One In A Million Moments Captured on Camera

  • last year


00:00 Sometimes, nature does things that really make us stop and ask, "Did that really just
00:05 happen?"
00:06 And when such incidents are caught on camera, it's all the more exciting and memorable.
00:10 From monkeys being more intelligent than humans to cats being self-sufficient and the cutest
00:15 dog and hedgehog pair, you're about to see it all!
00:19 Let's get started!
00:20 Okay, so picture this, you're just relaxing on a beach and you see a 6-foot-long Komodo
00:25 dragon having eaten a turtle and walking around wearing its shell as a hat.
00:31 Not only that, but once it ends, it's intimidating saunter right in front of you.
00:36 It shakes off the turtle hat and licks the turtle remains off of its face!
00:40 Nature is indeed brutal!
00:43 Some of us, when we see a crocodile run the other way, decide to instead put a pair of
00:47 sunglasses on them and see how they react.
00:50 This crocodile is clearly just minding its own business chilling in the swamp when the
00:54 ballsy gentleman decides to walk up to it and throw a pair of shades on it.
00:59 Now, I'm no animal expert, so I don't know whether this croc just hissed or laughed in
01:04 reaction.
01:05 Either way, no way I'd ever get this close to one of these!
01:09 Now, we all know that most of the dog breeds out there were bred to herd dogs, and border
01:14 collies are among the best of them.
01:17 Except, this one seems to get bullied by a couple of its own sheep, but soon he starts
01:22 staring them down and helps this owner back into the pen.
01:26 Talk about a rough day at work!
01:28 When you think of elephants, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the loud and
01:32 destructive herd of Colonel Hathi from the Jungle Book.
01:36 This gentle giant couldn't be more different though.
01:39 As this playful beast scoops up the safari lady's hat and hides it, you just know he's
01:44 waiting for a reaction.
01:46 He doesn't keep up the mischief for long though and politely returns the hat when asked for
01:51 it.
01:52 I don't know about you, but I'd definitely be visiting the elephant safari this weekend.
01:56 Now, bears might look fuzzy and cuddly from afar, but they're actually really smart and
02:01 precise predators.
02:03 Check out this furry friend sitting patiently by the river waiting for the right moment
02:07 to strike.
02:08 The champ goes headfirst into the water and, in a matter of seconds, returns with a fish
02:13 in his mouth.
02:14 Can't help but feel bad for the fish as the bear turns calmly and disappears into the
02:19 bushes.
02:20 A good day for a swim, I guess.
02:22 Talking about hungry, ruthless animals, next up is the coconut octopus.
02:26 The crab was just minding its business roaming about in the sand while the octopus attacked
02:31 out of nowhere.
02:32 Restraining the poor thing with its suckers and injecting poison using its beak, soon
02:37 the crab becomes completely paralyzed and stops resisting.
02:41 The eight-legged molluscus drags the crab back to its home and savors his supper.
02:46 Looks like I'm not the only one who loves a good crab rangoon.
02:50 Sitting down in the birdbath, this charm of hummingbirds is having the time of its life.
02:55 From fluttering their wings in water to diving headfirst, these birds surely aren't doing
03:00 this for the first time, and it will definitely not be the last.
03:04 Doesn't this make you wish you were a hummingbird too?
03:07 What emotionally intelligent creatures!
03:09 When a monkey comes across a sad friend, he does not hesitate to go in for a hug.
03:15 The rest is just magic.
03:17 As they hold each other tight, you can imagine how strong their bond must be.
03:22 What better way to brighten up somebody's day than a big monkey hug?
03:26 Aren't you glad this was caught on camera?
03:29 This guy sets up a mini fetching obstacle course for his mouse, and his little white
03:34 friend is an absolute pro at it.
03:37 Snipping around for the vial with number three on it, the mouse has no problem finding it
03:41 from a bunch of other vials.
03:43 Not only does he manage to locate it every time its position is changed, but also carries
03:47 it back to its owner, jumping over a mouse wall.
03:51 This mouse will give Jerry a run for his money.
03:54 Next up, the curious cat.
03:56 As the girl walks towards the lion enclosure on her scooter, the lion has his eyes fixed
04:01 on the shiny new toy.
04:03 Looks like he is less interested in the girl and more in the scooter she is on.
04:08 Having had enough, this clumsy fella tries to grab the strange thing for himself.
