20 Most Powerful Creatures on Planet Earth

  • last year
00:00 Have you seen a 0.15 grams beetle carrying a weight of 10 grams?
00:09 Or 8 people standing no chance against a single lion in a tug of war competition?
00:14 Or an eagle lifting a human kid and a fully grown mountain goat with its powerful talons?
00:19 Whether it's the jungle, desert or sea, the war between prey and predator or even
00:25 among the same species entirely depends on the size and strength of the opponent.
00:34 But some animals defy these laws of nature and prove that size doesn't always matter.
00:39 Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Forever Green.
00:43 From the tiny insects lifting way heavier objects than their own weights to the largest
00:47 land and sea mammals showing their strengths, today we are going to show you 20 most powerful
00:53 creatures on planet earth.
00:55 And you should stick around for number 1 to see the amount of power these tiny creatures
00:59 devour.
01:00 Let's dive in.
01:01 20.
01:02 Ox
01:03 The simile "as strong as an ox" wasn't made for no apparent reason.
01:14 Oxen have consistently proven why they were picked to symbolize strength, power and determination.
01:20 They not only make the largest but also the strongest breed of cattle owing to the fact
01:25 that they have impeccable stamina to work for several hours.
01:29 Oxen are able to carry or pull loads that are double their body weight.
01:33 It is no wonder that they are still being used to plow and pull carts in several parts
01:37 of the world.
01:39 While domesticated oxen are large, their wild counterparts, the musk oxen, are far much
01:43 shorter but way much heavier.
01:46 A musk ox weighs about 900 kg and can carry a load that is 1.5 times its weight.
01:53 So it doesn't matter if an ox is domesticated or wild, large or small, it still remains
01:58 one of the most powerful creatures on earth.
02:02 19.
02:04 Rhinoceros Beetle
02:06 As the name suggests, the rhinoceros beetles are named after their resemblance to rhinos.
02:11 The male rhinoceros beetle in particular has horn-like projections that look like that
02:16 of a rhino's tusk.
02:18 Save for their legs, their body structure is a spitting image of that of a rhino.
02:23 While they might be tiny, they are perceived to be stronger than they look alike.
02:28 A rhinoceros beetle can lift a load that is, wait for it, 850 times its own weight.
02:35 That is equivalent to a human being lifting 65 ton loads.
02:40 Practically impossible, but you get the point.
02:43 18.
02:46 Tardigrade
02:48 How would it feel if you were immortal?
02:50 Tardigrades, at times termed as water bears, are referred to as immortal.
02:55 They can be found at any place on planet earth, from the lowest and deepest parts of the oceans
02:59 to the hottest points in active volcanoes as well as the highest peaks of our mountains.
03:05 Tardigrades are capable of surviving extreme conditions including radiation and starvation.
03:10 They have even survived exposure to outer space and are known as the most resilient
03:15 creatures ever known to mankind.
03:18 Since their discovery, scientists are still studying and researching into what really
03:22 makes the tardigrades this resilient.
03:25 Wouldn't you want to possess this power, knowing that there's nothing that can kill you and
03:28 live forever?
03:30 17.
03:33 Tasmanian Devil
03:35 Early settlers in the island state of Tasmania were fond of hearing deafening and unearthly
03:39 screams, growls, and coughs from the bushes.
03:48 They therefore decided to quench their curiosity and upon investigating, found these dog-like
03:53 animals with wide jaws, sharp teeth, and red ears, which to them somehow resembled the
03:59 devil, hence the name, Tasmanian Devil.
04:03 The Tasmanian Devils are carnivorous, with a deadly bite force of 200 pounds per square
04:08 inch, which is a force to reckon with, especially because they weigh only 20 pounds.
04:17 They are quite aggressive and thus it is advisable that you avoid the bushes, especially at night.
04:24 16.
04:27 Tarantula Hawk
04:29 The Tarantula Hawk is a massive flying insect that mainly preys on spiders, where they paralyze
04:35 them with a sting before dragging them into their butchering dens.
04:39 The sting from a Tarantula Hawk is so painful that it managed to score a complete 4/4 rating
04:44 in the Schmidt Sting Pain Index.
04:47 Even though the Tarantula Hawk does not bother humans, most people stung by the insect state
04:51 that the pain was too unbearable that they couldn't maintain physical and verbal coordination.
