10 Unique Monkeys You Won't Believe Exist

  • last year


00:00 From South America to Africa and Asia, our genetic relatives leap through trees in many
00:04 different forms. Some of these unique varieties are known for their intellect,
00:08 while others are known for their golden fur. However, due to the vastness of our earth,
00:15 it is an unfortunate reality that you may never see every species of monkey. So today,
00:20 we'll be showing you some of them. From cultural identities to those who are simply a pretty sight,
00:24 these monkey species will make you go bananas.
00:29 Welcome to another episode of Forever Green. If you're interested in monkeys,
00:33 whether to see their abilities or to see their appearance, this list should hold a few entries
00:37 to your liking. Be sure to stick around for the number one species because it will leave you
00:41 amazed, and you may even find a new favorite. 15. Golden-headed lion tamarin
00:50 Coming in at number 15, we have the golden-headed lion tamarin.
00:57 These false gold-wearing creatures is located in Brazil and is recognized by its gold-rust-colored
01:02 mane, limbs, and tails. Despite being a small monkey weighing 1.3 pounds and being up to 1.1
01:11 feet tall on average, these kings of the jungle eat many types of vegetations,
01:15 as well as insects, spiders, frogs, lizards, and even small snakes.
01:24 The IUCN labeled the golden-headed tamarin as endangered in 1982.
01:28 This is due to the deforestation of Brazil's Atlantic Forest for farming,
01:33 ranching, mining, and development. They have persisted by living in some of the remaining
01:40 trees. However, further conservation efforts are underway to help improve its habitat,
01:45 namely by increasing national park size and increasing advocacy to help maintain its
01:51 population. 14. Brown woolly monkey
01:59 As the name suggests, these lovable fluffy monkeys are brown and woolly. Also called the
02:08 common woolly monkey, these furballs are found in the forests of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil.
02:16 They are similar to the previous entry size, averaging 1.3 to 2 feet tall and 12 to 24 pounds.
02:22 They are mainly forgiverous, meaning they eat fruit. However,
02:28 when food is scarce, they also consume leaves. Unfortunately, the brown woolly monkey is
02:34 currently classified as a species vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for
02:39 Conservation of Nature, or the IUCN for short. Due to predictive future pressure on its habitat
02:46 like deforestation, as well as lax hunting law enforcement. Fortunately, there are some
02:52 national parks as well as reserves that aim to protect these hairballs. And more people have
02:57 started noticing the lack of hunting protection. So thankfully, they are not in dire trouble yet.
03:04 13. Gee's golden langur
03:13 Coming in at number 13 are these creamy gold monkeys from India.
03:16 Recognized by their gold, silver cream, and rust coats that change with the seasons.
03:23 They have been considered sacred by many Himalayan for a long time.
03:28 While males and females both have the iconic rusty gold fur,
03:33 males tend to have white accents while females have silver accents.
03:39 These beautiful monkeys are currently endangered and its current population trend is decreasing.
03:44 Their total population is around 5,500 individuals
03:49 and 7% of its population is in reserves,
03:54 while the remaining 93% scatter themselves across the forest.
03:59 12. Francois Langur
04:09 At number 12, also known as the white-side-burned black langur,
04:13 the Francois Langur can be found in southwestern China to northeastern Vietnam.
04:19 They come in at 1.8 to 2.1 feet tall and weigh 12 to 13 pounds on average.
04:26 Infants are born with orange coats, which researchers suggest it may evoke parental
04:32 responses such as attention and protection from adults. These langurs have large salivary
04:39 glands that begin the digestion of leaf fibers and a sacculated stomach that contains two chambers.
04:46 The upper chamber has a normal pH that promotes bacterial growth that aids in leaf digestion.
04:53 The lower chamber is a relatively normal stomach pH that completes the breakdown of food.
05:00 Sadly, the population of these monkeys have been declining for some time now
05:05 and is currently listed as endangered by the IUCP. A large contributor to the declining
05:12 population is hunting done by locals to make medicinal wine from their bones.
05:16 After a failed conservation plan came and passed, a project is currently underway by
05:22 the Global Environmental Facility that aims to protect reserves containing these langurs.
05:26 Have these past four monkeys been interesting? If so, you're definitely going to like the number
05:34 one spot on our list if you stick around. 11. Vervet Monkey
05:41 For number 11 are Vervet Monkeys. These raccoon-esque creatures are native to Africa
05:49 and weigh in around 8.6 to 17.6 pounds while measuring 1.4 to 2 feet tall on average.
05:57 What makes this species interesting is their social patterns.
06:03 For example, mothers make lifelong bonds with their daughters.
06:06 Males move to neighboring groups when they become mature to find a mate and show other cognition.
06:13 Researchers have recorded aggression as well as spite towards enemies or competitors.
06:20 A trait not often seen in monkeys, let alone the animal kingdom.
06:26 However, they can also develop anxiety and abuse alcohol.
06:33 As of now, they are not listed as endangered. However,
06:36 human development continues to lead to the decrease of population.
06:39 And some locals even trap the monkeys or make them pets.
