15 Times Predators Messed With The Wrong Prey

  • last year


00:00 If you saw that your opponent was clearly stronger than you, would you continue the
00:03 fight to save face or quietly slink away?
00:06 In the animal kingdom, predator and prey regularly get into a headlock and rarely do the prey
00:11 survive.
00:12 The key word here is "rarely".
00:15 Sometimes the tables turn and the predator learns a lesson.
00:20 We all love an underdog triumphing and giving the big guy a taste of his own medicine.
00:26 Well today, we're going to take a look at 15 times predators messed with the wrong prey.
00:31 Welcome back to Forever Green.
00:33 Before we get into it, we've got a small quiz for you.
00:36 In a fight between a sloth and a harpy eagle, who do you think wins?
00:40 Think about it and stick around for the answer.
00:46 Number 15, Jaguar vs Caiman.
00:51 Caimans are the last animals you want to mess with.
00:54 These crocs native to the Amazon basin are known to attack humans unprovoked and have
00:59 the jaws to bite your limbs clean off.
01:03 But unfortunately for this caiman, the jaguar wasn't going down without a fight.
01:09 The jaguar ambushed the caiman and dragged the 8 foot reptile out of the water.
01:15 Suffice to say, this meal is going to last the jaguar a while.
01:23 Number 14, Orcas vs Tiger Shark.
01:29 It's anyone's guess who the predator here is and who the prey.
01:34 Both orcas, also called killer whales, and the tiger shark are two of the greatest predators
01:38 of the underwater world.
01:42 This moment captured between them really is a battle.
01:45 Three orcas were spotted ganging up on one tiger shark.
01:48 Now don't feel too bad because tiger sharks are responsible for their fair share of human
01:53 attacks.
01:54 Unfortunately, the tiger shark couldn't dominate in this fight.
02:00 We're not surprised.
02:01 If they're called killer whales, and there are three of them, you already know who's
02:05 winning.
02:06 They forced the shark to the surface of the water and flipped it onto its back, thereby
02:11 paralyzing it.
02:14 They then bit its fins off before making a meal of the shark.
02:20 Now tiger sharks are not what we would typically consider prey for obvious reasons.
02:26 But for this group of orcas, it certainly was.
02:31 Sometimes the tables are turned, and there have been reports of tiger sharks and great
02:34 whites eating whales.
02:37 So it's a regular war in the sea amongst the two families.
02:42 Number 3, Lion vs Honey Badger.
02:48 What could go wrong?
02:49 This little honey badger is happily scurrying along when it crosses paths with a lion.
02:55 The lion sees its next meal, but doesn't know how aggressive these creatures can be,
02:59 and approaches.
03:01 When the badger begins to defend himself, the lion is obviously left a little confused.
03:08 The badger emits a loud sound to deter the lion, which obviously works.
03:14 The king of the grasslands probably isn't used to this much pushback from its prey.
03:19 He follows the badger for a while, but it's clear he's too afraid to attack with all his
03:23 might because he's still a little unsure.
03:29 At this point, he just looks comical rather than intimidating.
03:34 If you're ever scared of a lion at the zoo, just think of this footage, and you'll laugh
03:38 to yourself.
03:39 If you think a badger fighting back is impressive, just wait till number 1.
03:44 It's going to shock you.
03:50 Number 12, Mega Shark vs Octopus.
03:56 We miss out on a load of entertainment happening underwater.
04:00 Many battles happen deep in the ocean, unbeknownst to us, and there are regular encounters between
04:05 octopuses and sharks.
04:08 We only get to see these battles if they're in a tank at a zoo, which is where this instance
04:12 was recorded.
04:14 If you've ever seen Jaws, or even if you haven't, you're probably afraid of sharks, but octopuses
04:21 aren't any less of a threat.
04:24 This blue shark was swimming along, minding its own business, when an octopus launched
04:28 itself from its hiding spot and tried to take down the 12-foot-long predator.
04:35 Of course, the octopus is not so small himself, with a weight of 600 pounds and a 30-foot
04:40 tentacle, so it's anyone's guess who could win.
04:45 After a few minutes of struggle, when it looks like the shark has been engulfed in tentacles
04:49 and might die, we see it actually devour the octopus.
04:55 Sharks prefer squids and other crustaceans for their meals, but if an octopus is going
04:59 to challenge them, we're guessing it won't follow its diet so strictly.