04:56 Others admitted to wanting to run off and never stop until the pain faded.
05:01 15.
05:03 Eagle
05:04 They may not be the largest birds, but they are certainly the strongest birds in the world.
05:10 It calls for a lot of strength, soar to heights of as far as 4,000 meters, but it even takes
05:15 more strength to soar higher during a storm.
05:18 It is no wonder that some people refer to eagles as the kings of the sky.
05:23 Eagles also happen to not be picky eaters, they will mostly go for what's available,
05:26 be it a mouse, rabbit, or deer.
05:30 Size is not a factor as eagles have been known to hunt prey that are four times their weight.
05:34 A 2kg prey in between its talons is not enough to alter an eagle's flight.
05:40 As if that's not astonishing enough, a golden eagle was once captured carrying a mountain
05:45 goat for a couple of minutes before safely landing with it.
05:49 This was probably because sharp talons of an eagle have a grip that is 10 times that
05:52 of a human being.
05:54 Trust me, it's not something you'd want to test.
05:58 14.
06:00 Blue Whale
06:02 Blue whales triple up to not only is the largest and most powerful marine creature, but also
06:07 the largest animal on the planet.
06:09 A blue whale can grow up to 30 meters long and weigh up to a whopping 200 tons.
06:15 Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant.
06:17 With that kind of weight, a lot of power is needed to move through the waters and against
06:21 the currents.
06:22 While they do need strength to bite or lift, a lot of energy goes into propelling their
06:26 humongous bodies.
06:27 To be precise, a force of up to 60 kilonewtons is generated thanks to two large muscles that
06:33 are close to the blue whale's tail.
06:35 In other words, that kind of force is equivalent to moving a one ton load at one meter per
06:40 second.
06:41 What's even more interesting is how gracefully blue whales swim.
06:44 You would even know they use that much force.
06:47 13.
06:51 Deathstalker
06:53 The name itself is enough to send chills down your spine.
06:57 Deathstalker is the largest venomous scorpion in the world.
06:59 It is yellow in color with brown spots.
07:02 But why the name Deathstalker?
07:04 Its venom has several been referred to as the most expensive liquid in the world despite
07:09 it being one of the deadliest venoms.
07:11 Weird, right?
07:12 However, this venom has been proven to work in a series of remarkable and successful cancer
07:17 treatment innovations.
07:29 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
07:31 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button, and turn on the notifications
07:36 in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
07:40 Hurry up and try it.
07:42 It actually works.
07:44 12.
07:46 Weta
07:49 Weta insects get their name from Weta Punga, a Maori name meaning "God of Ugly Things".
07:55 Their genus name also means "terrible grasshopper", and you are about to find out why.
08:00 Wetas are huge gigantic flightless crickets.
08:03 They physically appear as a prehistoric grasshopper whose existence is solely fictitious.
08:08 I mean, have a look.
08:10 Do you see what I'm talking about?
08:12 The Weta can weigh more than a sparrow and are among the heaviest insects in the world,
08:17 weighing up to 70 grams.
08:19 That is more than a mouse, so you can imagine how terrifying it would be to come across
08:23 one.
08:24 Despite their weight and the fact that they are flightless, some Weta insects can lift
08:28 their way and leap 3 meters forward.
08:31 If threatened, Wetas will bite and scratch using their powerful serrated mandibles.
08:36 Their bites are not deadly, but they will leave you writhing in agony and pain with
08:40 lots of regrets.
08:44 Number 11.
08:45 Camel Also known as the "Ships of the Desert", camels
08:50 have the power to survive at extreme temperatures of up to 110 degrees Celsius.
08:56 How long do you think you can go without drinking water?
08:58 Minutes?
08:59 Hours?
09:00 Probably just a day.
09:02 Well, camels are able to spend 8 days and more without water while carrying more than
09:07 200 pounds on their back.
09:09 With 900 pounds on its back, a camel will comfortably cover a 25 miles distance.
09:16 This is because they have the unique ability to drink 40 gallons of water at a time.
09:20 That's not all, their hump is capable of storing 80 pounds of fat which they can live off of
09:25 for days.
09:27 And because their fat is stored in one place, the camel's hump is also the reason why it
09:31 stays cool in the desert heat.
09:34 They're simply no match for the camel when it comes to surviving the desert life.
09:43 Number 10.
