Animals That Asked People For Help

  • last year
00:00 Animals and humans don't mix solely because of how much pollution we've caused over the
00:04 past few decades.
00:06 Because of us, many of them have suffered and have gotten stuck in our trash.
00:10 Especially this one elk that got stuck in a tire for two whole years.
00:15 Stick around to the end to see this elk's story and many other times animals got stuck
00:19 in human contraptions.
00:21 Let's get started.
00:25 Deer Gets Caught Between Fence
00:29 When this deer got stuck between the fence, it must have thought it was the end of it.
00:33 Luckily a passerby spotted it and helped it to safety and removed it out of the fence.
00:37 You could tell it was in grave pain from the way it sounded.
00:41 Sorry pal.
00:44 Baby Moose Gets Caught in a Gate
00:48 Perhaps one of the most amusing stories of an animal getting stuck is this baby moose
00:52 getting only and only its front hooves stuck in the fence.
00:56 The homeowner was so surprised to see the baby animal in such a peculiar situation.
01:01 So much so that they had to bring out their cameras to film the whole thing.
01:05 It was a hilarious sight with just its hooves sticking out the other side.
01:09 It probably tried to jump over the fence but didn't have the height to do so and ended
01:13 up like this.
01:15 Unlike most other animals, when it got its hooves out of the fence, it didn't run away.
01:20 In fact it stood there chewing on nothing for several minutes.
01:26 Giraffe Stuck in Swimming Pool
01:30 This situation seems like one of those word problems for math textbooks because it just
01:34 doesn't seem possible.
01:35 This giraffe doesn't seem to even be stuck here.
01:38 It's roaming around in the swimming pool, right?
01:41 Well apparently giraffes can't descend but only ascend, which is where the problem starts.
01:47 After Lucy got stuck, the caretakers had to empty the pool and deconstruct it for her
01:52 to climb out.
01:53 It took the rescue workers many hours to get her out and she didn't even thank them.
02:00 Monkey Head Stuck
02:04 Monkeys are eerily like us, so when this small guy got its head stuck in a pumpkin, it didn't
02:09 come off as a surprise.
02:10 But the more important part is how the monkey's dog friend tried to get him out and even tried
02:14 to bite the pumpkin off.
02:18 Donkey is Rescued from Empty Soakaway Drainage
02:23 Monkeys can sometimes be silly and very dumb.
02:26 Take Christopher Robbins donkey as an example.
02:29 While most animals would try to escape or yelp for help, this donkey stays put, content
02:34 with its current predicament.
02:35 Thankfully, there were people around that valued animal life and brought it out of the
02:39 empty drainage.
02:43 Baby Elephant Saved from Drowning
02:47 Here we see some men in the middle of a river trying to save a baby elephant from drowning.
02:52 We don't know how the calf got there, but we know those who saved it are brave and compassionate.
02:57 They had to even battle the strong currents of the river to bring it ashore.
03:04 Dog Saved from Frozen Lake
03:07 Thanks to the timely response of this rescue team, this dog was saved from drowning and
03:12 freezing out in a lake.
03:14 Way to go guys!
03:17 Skunk Gets Cup Stuck on Head
03:21 One of the hardest of being a soft person at heart is being ready to face anything.
03:26 This Peel Regional Police Officer noticed a skunk with its head stuck in a cup.
03:31 They could have let the skunk go like that, but that wasn't a safe option for the skunk
03:35 or even an ethical decision.
03:37 The officer's hesitation to decide to walk over to the animal, which could stink up the
03:41 place in a matter of a few seconds.
03:43 He swiftly took off the cup and ran away to avoid any sort of smelly situation.
03:48 Then the poor skunk runs away in a panic.
03:53 Cheetah Gets Head Stuck in the Metal Pot
03:56 Summer is especially hard for the countries in the subcontinent, including animals.
04:01 A male leopard was looking to cool down by drinking some water from a metal pot, but
04:05 it misjudged the size of the pot and got its head stuck in it for a whole five hours.
04:11 The leopard kept wandering around the village, all confused and frightened.
04:15 The residents, who did not know what to do, just took pictures and videos of this rare
04:19 but silly incident.
04:20 When the wildlife officials reached, then that's when things got serious.
04:25 They had to tranquilize the leopard and use a saw to cut the pot open.