05:05 Number 11.
05:06 Honey Badgers vs. Six Lions
05:11 If two honey badgers were pit against six lions, who was coming out alive?
05:17 The answer should be so obvious, but it isn't.
05:21 These two badgers crossed into dangerous territory when they entered a lion's den.
05:27 The pack was probably excited to see their dinners literally walk to them, and they pounced.
05:33 But a lioness got bitten on the nose and retreated, allowing the badgers to make a clean escape.
05:39 How funny would it be if this was the same badger entering into the pack of the same
05:43 lion from earlier?
05:49 Number 10.
05:50 Rabbit vs. Snake
05:54 It's easy to guess which one would make it out alive in a normal situation.
05:59 A fluffy little rabbit has no chance against a venomous snake, or so you would think.
06:08 This snake found a rabbit's nest and was gearing up for a buffet breakfast of bunny babies
06:12 when the mother arrived.
06:15 This video is a testament to what a mother can do if her babies are under threat.
06:20 This rabbit fights the snake with all her might, and when the snake realizes it's not
06:24 getting that meal, it tries to slither away.
06:27 Well, the mother isn't finished yet.
06:31 She pulls the snake back for one final hit before letting it go.
06:35 I guess the moral here is never to mess with a mother's baby.
06:42 Number 9.
06:43 Wild Dogs vs. Wildebeest
06:47 Wild dogs make for some of the best hunters in the world.
06:51 In fact, they make for great companions when people go hunting for big game.
06:56 But size isn't their advantage, especially against the wildebeest.
07:02 The top bull of the pack charges right at one of the dogs and puts him on the ground
07:06 while other dogs continue to attack.
07:09 Suffice to say, the dogs didn't get their dinner that night.
07:14 Number 8.
07:15 Polar Bear vs. Walrus
07:20 Polar bears require a lot of fat.
07:22 A lot of fat to survive the never-ending winter.
07:26 With their 18% body fat, walruses make for the perfect meal for these bears and are often
07:32 prey to these massive predators.
07:36 As fluffy and cozy as a polar bear would look, they are actually powerful animals you do
07:40 not want to mess with.
07:44 One walrus either wasn't aware of this fact or simply didn't care.
07:49 This 9 foot long, 1500 pound bear met its match in a walrus of 4,400 pounds with tusks.
07:57 The herd of elephant walruses formed a wall to protect the young and elderly and we can
08:01 see how the bear is trying to find any vulnerable point in the wall.
08:06 It finally got its hands on one outlier, but they fought back with their 3 foot long tusks,
08:11 leaving the poor polar bear with an empty stomach.
08:16 Number 7.
08:17 Eagle vs. Shark
08:21 This epic battle went down in the Pacific Ocean and some were lucky enough to capture
08:25 it.
08:27 Sea lions haven't made a habit of eating thresher and leopard sharks, but they could if they
08:31 wanted to.
08:33 This footage filmed on Lugana beach shows a sea lion take down a leopard shark with
08:37 almost no effort at all.
08:42 While sharks may be at the top of the food chain in the ocean, it is almost always no
08:45 match for a 770 pound sea lion.
08:51 We say almost because sharks are known to make a snack of seals, so this one was probably
08:55 fighting for its pack.
09:00 Number 6.
09:01 King Cobra vs. Python
09:06 If an elephant can die from a single bite of a king cobra, a python shouldn't be a
09:10 problem, right?
09:12 Well, that's what this 4 meter long king cobra thought, at least.
09:17 These are some of the most venomous snakes in the world, and they make meals of massive
09:21 snakes too.
09:23 Well, this python wasn't having it.
09:27 It constricted itself around the body of the cobra and suffocated it.
09:31 It was a long battle, but the cobra eventually died.
09:35 Unfortunately, its venom took effect, and the python died too.
09:39 At least it was a noble end.
09:43 Number 5.
09:44 Kangaroo vs. Dog
09:45 Kangaroos, as we've found recently, are basically the bodybuilders of the animal kingdom.
09:55 When they stand to their full height, they look ripped.
09:58 Definitely not animals you want to mess with.
10:00 Dogs, however, don't discriminate.
10:03 They just attack, and whatever happens, happens.