09:44 Dung Beetle I know you're probably wondering why a dung
09:48 nettle would be on this list while there are plenty of animals to choose from.
09:53 Let not this small size fool you, dung beetles, as hard as it may be to believe, are top of
09:58 the list when it comes to the most powerful animals on the planet.
10:02 This is in relation to their size and body weight.
10:05 Dung beetles are capable of pulling a load that is up to 1,141 times its body weight.
10:12 This is why it has every right to boast of being the world's strongest insect.
10:17 If there was a man that could pull 6 double-decker buses, then we'd like his power to that of
10:21 a dung beetle.
10:23 So the next time you see a dung beetle, you should probably show it some respect, even
10:27 though we both know it eats and lives on dung.
10:37 Number 9.
10:38 Elephant It wouldn't make sense to be the largest
10:42 land animal without strength and we are glad that the elephant did not disappoint.
10:47 With a weight of up to 6 tons, an elephant is powerful enough to carry a 900 kilogram
10:51 load.
10:53 To make it simpler for you, that's 130 adult humans.
10:58 At full term, a 3 feet newborn elephant weighs 90 to 120 kilograms.
11:04 One of their most powerful features is their trunk and this is not because it lets out
11:07 the loudest trumpets.
11:13 It's made of over 150,000 muscles which not only makes it sensitive, but also powerful
11:18 enough to carry a 300 kilogram load and even threw it meters away.
11:28 Another one of their prominent features is their ever-growing tusks which are strong
11:32 enough to dig up roots.
11:33 If that doesn't say strong, I don't know what will.
11:43 Number 8.
11:44 Crocodile This list wouldn't be complete without mentioning
11:49 the crocodile.
11:50 These kings of the Nile have time and time again proven to be the champions when it comes
11:54 to sneak attacks.
11:56 So how do they do it?
12:01 Well crocodiles boast of having the most powerful bite force on the planet.
12:06 Their bite force produces 5000 pounds of pressure in one square inch.
12:11 Thanks to their very large and powerful jaws.
12:14 They do not chew up their food, instead they swallow chunks of meat whole.
12:19 Swallowing whole chunks of meat also means that they can sometimes have digestion issues.
12:23 So guess what they do?
12:27 They swallow pebbles.
12:28 Yes, you heard that right, pebbles.
12:30 And when they miss prey to catch their prey, the powerful tails come into play.
12:35 Unlike most tails, the crocodile tail is strong enough to sweep animals off their feet, not
12:40 the romantic kind.
12:43 Number 7.
12:45 Grizzly Bear Grizzly bears are without a doubt one of the
12:49 most adorable animals.
12:51 Their strict mothers and naughty playful cubs are always a joy to watch.
12:55 Grizzly bears can grow up to 2.5 meters tall, and with their thick layer of brown fur, you'll
13:00 probably be tempted to give them a big warm hug.
13:03 A grizzly bear can pop the lid off a well sealed can by simply jumping on it, kinda
13:08 like we do CPR.
13:10 With a weight of 770 kg, you can understand why the grizzly bear doesn't use a can opener.
13:17 You'll find them mostly minding their business, but they are so easy to provoke.
13:22 Their full show of strength is displayed when their cubs are threatened.
13:25 Being the strongest of all bears, they are able to lift loads that are 80% of their body
13:29 weight.
13:37 And now let's jog our minds a little bit.
13:39 It's Riddle Time.
13:40 I'm a king without a crown.
13:42 Who am I?
13:43 Do you think you have the answer to our riddle of the day?
13:46 Be the first to leave your answer in the comment section.
13:50 Number 6.
13:51 Tiger Tigers are known for their very distinct fur
13:55 coat colors.
13:56 What's even mind blowing is the fact that the pattern of the orange and black stripes
14:00 is unique to every tiger.
14:02 None is like the other.
14:04 Tigers are also the largest wild cats, weighing up to 200 kg.
14:09 They can carry a 550 kg prey, not only along ground, but also up a 10 ft tall tree.
14:15 Isn't that amazing?
14:22 Their power and strength is most evident when they are hunting their prey.
14:26 At just 6 months old, a tiger begins to hunt.
14:29 As an adult, it spends most of its life alone hunting and learning to survive all by itself.
14:33 A tiger's name, Malchi, single handedly killed a crocodile that was after her cubs.
14:40 Unlike most wild cats, they are great swimmers and can stand and attack on their hind legs.
