20 People Who Died of Weird Reasons

  • last year
00:00 Life can throw us many curveballs, but when it comes to death, there have been a number
00:12 of recorded cases that are just downright insane. In today's video, we will show you
00:18 20 unusual deaths that range from eating too many carrots to an elaborate YouTube stunt
00:23 that went very, very wrong. Buckle in, you really won't want to miss a single moment
00:29 of this video. We guarantee that our number one pick will make your toes curl.
00:35 20. Killed by a severed snakehead. It's common knowledge that some snakes carry a poisonous
00:43 venom that can quickly kill a person if they don't get medical assistance straight away.
00:48 Well, a chef living in southern China thought that any danger of being poisoned was behind
00:53 him. After cutting the snake's head off, unfortunately, the cobra had one more trick
00:58 up its scaly sleeve and managed to sink its venom-filled fangs into the man via an automatic
01:03 survival reflex. The poison took hold and killed the man before he had time to seek
01:07 help. Do you think that the snake's reflex is incredibly clever? Give us a thumbs up
01:12 if you think it is.
01:14 19. Man falls through window trying to prove their safety. Gary Hoy often liked to show
01:21 off the strength of the safety glass that was installed in the skyscraper he worked
01:25 at. In fact, whenever new employees started, he would do a demonstration where he would
01:30 launch himself at the glass and laugh at the fear it evoked. Well, even though the glass
01:34 was indeed shatterproof, what Gary didn't take into consideration was the fact that
01:39 the pane had been slowly pushed out of its frame over the many times he had pulled the
01:43 stunt off. One day, in front of many horrified onlookers inside and outside of the building,
01:48 Gary ran at and dislodged the pane completely, causing him to fall 24 floors to his death.
01:55 18. Eating too many carrots. When we were young, we were taught that eating your carrots
02:02 would help you see in the dark. Unfortunately for one man, it didn't help him see his
02:06 untimely death coming. 48-year-old Basil Brown had been taking part in a 10-day carrot cleanse
02:12 when he began to feel unwell. The reason for his discomfort, however, turned out to be
02:16 liver failure brought on by the 10 gallons of carrot juice he had drunk. His post-mortem
02:20 showed that his body had absorbed 10,000 times the amount of vitamin A needed in the human
02:25 body. If there is any type of food that you could eat too much of, what would it be? Ours
02:29 is pizza. Let us know yours in the comment section below.
02:34 17. Deadly YouTube stunt. YouTubers will do anything for views. In the
02:42 case of Pedro Ruiz, however, the need for people to press the subscribe button resulted
02:46 in his girlfriend pressing the trigger of a gun aimed right at him. Ruiz and his pregnant
02:51 girlfriend, Mona Lisa, had hatched a plan to fire a gold-plated handgun into a book
02:56 Ruiz was holding to his chest. As you can imagine, the stunt didn't end well. Two cameras
03:02 recorded the moment the bullet killed the young content creator. Mona Lisa spent 180
03:07 days in jail and got 10 years on probation for the shooting.
03:12 16. Death by cockroach. Choking to death might not sound too weird,
03:19 but how about choking to death on cockroaches? Well, that is exactly what happened to one
03:24 man taking part in a cockroach eating contest. The disgusting competition was being held
03:29 at a pet store in Deerfield Beach, Florida. The man suddenly collapsed after some of the
03:34 crunchy critters began to hook onto and build up in his throat. When the emergency services
03:38 arrived, he was pronounced dead at the scene.
03:42 15. Victorian invention fail. The Victorian era was an age of discovery
03:49 and innovation. Unfortunately, some creations didn't go as well as some others. Take the
03:54 world's earliest space jumpers, Franz Riechelt, who built a parachute into his jacket, presumably
03:59 for those moments when you accidentally step off a cliff or something. The French inventor
04:04 wanted to exhibit a strange gadget in style, and so invited the press to watch him take
04:08 a leap off the Eiffel Tower. Sadly, with all eyes watching Franz, he stepped off the railings
04:13 and plummeted to his death. Because of the media attention the stunt had gathered, newspaper
04:18 reports as well as film footage quickly circulated the media.
