less screen time for Gomez
05:55 It's not like she gets to go and do something else and we follow her
05:57 She's in them and she's in the show a lot less and I think that really hurts this season
06:02 What's more I guess to shake things up Charles Oliver and Mabel end up fighting?
06:08 For a large chunk of season 3 and going their separate ways
06:11 So they're not together and Martin shorts Oliver gets the most screen time now. He does a fantastic job
06:18 I love what they do with Oliver this season
06:20 But I think people turn it tune in to only murders in the building for the trio
06:24 I certainly do so I was disappointed not to get them
06:28 furthermore Charles's new relationship with joy, which started at the end of the last season played by Andrea Martin is
06:34 Super annoying like wow, you are not rooting for them as a couple at all. It was like it was not good
06:40 It was a bad choice. I thought a lot of the humor this season was not just about annoying situations
06:45 But about our three leads being annoying themselves and very much out of character. These aren't annoying characters
06:51 So to see them act annoying was frustrating and Charles for instance
06:55 I felt was way too mean to Mabel in a couple of scenes
06:58 I felt he crossed the line and I never thought Charles would be that mean
07:02 What's not to say they they all still don't have great moments, right?
07:06 And I would say each episode there's at least one line
07:09 They got me to genuinely laugh out loud like really and I was I laughed out loud not only because the joke was funny
07:15 but extremely clever and
07:17 Surprising like out of left field. I was like
07:19 Either I look I was like I didn't see that coming or I can't believe you actually said that or it was super meta and
07:25 I thought that was hilarious
07:27 But that stuff was great
07:28 And while we've always focused on Charles's love life throughout the seasons Jane Lynch returns for some hilarious commentary on that always a treat
07:36 But this time Oliver and Mabel start to date and I liked this development
07:41 Their romantic choices are much better than Charles's and you really get to know them
07:45 I think from a different perspective and really round out their characters
07:48 So I like that quite a bit and that's all I'll say because I don't want to ruin anything on that
07:53 So yes
07:55 I struggled to get through season 3 and there were a few times that I felt that if I wasn't reviewing it
08:00 I maybe would have stopped watching it or at least taken a break which again is why I say
08:05 Maybe the week to week is good
08:07 There's one episode called like the white room or something where Charles has these like white outs instead of blackouts
08:13 That's all I'll say that was I think by far the worst episode. I hated that episode
08:18 That's what I think I maybe should have taken my break
08:20 But I'm very glad that I stuck with it because again after a week middle
08:24 It starts to really turn around in episode 8 and there are some great character moments comedic moments and fun cameos
08:31 Sprinkled throughout again weekly. I think you'll be glad you spent the 30 minutes or so
08:36 It wasn't journey
08:37 But now as I again as I said, I'm genuinely excited to see the last two episodes and they do have me guessing as to who
08:43 Done it
08:44 And as I said Meryl Streep's performance is a standout and this is a great season for Martin short who interestingly is
08:50 The only main cast member who got an Emmy nomination for season 2 and so with that in mind
08:56 it was interesting to see him be so front and center here and
08:58 Martin short and Selena Gomez kind of you know pulled away from a little bit which I think the show is gonna suffer for I think
09:05 People won't be disappointed particularly about Selena Gomez
09:09 And I'm buying that song. I can't wait to get that song
09:12 So that's my non spoiler review of only murders in the building season 3, which is right around the corner starting Tuesday
09:19 August 8th and again it airs weekly and don't binge it go with the weekly release strategy
09:26 This season in particular so share your own thoughts down below subscribe today
09:31 And of course as always you can check out some more videos right now
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