04:29 If it hadn't been for the tranquilizer, the leopard would have been stuck in there for
04:32 a long time.
04:37 Raccoon Baby Stuck in the Wall
04:41 Raccoons are the craziest little creatures, because not only have they found their way
04:44 around the urban lifestyle, but they've mastered it too.
04:48 One of their weird little habits is finding crevices and holes that no one else can access,
04:53 which makes the inside of the walls the perfect place for them to keep their babies.
04:57 In fact, this is a much more common occurrence than you think.
05:00 The problem with this is that they always get stuck inside the walls.
05:04 A man found sounds emerging from inside his walls and decided to call the urban wildlife
05:09 control.
05:11 After examining the place for a while, the wildlife expert found several scared little
05:15 raccoon babies.
05:16 Well, at least now they can enjoy the wonders of the dumpster now.
05:22 Bear Found in the Pit
05:26 Bears are pretty big, ranging up to 4-5 feet when they're standing upright.
05:31 You would think this would make them hard to get stuck in little places, but nope.
05:35 At a construction site in Turkey, a few laborers were digging up the place when they found
05:40 a brown bear stuck in a hole.
05:42 The most surprising part is how the bear survived under all that concrete.
05:46 Luckily, they were able to break up the opening enough for the distressed bear to get out.
05:51 The animal showed such frantic signs of panic that it was hard for them to watch it struggle.
05:56 It must have been stuck in there for days, even weeks perhaps.
06:00 Usually bears like to hibernate in warm places, so that could explain how it got there.
06:07 Owl Stuck in Fishing Line
06:11 It's always saddening to see helpless little animals panic when they're stuck, and whenever
06:15 they're approached by humans, their first reaction is to scream like a siren.
06:20 A man was fishing in the woods when he heard a cute little cry for help.
06:24 When he followed the voice, he found out that an owl was stuck in a fishing line, swinging
06:29 like a pendulum.
06:31 The closer the man got to him, the louder the owl would scream.
06:34 The fishing line had got so tangled up on the owl's wing that the man had to use a nail
06:39 cutter to release the animal.
06:42 After he grabbed the bird gently, it calmed down a bit as it started to realize that the
06:46 man was just trying to help.
06:48 After much, much work, it flew away happily.
06:54 Raccoon Stuck in an Army Tank
06:59 Raccoons always manage to get themselves stuck in the stupidest places.
07:03 Some army officers found this guy, stuck upside down in the entering hole of an army tank.
07:08 One of the soldiers tried to get the fat little guy out with all his strength but failed.
07:13 But when he called over his friends, he was able to get him out.
07:17 He also accidentally threw the raccoon across the field, but that's all in a good day's
07:21 work.
07:22 Who knew being in the army could be so fun?
07:26 Elephant Mother Rescues Baby By Herself
07:31 Elephants are some of the most emotionally intelligent beings in the animal kingdom.
07:35 A deer or an impala might leave its calf behind in times of sudden danger, but an elephant
07:40 would never give up on its calves.
07:43 And here's a prime example of that.
07:45 A baby elephant had gotten stuck upside in a water hole and couldn't get out after a
07:50 lot of trying.
07:51 When the animal herd realized how severely stuck the baby was, they all came to help.
07:56 It wasn't just that it was stuck, it was slowly suffocating as the watering hole was
08:01 filled to the top.
08:02 The mother desperately tried to scoop the water away with her trunk, but obviously that
08:06 didn't work out too well.
08:08 After many unsuccessful attempts, the rest of the herd gave up.
08:12 Still, the mother kept at it until she finally managed to flip the calf over.
08:17 As soon as she did, the others rushed to her aid.
08:20 Have you ever seen such a beautiful sight?
08:24 Moose Stuck in a Swing Set
08:28 Seems like the bigger the animal gets, the stupider they get.
08:32 This fully grown moose somehow managed to get its huge antlers stuck in a kid's swing
08:36 set.
08:37 All its attempts to break free just got it more tangled up with the chains.
08:41 Luckily, a sergeant came to its rescue.
08:44 Even though the moose was scared and frustrated in the beginning, it decided to trust the
08:49 man.
08:50 This one animal was especially impatient because it kept trying to run and leave the swing
08:55 behind.
08:56 Luckily enough, this only made the process longer.
