10 Most Beautiful Lizards in the World

  • last year


00:00 4.
00:01 Evergreen presents 10 most beautiful lizards in the world.
00:08 Tokei Gecko The Tokei Gecko is a nocturnal reptile that
00:12 belongs to the genus Gecko.
00:15 It has a robust body, larger head, and strong limbs and jaws compared to other gecko species.
00:21 Although it camouflages to blend with the color of the environment, it is usually gray
00:25 with red speckles in color.
00:28 Its body is cylindrical in shape and has a smooth texture.
00:36 Rainbow Agama The rock agamas are found in the most sub-Saharan
00:41 countries like India.
00:43 They are normally 13 to 30 cm long with the males measuring 3 to 5 inches longer than
00:49 the females.
00:51 The lizards normally live in a small group with one male as the leader.
00:55 The lead male is allowed to mate with the females, but the other males cannot mate with
01:00 any female in the group unless they eliminate that leader.
01:08 Thorny Dragon The Thorny Dragon is mostly found in Australian
01:13 deserts.
01:14 Its color is normally desert brown or tan.
01:17 It camouflages during cold weather to form a darker shade of its normal color.
01:23 Its body is covered in spikes for defense.
01:26 For survival mechanisms in the desert, it simply dips its limbs in the water, the legs
01:31 draw water by capillarity, the water is then transported to the mouth via the skin.
01:47 Reticulate Monster The Reticulate Gila Monster is found mainly
01:50 in Mexico and the USA, in deserts and rocky areas.
01:55 Their hunting skill is empowered by their strong sense of smell and hearing.
02:00 They can hear vibrations of their prey from far away.
02:07 The large torso and tail are used to store fats and water, enabling them to survive in
02:12 the deserts.
02:13 The dry and flaky scales prevent excessive loss of water from their bodies.
02:25 Parsons Chameleon The Parsons Chameleon is the largest chameleon
02:30 in the world in terms of weight.
02:33 It is found in the rainforests of Madagascar.
02:37 The females lay up to 50 eggs, which takes a maximum of two years to be hatched.
02:43 Because of their beautiful appearance, they have been imported to the USA from their native
02:47 country.
02:56 Flying Gecko Flying geckos are found in Asia, especially
03:00 in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, southern Thailand, and Singapore.
03:06 They have flaps on the sides of their body.
03:09 Their feet are webbed.
03:10 They are nocturnal.
03:12 The males become territorial and are difficult to contain in a cage.
03:16 They camouflage with a bark of trees, which makes it difficult to see them, helping them
03:21 to escape and hide from predators.
03:29 Flying geckos live inside trees and hop from branch to branch, especially when they spot
03:34 danger.
03:43 Five-Lined Skink The colorful American five-lined skink is
03:48 native to the United States.
03:50 The juvenile is also commonly known as the blue-tailed skink, while the adult is also
03:56 commonly known as the red-headed skink.
04:03 This skink is remarkable for its blue-colored tail and for the five yellow lines on its
04:07 body.
04:13 Gold Day Dust Gecko The colorful gold dust day gecko of Madagascar
04:18 and Comoros is a lizard that feeds on insects and nectar.
04:27 This tiny lizard, growing up to nine inches, is bright yellowish-green or rarely even blue
04:32 in color.
04:34 Its neck and upper back are characterized by yellow speckles.
04:38 Its upper eyelids, feet, and toes are blue.
04:43 Indo-Chinese Forest Lizard The blue-colored Indo-Chinese forest lizard
04:48 is an agamid lizard endemic to Southeast Asia.
04:54 This beautiful lizard with yellowish lips is also commonly known as the blue-crested
04:59 lizard.
05:06 Iberian Emerald Lizard The uniquely looking Iberian emerald lizard
05:11 of Portugal and Spain is a lizard with unusual markings and bright coloration.
05:17 It lives naturally in temperate forests and shrublands.
05:21 This threatened species, due to loss of habitat, is also commonly known as Schreiber's green
05:27 lizard.
05:39 the world.
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05:42 the world.
05:43 the world.
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05:45 the world.
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