04:12 Too bad he's separated by a glass though.
04:15 All our furry friend can do is roll about and try to claw his way through while the
04:21 girl laughs.
04:22 Better luck next time, buddy!
04:24 This furry fella loves to get his butt scratched.
04:26 Doesn't the pony look so calm when its human friend goes for that itch?
04:31 But wait, the pony is following him!
04:33 Wherever he goes, the pony follows butt first, signaling that the job isn't done yet.
04:38 But that's okay, with a pony this cute, it's not a problem.
04:43 Guess there's a whole lot of itch left to scratch!
04:52 What's cuter than a baby horse?
04:54 A miniature baby horse!
04:56 Especially if it can't get enough of you, this cutie follows its owner no matter where
05:01 he goes.
05:02 Even when the guy tries to lose it, the baby horse just doesn't give up.
05:06 Making sharp turns and running in circles, nothing is cuter than this baby horse hop-trotting
05:11 on its delicate little legs.
05:13 What a delight!
05:14 Have you heard of the prehistoric sea beast called Megalodon?
05:18 Well this great white shark isn't any less scary!
05:21 And what is that swimming next to this huge and scary predator?
05:25 A scuba diver?
05:26 This man swims in harmony with the great white shark.
05:30 As a matter of fact, the shark seems to like it too.
05:33 It's hard to believe that he hasn't become shark dinner yet.
05:36 What an odd friendship!
05:38 Recall the thrill and fascination of seeing a hot air balloon for the first time?
05:43 That's what this ferret reminds us of.
05:45 Standing on its hind legs, this little fella can't help but chirp in a mixture of confusion
05:50 and awe as the sky is filled with giant balloons.
05:53 Or maybe he just wants a ride!
05:56 Either way, we are totally in love with this cutie.
05:58 Isn't this the most relatable ferret ever?
06:01 That hippo definitely had some unfinished business.
06:05 The lion's unrelenting effort to feast on the dead beast proves useless.
06:10 At least that's what it seems like from the sounds of it.
06:18 Farting in the lion's face?
06:19 Seriously?
06:20 Mind your manners!
06:21 Looks like the hippo isn't going to be anyone's dinner tonight.
06:25 An odd self-defense tactic but it worked!
06:28 Ever heard the phrase "you're so cute I just wanna eat you up"?
06:31 Well this stork took it quite literally.
06:34 Chilling with the fuzzy hamster-like capybaras, the stork tries to hold them in his beak.
06:40 They don't seem to be enjoying it very much though but looks like our feathered friend
06:44 won't be giving up anytime soon.
06:47 After getting distracted for only a bit, the silly stork is back to trying to put the mammal
06:51 in his mouth.
06:52 Does it really think it can eat a capybara?
06:56 Or is it just teasing them?
06:58 Imagine you're chilling, taking in the sun, sitting on a rock when all of a sudden the
07:02 rock gets up when you realize the rock is a hippo and in the water you go!
07:07 That is exactly what happened with our turtle friends here.
07:10 Looks like the hippo is just done with animals, using it as free real estate.
07:15 Rides over, off you go!
07:16 If you need further proof that cats are evil, this video will definitely make you a believer.
07:22 The poor unsuspecting dog is just sitting there minding his own business while our antagonist
07:27 contemplates a way to mess with him.
07:30 After staring for a bit, the cat hits the dog for no apparent reason at all.
07:34 What went on in that cat's head will remain a mystery but it was cooking up chaos to say
07:39 the very least.
07:41 Name a better duo than a tiny hedgehog and a dog, you can't!
07:44 Baby hedgehog just wants to befriend the dog but he isn't having any of the walking cactus's
07:50 shenanigans.
07:51 You would expect the tiny creature to be scared of the jumpy doggo but the presence is remarkable.
07:56 The dog finally seems to give in a little because who can say no to that cute face?
08:02 Just look at it!
08:03 Don't you get tired of attending to your pets all day long?
08:06 Well this cat's owner is on a break.
08:09 Standing on its two hind legs, the cat's paws are at the water dispenser to let off a refreshing
08:14 stream.
08:15 What next?
08:16 It drinks to the full of course!
08:17 Doesn't it look so cute darting its tongue in and out?
08:20 We wouldn't be surprised if the cat cooks too!
08:23 What a responsible pet and not to mention adorable too!
08:27 A double threat!