09:01 Sheep Stuck in a Rope Swing
09:04 Now here's something to look at if you were searching for a good laugh.
09:08 This sheep managed to go and get stuck in the only rope swing that was present in its
09:12 herding area.
09:14 The rest of the herd just watched the silly animal struggle for several minutes.
09:18 Every time the sheep would try to get out, it would end up swinging back and forth in
09:22 the air.
09:23 Imagine how confusing they must be for a dim-witted sheep.
09:26 Some people raised questions about the person who was filming to be irresponsible as it
09:30 didn't immediately help the sheep, but the sheep wasn't in any sort of pain.
09:37 Panda Baby Got Its Head Stuck in the Floor
09:42 Pandas are more about decorative purposes than they are for any other thing.
09:46 These animals are so silly that they seem almost cartoonish.
09:50 Almost all of their popularity is in captivity, and they love that luxurious lifestyle too.
09:56 While playing, one of these panda babies slipped and got its big ol' head stuck in the wooden
10:00 floor.
10:03 Lion Gets Head Stuck in a Barrel
10:08 Lions are smart creatures.
10:10 They shouldn't be so baffled by simple objects such as barrels.
10:14 But unfortunately, this one wasn't the brightest of the bunch.
10:17 During mealtime, all three lions were busy eating from a feeding barrel.
10:21 However, one of them got so passionate about eating that it got its head stuck deep inside.
10:27 Its friends tried to help, but they were of no use.
10:30 It ran around with the barrel over its head for hours until the vets stopped by and fixed
10:34 it all.
10:37 Pelican's Beak Gets Stuck
10:41 Pelicans are practically what we have left of dinosaur genes, even though that can help
10:46 them navigate their way through modern life.
10:48 During a regular day in Florida, this pelican got its beak stuck in the railing of a yacht.
10:53 And when someone came to help, it said "nope" and flew away as if nothing happened.
11:00 Deer Gets Stuck in Playhouse
11:04 Deers like to roam the forest a lot, and when these forests have humans living in them,
11:08 it makes for some amazing interactions.
11:11 This deer for example had no idea what this playhouse slide was but decided to go right
11:16 into it, immediately getting stuck.
11:19 Thankfully it didn't get jammed in there too bad.
11:25 Dolphin Gets Stuck on the Boat
11:29 For curious creatures like dolphins, it's not uncommon for them to pass by where humans
11:33 are to say hello.
11:35 This one got way too excited and accidentally jumped into the boat, and then it started
11:40 flopping around after it realized it had gotten stuck in there.
11:44 Another boat had to stop by to help the dolphin get out of there, but eventually it went back
11:49 into the water.
11:52 Frisbee Stuck in Seal's Neck
11:57 Animals that live among bigger populations of humans are somewhat luckier in the sense
12:01 that humans usually help them out whenever they're in trouble.
12:05 However, sea animals that spend time in the ocean are the real victims.
12:09 This seal right here had a child's frisbee stuck around its neck for years.
12:14 The frisbee started to cut into its neck and had to be taken to a wildlife center so he
12:18 could recover.
12:20 The wound was quite deep and the staff said that it was on the brink of dying.
12:25 Finally she got to go back home after years of care.
12:30 Tire Stuck in Giraffe's Neck
12:34 Giraffes usually stay out of trash since their main food source is trees and such.
12:38 However, a few welfare officials in Kenya rescued a giraffe that apparently wore a tire
12:43 like a necklace.
12:45 The officials had to track down poor Susie and sedate her before they could remove her
12:50 questionable choice of accessories.
12:52 After a whole afternoon of tending after her, the officials found a few scratches on her,
12:56 but other than that, she was fine.
13:01 Kangaroo Gets Head Stuck in Chips
13:05 Australia is a pretty wild place, and even better tourist attraction.
13:10 Not because of all the animals you get to see, but all the little turmoil animals have
13:13 to go through.
13:15 Like this one guy stuck in a bag of chips, hopping around until he hits a car.
13:19 Ouch!
13:20 Thanks to the guy recording, the kangaroo can see again.
13:24 Whenever there is human trash, these things are bound to happen.
13:29 Deer Get Stuck Twice
13:34 Deer are pretty soft at heart and will readily help animals whenever they can.