06:44 That said, many cities have implanted heavy fines for the capture of these shaggy fellas
06:50 to help protect them. 10. Golden Snub-nosed Monkey
07:00 I wish I were this colorful.
07:02 Golden Snub-nosed Monkeys are easily identified by their blue faces and gold-rust fur.
07:09 They are located in central and southwest China and endures harsh mountain conditions such as the
07:16 cold. Their coat is very long and thick, and they have long canines despite being herbivores.
07:25 Males of this average 1.9 to 2.2 feet tall and 36.2 pounds. These poor monkeys rightfully
07:33 have a blue face because they are currently endangered due to loss of habitat. Due to its
07:40 diet relying on specific materials, the harvesting of its habitat such as dead trees severely impacts
07:45 its food supply. They are found in many national parks and reserves and is banned from international
07:51 trade. Hopefully ensuring the survival of this interesting looking monkey.
07:57 9. Red-handed Tamarin
08:04 Also called the Golden-handed Tamarin, these Midas monkeys are found in wooded areas in Brazil,
08:14 Guana, French Guiana, and Suriname. Weighing 1 pound and measuring 11 in tall on average,
08:23 these mythic-looking creatures can be distinguished by their dark coats contrasted by their bright
08:27 gold or red fur. They are also amazing climbers, are quick and agile, and are known to be great
08:35 leapers. As an omnivore, they eat plants, insects, frogs, and lizards. As they have future pressures
08:46 on their habitat, they are okay for the time being, but action should be taken before they
08:50 lose their habitat like some of the other entries on this list. Before we move on, here's a quick
08:58 challenge for you. If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button,
09:03 and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
09:08 Hurry up and try it, it actually works!
09:10 8. East Javan Langer
09:15 Coming in at number 8 is the East Javan Langer, also known as the Ebony Latong.
09:22 These magnificent monkeys are very shaggy and have distinguishable sideburns.
09:30 They weigh 21 pounds and are 1.8 feet tall on average,
09:33 which means its incredibly long tail of 3.2 feet is longer than its body.
09:39 These monkeys are herbivores that eat leaves and fruits, but also eats insect larvae,
09:46 tastes like chicken. Due to its classification of vulnerable by the IUCN, there have been laws put
09:53 in place in Indonesia as well as protection in areas they inhabit to help ensure the safety
09:57 of these interesting creatures. 7. Howler Monkeys
10:05 Can you guess what this species is known for? They are famous for their very loud howls
10:14 that can be heard for 3.1 miles. They come in up to 15 different subspecies found throughout
10:23 South and Central American forests. They can be as tall as 1.8 to 3 feet and weigh 8.8 to 22 pounds,
10:31 and have very distinct faces with distinguished noses. Look at those snouts!
10:37 These monkeys are also the only folivores, or leaf-specialized eaters of New World monkeys.
10:44 They are seldomly aggressive and in history the Mayans saw them as divine patrons of scribes
10:50 and sculptors, and some tribes even considered them divinity.
10:55 Quick question, if you had a monkey paw, what three wishes would you make?
11:02 Tell us your answers in the comments. We'll wait. All done? Then let's continue.
11:06 6. Dusky Leaf Monkey
11:11 At number 6, these little pals are found in Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.
11:20 Also known as the Spectacled Leaf Monkey,
11:22 they come in any shade of brown, gray, or black and are 1.3 to 2 feet tall and weigh 11 to 19.8
11:31 pounds on average. Their diet mostly consists of leaves, shoots, and seedlings. Unfortunately,
11:40 it faces similar threats to its population like many of the other entries on our list.
11:44 Due to hunting as well as destruction of habitat, they are currently listed as
11:48 endangered with the IUCN. Unfortunately, it appears as though they are only protected
11:55 in national parks. 5. Spider Monkey
12:00 Found in the tropical forests from Mexico to Brazil, our number 5 spot are Spider Monkeys,
12:09 which are well known for essentially having a fifth hand, their tail.
12:12 Their varied tail and appendages aid them in navigating through the upper
12:18 layers in the rainforest canopy. Their diet consists of mostly fruit, but also leaves and
12:23 insects. They weigh 24 pounds and measure to be 3 to 5 feet tall, typically. They are also
12:32 considered the most intelligent of New World monkeys as they are able to display a large
12:36 variety of sounds in correspondence to certain situations. In Mayan art, they are shown everywhere
12:43 and are often shown carrying food such as cacaw pods. They are not currently endangered, however,
12:50 pressures such as habitat destruction and hunting by locals threatens their future population.
12:54 4. Cotton Top Tamarin
13:01 Coming in at a small size of 1.1 pounds and 0.7 feet, and number 4 on our list,
13:10 the Cotton Top Tamarins are easily recognized by its white crest of fur from its forehead to
13:15 its shoulders. They can be seen in tropical and secondary forests in northwestern Colombia,
13:21 and eat mostly fruit, insects, amphibians, and reptiles.
13:26 These monkeys are particularly interesting as they display cooperation, altruism, spite,
13:34 aggression, and their own lexicon. Young Tamarins respond to their parents' call and try to mimic
13:40 their call, eventually learning how to communicate with adult vocalization.
