RightWingers ERUPT With Agonizing Obama Chef Conspiracies

  • last year
RightWingers ERUPT With Agonizing Obama Chef Conspiracies


00:00 So the fact that a man, a healthy
00:01 man, only 45 years old, could die
00:04 while doing a leisure activity,
00:06 nope, nope, nope.
00:07 He was clearly killed by
00:08 the Obamas.
00:09 So people like the Hodge twins
00:11 tweeting, so Obama's personal chef
00:13 just drowned in a paddleboard
00:15 accident in a pond.
00:16 Clinton's personal chef
00:18 accidentally drowned too.
00:20 You see, there's a link.
00:22 Their chef died,
00:24 Clinton's chef died.
00:25 Why there would be some sort of
00:28 plot to bump off chefs, I don't
00:30 know and they're not explaining.
00:33 But there's a thing that's
00:34 the same, so
00:35 I guess that explains it.
00:36 Cat turd just posts a photo from
00:40 Chapaquiddick.
00:42 You see, a politician was involved
00:44 in the tragic death of another
00:45 person and water was involved.
00:47 Thus, if anyone that's linked in
00:49 any way to a politician dies and
00:50 water is involved in the future,
00:52 it's obviously the same thing.
00:53 This is the sort of incisive
00:55 commentary and
00:56 context added to politics that
00:58 makes Cat Turd, who is a rando,
01:00 worthy of millions of followers and
01:03 the daily support of the richest
01:05 man in the world.
01:06 Anyway, we might get to more.
01:08 In fact, we are going to get to one
01:10 more in a sec, but Adrian,
01:11 we're in the conspiracy theories.
01:13 He obviously was killed.
01:14 Why?
01:15 To what end?
01:16 Nobody needs to say.
01:19 It's just enough to say that he
01:20 died and Obama's involved.
01:22 >> Absolutely, without a doubt.
01:24 I'm surprised they haven't brought
01:26 in Emmy contender, the bear, and
01:28 this is some way of making sure
01:29 that it doesn't get, I just really
01:31 don't understand people where
01:33 they're coming from.
01:34 The fact is that when you don't
01:36 have a conspiracy,
01:37 you just have real life.
01:38 And being not necessarily fully in
01:40 control when it comes to something
01:42 like water, which we've all known
01:44 to be a very dangerous and
01:46 powerful thing to begin with.
01:48 Recognizing that maybe no one is
01:50 necessarily 100% safe in it.
01:52 It's okay to just respect that fact
01:54 and go on about your life.
01:56 Be vigilant and move forward as
01:58 opposed to playing up these tropes,
02:00 these theories and conspiracies and
02:03 thinking that it's a great way to
02:05 remain or retain some type of
02:07 stability in your life and
02:08 have that control.
02:10 >> Yeah, and look,
02:12 the ironic thing is that, of course,
02:14 there are things that are not
02:16 necessarily widely known that are
02:17 influencing outcomes, politics,
02:19 all of that.
02:20 But I guess it doesn't involve
02:22 the supernatural, so
02:23 it's not worth thinking of.
02:26 >> We're going to end with
02:27 graphic eight.
02:28 This is from a QAnon person who
02:30 posted QPost 3474 was posted
02:32 July 24th, 2019.
02:35 It is the lone QPost containing
02:37 the word chef within it.
02:39 Today Obama's chef was sound dead,
02:41 paddleboarding,
02:43 four year delta to the day.
02:45 Just say it's been four years since
02:46 the day.
02:47 Don't try to be like James Bond or
02:48 something with your Greek words.
02:50 Unreal, witness protection.
02:54 I understand this is not a person
02:56 capable of rational thought, but
02:57 what exactly is the theory here?
02:59 Not that they would kill the chef.
03:02 That's not enough.
03:03 It's that it was predicted four
03:05 years before they died.
03:06 So what exactly happened?
03:08 How did they know, Q,
03:10 that they would kill him exactly
03:12 four years later?
03:13 Or what, did they kill him because
03:15 finally the stars had aligned and
03:17 it was time to kill him?
03:18 Is that why they did it?
03:19 Also, by the way,
03:21 he went missing on Sunday.
03:22 It wasn't the 24th,
03:24 it was the 23rd.
03:25 So it's not four years delta
03:26 to the day, but don't let me get
03:27 in the way between you and
03:29 your theory.
03:30 Also, the word chef appeared there
03:32 because the Twitter account was
03:34 QAnon pastry chef, which means that
03:37 everything that they posted had
03:39 the word chef in it, not one post.
03:41 That wasn't even a part of
03:42 the Q drop, you moron.
03:44 That was the person's online handle.
03:46 And what's the significance there?
03:48 I'm not saying that these theories
03:50 can't be fun, but shouldn't there
03:52 be at least an attempt at making
03:54 an actual point?
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