08:28 Ever seen a German Shepherd getting cozy with baby ducklings in a pool?
08:32 Well now you have!
08:34 The ducklings are swimming around minding their own business while the curious doggie
08:38 tries to make friends with them.
08:40 Seriously, what is with all these unusual friendships?
08:43 But hey, we aren't mad!
08:46 It's summer after all which means enough space in the pool for everybody.
08:50 Doggo, just make sure you don't accidentally squish them or gobble them up for that matter!
08:56 This curious little fella climbed onto the goose's back and the goose let him!
09:01 Walking on the goose to get comfy, the puppy decides to hug it from the back.
09:05 Or maybe the little troublemaker is hanging on for his dear life!
09:09 Either way, it's the cutest video we have ever seen!
09:13 Who knew geese would be this chill or puppies could be this playful?
09:17 The love of a mother is unparalleled, whether the mother in question is a human or an otter.
09:23 Mama otter floats on her back as she holds her sleeping baby close to her, cuddling it
09:28 and preventing it from getting wet.
09:30 Adjusting the baby on her chest, this one duty mother is committed to her child's comfort.
09:36 Doesn't this make you want to run up to your mom and hug her?
09:39 Did someone say crazy?
09:41 Because this video is literally the textbook definition of it!
09:45 See Bactrian camels just chilling in the middle of the street being chased by a monkey riding
09:50 a ridiculous bicycle?
09:52 What is happening to the world?
09:54 Something tells us this is a circus sighting and we couldn't be more thrilled about someone
09:59 recording it.
10:00 After all, you don't see stuff like this whack on the regular!
10:03 Heard of Romulus and Remus?
10:05 Being nursed and fed by a wolf?
10:07 Well, the story isn't all that different.
10:09 This dog mommy took the stray kitten in her litter and is nursing it all along with her
10:14 own pups.
10:15 Who even does this, taking someone else's child and feeding them especially if it's
10:19 from a different species altogether?
10:21 Regardless, we couldn't be more happy about this furball finding a loving home.
10:27 Think Ringo Starr is a legend?
10:28 You'd think twice after you see this video.
10:31 This duck is giving the legends a hard run for their money.
10:35 Look at it flap its feet onto the drums like it was born to do it.
10:39 Think he's got a big drumming career ahead of him?
10:41 Well, we sure do!
10:42 Here's a scene for you to imagine.
10:44 You're laying in your bed with your best buddy.
10:46 You lean in to kiss their cheek.
10:48 They respond with licking your face.
10:50 Can't imagine it?
10:51 Well, then look at this video of this man and his dog sharing a cute moment.
10:56 Don't you wish you could have a buddy like this too?
10:59 How do we beat this awful heat?
11:01 I think these baby otters have got an answer for us.
11:05 Just lay yourself in a tub of ice, invite your best buddies and it'll be a party.
11:10 But you know what every party leads to?
11:12 Flexing your sick dance moves or getting in a fight with a frenemy.
11:16 Don't think so?
11:17 Well, we got this cutie video of otters to prove you wrong.
11:21 Would you believe us if we told you that pandas enjoy doing pull-ups?
11:24 Well, this little guy certainly does.
11:26 And what's cuter than this lazy little beast trying to hang on to this branch with all
11:31 his might?
11:32 Absolutely nothing.
11:33 That is why we feel so bad that he fell.
11:36 Aw, but at least it's so darn cute.
11:39 Even our parents love playing good cop bad cop.
11:42 Guess that's not just us.
11:44 The descendants of our ancestors share a few similarities with us.
11:48 Look at this baby monkey being pushed away.
11:51 Papa monkey!
11:52 Aw, poor baby.
11:53 It deserves all the cuddles the mama monkey's given him.
11:56 Reminds us of our childhoods, to be honest.
12:00 Dogs keep cats in check.
12:02 Cats are well-known for being sneaky and getting away with it.
12:06 But this particular cat has a different story to tell.
12:09 Its three golden retriever brothers won't let it go into any trouble.
12:13 They have made it their life's mission to keep the cat away from fights and its best
12:17 behavior.
12:18 This cat is probably one of the most obedient cats, but that is because it doesn't really
12:23 have any choice.
12:25 Cowboy cat.
12:26 While there are many interesting animal relationships on a farm, what are the odds of coming across
12:30 a cat on a horse?
12:32 When approached, the cat and its horse decided to take off.