13:38 On her morning runs in the Stone Mountain Park, a woman found a small deer stuck in
13:43 the fence.
13:44 As soon as she saw that, she helped free the poor guy and then jumped over the fence herself
13:48 too.
13:49 But the story doesn't end there.
13:51 A few moments pass by and she finds the same deer, getting stuck in another fence, right
13:56 in front of her eyes.
13:58 The woman definitely had a special way with animals, with the way she just knew what to
14:02 do.
14:03 In Colorado, a bulk elk had a 600-pound weight on him for about two years.
14:09 This extra weight is actually a huge tire that had been stuck on its neck for the longest
14:13 time.
14:14 The wildlife officers had been trying to get a hold of the animal, but he would keep disappearing.
14:19 Finally, the officers tried to cut the tire out without hurting him.
14:23 Still, unfortunately, they had to cut the elk's antlers off to get rid of the pesky
14:27 tire.
14:28 The elk shed their antlers annually anyway, so it all worked out in the end.
14:35 Dog Gets Head Stuck Between A Gate Dogs can be pretty mischievous creatures
14:41 at times.
14:42 Because how else would you explain this dog getting its head stuck between a gate?
14:46 Even after getting in such a situation, it couldn't stay until the guys from animal
14:51 control came to its rescue.
14:53 The overly excited dog ran off, never to come close to another gate again.
15:00 Dog Wears Container Hat Still on the trend of dogs getting their head
15:06 stuck in funny places, this dog somehow managed to get its head stuck in a container.
15:11 The dog doesn't really mind going around with its new hat since it can see, but the
15:15 kind-hearted humans around stepped in to rid the dog of its container hat before it would
15:20 die of suffocation.
15:21 The dog looks back at those that helped it as though it wanted to show its appreciation.
15:26 It definitely looked relieved.
15:30 Duckling Gets Rescued From The Sewer This group of friends went as far as dipping
15:35 their friend's head into the sewer to save three cute ducklings.
15:39 Good thing everyone made it out unscathed.
15:44 Sheriff Rescues Fawn Being a sheriff is more than just about protecting
15:49 the lives and property of your neighborhood.
15:52 Sometimes you've got to get into pits to rescue fawns as well.
15:56 This fawn, despite its serious case of trust issues, has the sheriff to thank for getting
16:00 it out of a pit.
16:04 Cat Saved From Pole First question, how did that cat get stuck
16:10 in the pole in the first place?
16:12 Cats can be pesky critters at times and this is a clear example of how much trouble they
16:16 can get themselves into.
16:17 It took a joint effort from the fire service, police, and some engineers to rescue the cat
16:22 from the pole.
16:23 They had to cut the pole while ensuring it didn't get too hot for the cat by pouring
16:27 water on the pole.
16:30 Such thoughtful men.
16:31 Then came the critical part, safely removing the cat from the pole.
16:35 The men had to gently guide its head through the pole.
16:38 The cat got out and must have thanked the men as it ran.
16:44 Rhino Gets Head Stuck In A Bucket Rhinos are one of the most aggressive animals
16:49 to exist in the wild.
16:50 Often, Quabit is very different.
16:53 This clumsy rhino found himself stuck in a bucket in his own home.
16:57 Not just that, he walked around blindly with the bucket on his head.
17:00 For a long time he refused to take it off too, pretending that the bucket wasn't bothering
17:05 him, even though he could barely walk.
17:08 After walking around his pen, he finally shook off the bucket.
17:11 This might not be the worst case of animals getting stuck in things, but it's definitely
17:15 one that's adorable.
17:19 Fetch Gone Wrong After what must have been a game of fetch gone
17:25 wrong, this dog was stuck in an underground pipe until its owner shoveled a way out for
17:30 it.
17:31 It seemed so glad to see them again.
17:35 Only Wooly Sheep Saved Sheep are actually heavier than they look,
17:41 especially those that have not been sheared.
17:43 So you'll get why this man was so quick to get into the pond and try to lift the sheep
17:48 out with any backup.
17:49 He quickly realized it wasn't as easy as he had imagined, but he still managed to get
17:53 it out.
17:54 Alright, comment down below which of these animal stories you found the most amusing.
18:00 Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to Forever Green and hit that bell icon for
18:05 We'll see you in the next one.
18:06 (upbeat music)