14:47 In this footage, a tiger had its prey stolen by a crocodile.
14:51 Being the resilient hunter that it is, it bravely faced the crocodile.
14:55 It was able to retrieve its rightful meal.
14:57 Not just that, it got away by swimming backwards with its mouth full of a 250 lb prey in a
15:02 water plant filled lake.
15:04 A hungry tiger is never to be underestimated.
15:14 Number 5.
15:15 Jaguar.
15:17 The king of the rainforests has his name from the indigenous word, "Yaguar", which translates
15:22 to "he who kills with one leap".
15:25 The jaguar truly doesn't need any introduction for it is a master in the stalk and ambush
15:30 technique which it prefers to rather than chasing prey.
15:34 Jaguars are adept predators and prey upon anything that they come across.
15:39 With a bite force of 2000 lbs per square inch, they can take down prey 3-4 times their own
15:44 weight.
15:46 This bite force is twice as massive as that of a lion.
15:49 With this power, we can comfortably say that the jaguar has almost no predator out in the
15:53 dense jungle.
15:57 Number 4.
15:58 Anaconda.
16:02 Capable of growing as long as 29 feet while weighing a whopping 550 lbs, the anaconda
16:08 is the world's biggest snake.
16:12 Anacondas are known to be fearsome predators which feed basically on any living creature
16:15 that they can overpower.
16:17 They are non-venomous and only kill by embracing their prey to death.
16:22 Literally.
16:23 Their shiny smooth bodies are made up of a mass of strong muscles which help in constricting
16:27 prey leading to suffocation or cardiac arrest, an ultimate death before they swallow it whole.
16:33 The anaconda is so powerful that it can squeeze the life out of a gorilla or even the tough
16:38 hide of a crocodile to death.
16:42 Number 3.
16:45 Gorilla.
16:48 Gorillas take the crown as the largest primates and come second as the closest relatives to
16:52 human beings.
16:54 Word on the street is that they share 95-99% DNA with human beings.
16:59 That is probably why they are very social, take the time to groom each other and express
17:03 their emotions distinctly.
17:05 While their appearance, size and chest beating is sometimes enough to intimidate and scare
17:09 away their threats, sometimes they are forced to get physical.
17:13 It is in this times that their true power is unleashed.
17:16 Their muscular elongated arms are 6 times stronger than that of humans and their bite
17:20 force is powerful enough to emit a force of up to 300 pounds of pressure per square inch.
17:26 Weighing up to 200 kilograms, gorillas can comfortably lift a 2000 kilograms load.
17:34 To make it simpler for you, that is equivalent to 30 adult humans.
17:41 Number 2.
17:42 Hippopotamus.
17:43 With their short but plumpy bodies, hippos are the most powerful herbivores in existence
17:50 today.
17:51 They are armed with sharp teeth which sharpen themselves each time they grind.
18:00 They are capable of opening their mouths up to 180 degrees and with a bite force of 1821
18:09 pounds per square inch, even the tough height of a crocodile is no match.
18:14 You definitely don't want to cross the path of an angry hippo.
18:19 And it's now time for the subscribers pick of the day.
18:22 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about this small red insect which
18:26 appears to be lifting a green caterpillar that weighs almost a thousand times its weight.
18:31 If you come across any mysterious photo online that you want us to look into, just send it
18:35 over and we may even feature it in a future video.
18:38 Now we've looked into this photo and are excited to reveal to you that there is indeed
18:43 such an ant which is almost powerful enough to lift this green caterpillar.
18:47 After all, to dare is to do.
18:49 And this brings us to number 1.
18:52 Leafcutter Ant.
18:55 Just as their name suggests, the leafcutter ants use their jaws to cut leaves and carry
19:00 them back to their nests.
19:02 Funnily, the leafcutter ants do not eat the leaves.
19:05 They instead use them to cultivate fungi which provides food for them and their larvae.
19:10 While the human jaw is known to be strong enough to lift only one crate of coke.
19:15 The leafcutter ants' jaws are so powerful that they can lift and carry things 50 times
19:20 heavier than them.
19:24 And that's it for today.
19:25 Which of these animals threw you off your seat with their powerful capabilities?
19:29 Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.
19:31 If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out our video on 20 Most Advanced Technology
19:36 in Vehicles that help militaries do unbelievable tasks.