13:46 Two specific calls learned by researchers is noted as the "C" call, which indicates a Tamarin
13:54 approaching and sorting food, and a "D" call, which indicates food retrieval or consumption.
14:01 Despite how amazing these monkeys are, the Cotton Tops were listed as critically
14:05 endangered by the IUCN, and its wild population is estimated to only be around 6,000 individuals.
14:12 Forest clearing is the main reason for the decline in population.
14:17 While there are enough Tamarins in captivity to sustain the species in the event of wild
14:23 extinction, that does not excuse lack of care for these early linguists.
14:30 And the Proyecto-Titi, or Project Tamarin, aims to preserve its habitat,
14:34 and has partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Network to expand their efforts.
14:37 Number 3. King Colobus
14:43 Starting our top three is the King Colobus, also known as the Western Black and White Colobus.
14:52 These wonderful-looking monkeys hail from lowland and mountain rainforests
14:57 in an area from Senegal to the Ivory Coast in Western Africa.
15:01 Coming in at 2.2 feet and 21.8 pounds, these fluffy monkeys were named from the Greek word
15:08 "colobus," meaning "mutilated." They were given this name due to them having a stump where their
15:14 thumbs should be, looking as if they were cut off. They mostly eat leaves, but also eats fruit
15:20 and flowers. They are currently listed as endangered by the IUCN due to their habitat
15:26 being destroyed for farming and development, as well as hunting for their fur. Previous attempts
15:33 to maintain this species in captivity has failed, so focus has been on preventing further habitat
15:38 destruction. Number 2. Red-Shanked Duke
15:43 Coated in a beautiful red, our number two spot, the Red-Shanked Duke, is native to Indochina.
15:54 Long and slender, they average 2 feet tall and weigh 24 pounds,
15:57 and their long tail can be 22 to 30 inches long.
16:00 Due to their magnificent color and sleek appearance, they are considered queen of primates.
16:07 They sport a yellowish-orange face along with shades of silver and blue.
16:12 They mostly eat leaves with a lot of fibers, and similar to the Francois langur,
16:18 it has a stomach with chambers to better digest them.
16:23 Currently, the IUCN lists Red-Shanked Dukes as critically endangered,
16:27 and international trade is prohibited.
16:29 There is little known about the current population size, and the biggest threats
16:35 not being directly addressed are hunting and habitat destruction.
16:38 Before we get to our number one spot, here's an interesting species of monkey that looks
16:45 really weird, and that is Bald Ukari. The Bald Ukari is a very interesting-looking monkey.
16:53 Located in the Western Amazon, these furry creatures come in at 7.6 pounds and 1.5 feet
17:00 tall on average. Their diet consists of mostly seeds, but some fruit and insects.
17:05 The reason for their inclusion as a bonus is their unique face, which is caused by the lack
17:11 of pigmentation for its skin, allowing the color of the abundance of capillaries to show through.
17:18 These monkeys are currently listed as threatened by the IUCN due to deforestation,
17:23 and current focus is on defending the forest for illegal logging, mining, and deforestation.
17:30 Number 1. Japanese Macaque
17:34 Coming in at number one spot is the Japanese Macaque.
17:40 These thick-coated monkeys come from Japan and are known as snow monkeys.
17:48 These primates withstand the coldest climate out of any others, being able to live in temperatures
17:52 as low as -20 degrees Celsius or -4 Fahrenheit. And in the winter, they are notable for visiting
18:01 the hot springs in Nagano. They average 25 pounds and are 1.9 feet tall.
18:07 The reason these monkeys make the top of our list is because of their intelligence.
18:14 They have been observed to have specific coos that have different variants depending on the context
18:18 and the way it was emitted. One study recorded that after leaving sweet potatoes on a beach
18:24 for the Macaques, a female discovered them, then washed them in the river and then dipped
18:29 it into salty seawater, thus cleaning her food and making it taste better. After multiple
18:35 generations, this was passed on until all the oldest members of the troop had begun doing the
18:39 same. Some studies have even shown that Japanese Macaques can even develop their own accents,
18:46 as Macaques separated by a few hundred miles can have different pitches in their calls.
18:50 Due to their unique intelligence and anatomy, they have also been used in studies with
18:55 neuroscience as well as drug testing. These monkeys are also culturally relevant,
19:02 as they are ubiquitous in Japanese folklore.
19:06 Most notably, there was the legend of the Three Wise Monkeys, which warned people to "see no evil,
19:11 hear no evil, and speak no evil", which is now carved over the door of the Toshogu Shrine.
19:16 Their diet mostly consists of various fruits and vegetables that are present throughout the year,
19:23 and in winter, they mostly consume herbs and roots.
19:25 Due to the ever-increasing need of land development in Japan, the population of
19:32 the Japanese Macaque is beginning to feel the pressure of habitat destruction.
19:36 And those were the 15 of the most interesting monkey species. Which of these species have you
19:44 never seen? Which monkeys were you expecting to see on the list? Let us know in the comments below.
19:49 If you enjoyed this video, I'd be sure to check out the 10 cutest baby animals that will make you go
19:55 "Aww!"
20:07 [Music]