10:07 Well, this time, it so happened that the kangaroo wasn't feeling very playful.
10:12 A tourist captured this moment between a dog and a kangaroo.
10:17 The kangaroo uses its weight to keep the dog underwater until it drowns.
10:22 This is actually quite a common technique for kangaroos under attack.
10:26 They lead the dog to water, and when the dog attacks, they hold them down until they drown
10:30 and die.
10:32 It must be difficult for the owner to see their dog meet such a gruesome end.
10:39 Number 4.
10:40 Otter vs. Croc
10:45 Otters are undoubtedly one of the cutest, happiest little animals on the planet.
10:50 The internet is full of adorable pictures of otters with teddy bears, smiling otters,
10:54 and otters holding hands.
10:57 Aww.
10:58 But there is a species of giant otters, and while they're still cute, they can also be
11:02 aggressive when they need to be.
11:05 When it looked like this caiman croc was getting too close for comfort to this nest of otters,
11:09 the males stepped in to defend it.
11:12 At first, they tried to distract the caiman while others attacked from the front.
11:17 They went in so hard, they actually managed to kill the caiman.
11:22 Caimans are not easy to bring down.
11:23 They are even responsible for several human fatalities.
11:26 So, you can understand how impressive it is that this pack of otters managed to kill one.
11:34 This is a story these otters will be telling their grandkids for sure.
11:41 Number 3.
11:42 Anteater vs. Jaguar
11:46 What happens when a jaguar tries to bite off more than what they can chew?
11:51 Predators generally go for baby anteaters, as the adults are too much work to fight and
11:54 pin down.
11:56 Well, this jaguar was probably in the mood for a bigger lunch and decided to take his
12:00 chances.
12:03 Anteaters can be pretty ferocious fighters and have strong forelimbs and claws.
12:09 The claws are used to tear into termite nests or anthills, but it can be used for other
12:13 things too.
12:15 But in this clip, it looks like he wasn't looking to use his claws, but rather tease
12:19 the jaguar by laying low on the ground and inviting the jaguar to attack before pulling
12:24 a 180 on him.
12:27 It is now time to check out today's subscriber pick.
12:30 Remember, if you come across an interesting or bizarre picture on the internet, be sure
12:34 to send it over and we'll investigate.
12:36 We might even feature it in a future video.
12:39 Today's image is of a zebra kicking a lion in the head.
12:42 It seems the lion's skull just split open.
12:45 We're sure zebras have a strong kick, almost like horses do, but we weren't sure if it
12:49 was enough to cause this much damage, so we looked into it.
12:52 Check out number 2.
12:56 Zebra vs Lion.
13:01 Zebras are often a favorite of the grassland predators.
13:04 They're almost always preyed upon by groups of lionesses, but this one, oddly enough,
13:08 is all alone.
13:11 It looks like she's got a pretty good grip on it, but we all know where this is going.
13:18 The zebra gets up and fights back, and for a few seconds, the zebra is on top of the
13:22 lioness and pins her down.
13:25 Once he's free of her, he even delivers a few kicks to her snout.
13:30 This makes for another story to pass down to the grandkids.
13:36 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
13:39 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button, and turn on the notifications
13:43 in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
13:47 Hurry up and try it, it actually works.
13:52 Number 1.
13:53 Sloth vs Harpy.
13:58 Sloths aren't what you'd consider a fighter.
14:01 Far from it.
14:02 They are known to mistake their own limbs for branches and end up falling from trees
14:06 and dying.
14:09 That might sound sad and funny at the same time, but it's absolutely true.
14:14 Well, this sloth seemed to be a little tougher and smarter because it managed to fight off
14:19 this harpy eagle all by itself.
14:23 Harpy eagles are hunting carnivores and apex predators and prey mostly on sloths, monkeys,
14:28 and possums.
14:30 They even prey on other birds and have powerful 4-inch talons to tear into an animal.
14:36 Of course, the fact that this particular eagle was still young and inexperienced helped.
14:41 However, it's still impressive for a sloth, especially given that it was a pretty old
14:46 one.
14:49 Fights in boxing rings or in superhero movies are definitely exciting, but the animal kingdom
14:53 has some pretty entertaining fights going on too.
14:56 Who would have thought?
14:59 If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out others over on the 4 Evergreen channel,
15:03 and we'll be back soon.
15:04 Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time.