04:22 14. Death by good manners. They say manners won't cost you anything,
04:29 but in the case of famed Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, it cost him his life. Although
04:35 he was made famous by his gift of understanding the stars, as well as losing his nose in a
04:39 duel, it was Brahe's unfortunate death that immortalized him for the last 420 years.
04:46 Brahe had been invited to a huge banquet where he must have drank a little too much, instead
04:51 of excusing himself to go to the bathroom, which was regarded as rude back then, he decided
04:55 to sit in discomfort for the remainder of the evening. Unfortunately, his bladder burst
05:00 as a result of holding it, which killed him soon after. On his deathbed, the astronomical
05:04 genius is believed to have said that he lived a sage, but died like a fool.
05:09 Are you enjoying the video so far? Why not hit the subscribe button so you never miss
05:13 one of the equally interesting future videos? You won't regret it!
05:19 13. Man dies after cow falls on him. Joao Maria de Souza, a man living in Brazil,
05:27 was lying in bed trying to get some rest when a fully grown cow came crashing through his
05:32 ceiling, crushing him to death. Because of the way his house was built into the hill,
05:37 the cow had managed to wander onto his roof, which couldn't take its 1,200-pound weight.
05:42 Although you may think that this unusual death is a case of being in the wrong place at the
05:45 wrong time, this occasion happened to be the third time a cow crashed through a ceiling
05:50 within the small region. 12. Skydiver forgets important item.
05:58 The next entry is a poignant lesson about why being prepared is important, especially
06:03 when performing a dangerous stunt. Ivan Maguire learned this the hard way in 1988 when he
06:08 leapt out of a plane to perform a skydive, something he had done many times before. He
06:13 had done everything the way he had done on his previous jumps, only this time he forgot
06:17 to put on his parachute. The moment was recorded by Ivan himself, who tragically realized whilst
06:23 in mid-air that his death was quickly approaching. 11. Golfing accident.
06:30 Some people are just bad losers. When a teenage boy called Jeremy T. Breno grew frustrated
06:35 by his poor play on the golf course back in 1994, a moment of anger quickly turned to
06:40 tragedy. After missing his last shot, to the amusement of his friends, Jeremy exploded
06:45 into a fit of rage. He swung his club down onto a bench that caused it to snap in two.
06:50 Unfortunately for the teen, one half of the spike club bounced back and stabbed him straight
06:55 through the heart, killing him instantly. 10. Teen dies from deodorant.
07:04 To most people, having good hygiene is an important part of life. Well, after hearing
07:08 about the next entry on our list, you may have conflicting thoughts about smelling as
07:12 fresh as possible. In 1998, a teenager named Jonathan Capewell, who was obsessed with smelling
07:18 nice, overused his can of deodorant that resulted in a deadly buildup of the chemicals butane
07:23 and propane, triggering a huge heart attack. 9. A foolish lawyer who killed himself.
07:33 Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer working in the late 1800s, took on a case where he had
07:38 to prove that a man's death was a suicide and not a murder. To clear the murder suspect
07:42 of shooting the victim, Clement replicated how the incident could have happened. Unfortunately,
07:47 he took things too far and pulled the trigger on himself. Although Clement inadvertently
07:51 lost his life, one silver lining was that he proved his client's innocence.
07:57 8. Deadly lovemaking. Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston were having
08:04 a little too much fun when they began having sex on top of a 50-foot rooftop. Whether it
08:09 was the lack of spatial awareness while fooling around or the poor grip they had on the ledge,
08:13 the pair accidentally fell to their death in the throes of passion. Although a homeless
08:17 couple later came out as eyewitnesses, it was a taxi driver who came across the pair
08:22 at 5am in the morning. 7. Cleaning a cupboard leads to death.
08:29 A man named Ronald McGlogish met a horrible end after climbing into a cupboard to clean
08:34 it. As he wiped the shelves, a closet behind him rocked forward and toppled, pinning the
08:39 cupboard door closed. Desperate, Ronald grabbed hold of a pipe running through the cupboard
08:44 and pulled it off so he could use it as a weapon to smash his way out. Unfortunately,
08:49 the pipe he yanked off had ice-cold water running through it. The sudden drop in temperature
08:53 caused Ronald to develop bronchitis that eventually stopped him breathing within the flooding
08:57 cupboard. 6. Death by fishcake.