12:36 The cat remained comfortable and growed like a pro.
12:40 Playtime gone wrong.
12:41 Pro tip, when it comes to babysitting, always keep your camera on.
12:45 Things happen very fast in a toddler's world and especially when animals are involved.
12:50 How else would you explain how blowing bubbles quickly turned into tears?
12:55 Dogs and delivery boys.
12:57 It's good to have a dog that obeys orders and it's even better when the dog doesn't
13:01 need to be told what to do.
13:03 At best would be having a dog that does your job for you.
13:06 When this German Shepherd had a knock on the door, it didn't hesitate to open it.
13:10 What's more interesting is that it took the package from the delivery boy and placed
13:15 it on the floor.
13:16 He backed to signal the delivery boy to leave then proceeded to close the door.
13:21 But that was not all, the dog picked the package and placed it in a better place.
13:27 While this German Shepherd seemed kind enough to the delivery boy, I can't say the same
13:31 about the Huskies.
13:33 They too had a knock on the door and one of them opened the door and took the package
13:36 from the delivery boy but when they noticed the delivery boy was still standing at the
13:40 door, the dog with the package closed the door on the delivery boy's face with its
13:45 hind legs.
13:46 Sorry, no tips for you today.
13:49 New shoes.
13:50 At one point or another, we've all been excited about a new pair of shoes.
13:53 We treasure them and wouldn't want a speck of dirt on them.
13:57 Everyone would know when you had a new one.
13:59 For this dog, I don't know if it's the excitement of having new shoes on or wearing
14:03 shoes for the very first time.
14:05 He even forgot to walk and wouldn't keep his eyes off them.
14:08 Dancing Bacon.
14:09 Music has a way of lightening up a mood, whether you are the one dancing to it or watching
14:13 others dance.
14:14 In this case, who wouldn't be happy watching a little pig dance to Shakira and this particular
14:19 pig is so into it.
14:21 That ladies and gentlemen is how you know the bacon is gonna taste delicious!
14:26 Sneaky Puppy.
14:27 It's not only babies who sneak out of playpens and baby cots.
14:31 One of these cute bunch of puppies managed to squeeze its chubby bum through one of the
14:35 little holes and happily left the pen.
14:38 The rest of the crew was left wondering about what had just happened.
14:42 Hugging Lions.
14:43 Domestic cats are known to give one of the best snuggles.
14:46 But imagine getting a big hug from a big cat and that's not just any big cat, that's
14:51 the king of the jungle.
14:53 Yes, you heard that right, a lion!
14:56 At Taigan Lion Park, tourists are treated to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where
15:00 lions hop into the car not to attack but to give the tourists the biggest hugs and snuggles.
15:06 Everyone gets a chance, even the ones at the back, how cute is that?
15:11 Belunga Whale Plays Fetch.
15:13 After winning comes celebration.
15:15 When a South African rugby team won the World Cup for a third time, the fans set out to
15:20 celebrate in their own special way.
15:22 A group of sailors decided to celebrate by playing with a belunga whale in the sea.
15:27 The sailors would throw the rugby ball into the water and the belunga whale would happily
15:32 fetch the ball and bring it back to the sailors.
15:35 Bear Takes a Selfie.
15:36 The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw humans staying indoors a lot more than usual.
15:42 Even the animals had to come out and find out what was really going on.
15:46 A group of people decided to take a nature walk when they stumbled upon a large curious
15:50 black bear.
15:51 Instead of taking to their heels, they did the right thing.
15:55 They stood still while the bear became dangerously close and inspected them.
15:59 One particular girl was even brave enough to take a selfie which the bear was happy
16:03 to hop into.
16:05 Once he was done being curious, he left.
16:07 Partner in Crime.
16:08 Don't you just love it when you know that someone has your back?
16:12 For this little girl, her ride or die happens to be a German Shepherd.
16:16 The dog was relaxing while the little girl was watching television, being the alert dog
16:20 that it is, the dog could hear footsteps of the little girl's dad long before he reached
16:25 the door.
16:26 He signaled the girl to switch off the TV and do her homework.
16:29 They both remained so cool that even the dad didn't suspect anything.
16:34 From the look of things, this isn't their first time.
16:36 Alright, comment below which of these clips blew your mind the most.
16:40 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to Forever Green, and we'll see you in the
16:44 next one!
16:50 Bye!