09:03 A caterer named Darren Hickey decided to try the fishcakes at a wedding he was working
09:08 at. Unfortunately, he didn't take the time to blow on it first and gulped it down in
09:13 one. The scalding hot fishcake not only caused Hickey to feel a searing pain in his throat
09:18 but also stopped him breathing. According to his post-mortem, the cake had caused similar
09:22 symptoms to those fire victims suffer when they breathe in too much hot smoke, essentially
09:27 choking them of oxygen. This story has made you worry about eating your next hot meal.
09:32 The chances of a similar case happening again are extremely low.
09:36 This food death might sound bad, but just wait until you hear our number one pick, you
09:41 won't want to eat soup for a year. 5. Man dies after eating slug 8 years before.
09:50 An Australian man thought that eating a slug for a dare would be a funny thing to do. Sadly,
09:54 the laughing stopped when Sam Bellard fell seriously ill. It turned out that the slimy
09:59 critter had eaten or crawled through rat fecal matter carrying a disease called lungworm.
10:05 The horrific disease quickly spread to Sam's brain, which caused a serious infection that
10:09 resulted in paralysis. The lungworm was eventually removed from Sam, but the effects had already
10:14 damaged his brain in irreparable ways. He lived for a further eight years until a complication
10:19 with his condition killed him in 2018. 4. Killer whipped cream can.
10:28 In what may be the most ironic death on our list, a fitness blogger called Rebecca Berger
10:33 died whilst making a fresh canister of whipped cream at her home. A French magazine had mentioned
10:38 the faults of the canister, but it was never taken off the market despite bones being broken
10:42 and eyes having to be removed. The main reason for these horrific injuries was because some
10:47 of the pieces were too flimsy to hold the pressure built up by the compressed gas. When
10:51 Rebecca tried to use her canister, it exploded and hit her in the chest, stopping her heart.
10:56 Now it's that part of the video where we check out the subscriber pic image that has been
11:01 submitted by one of our loyal subscribers. As you can see, this image of two really idiotic
11:06 people dancing with death was the inspiration for today's video. Although you have heard
11:11 about someone who managed to get killed by a severed cobra head, the man on the left
11:15 of this image managed to escape with his life. The officer on the right, who was using a
11:19 loaded gun as a seat, also walked away without blasting himself in the place where the sun
11:24 doesn't shine. If you have a weird or interesting picture that you think could inspire our next
11:29 video, make sure you subscribe and reach out to us with the link.
11:34 3. Man crashes car, then drowns. Robert Dreyer thought he had cheated death
11:41 when he was able to step out of his car following a crash with a fire hydrant. That relief soon
11:46 disappeared as he stepped straight into a deep sinkhole that was formed by the gallons
11:50 upon gallons of water spewing from the broken hydrant. Those at the scene couldn't get the
11:54 man out of the hole and he sadly drowned. Before we move on, here's a quick challenge
12:00 for you. If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button and turn on the
12:05 notifications in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck. Hurry
12:10 up and try it, it actually works.
12:14 2. Killer Goat A man living in Turkey decided to keep a goat
12:23 that was intended for sacrifice on the roof of his apartment building. Although he thought
12:28 the makeshift enclosure would contain the animal, it managed to escape. In a tragic
12:32 twist of events, the goat leapt from the rooftop and fell on top of the man's 13-year-old son
12:37 who had been playing with his friend.
12:40 1. Hospital Injects Soup Through IV Drip From the wrong limbs being amputated to sponges
12:48 being left inside of patients, medical mistakes happen, although they are rare. Well, for
12:54 88-year-old Ilda Vitor Maci, it was the mistake of one nurse who fed soup through Ida's IV
12:59 drip tube instead of her feeding tube that killed her. Many people have no idea how the
13:04 accident could have happened, as IV fluids in soup have very different looks and consistency.
13:12 And that concludes our video on the 20 weirdest ways people have died. Out of all the incidents
13:17 you've heard about, which one do you think was the most bizarre? We would love to know
13:21 in the comment section below. If this video has sparked your interest in fascinating and
13:25 interesting topics, why not check out some of our others? You won't be disappointed.
13:29 Thanks for watching guys!
