8 Animals That Survived The Impossible

  • last year
00:00 Today's video will prove that it's clearly not just cats who have nine lives.
00:04 Especially in the animal kingdom, any form of weakness like a genetic defect
00:09 or disability could mean the difference between life or death.
00:12 But with some luck and the occasional helping hand, some of these miraculous
00:17 animals have managed to survive against all odds.
00:20 From a six-legged deer to a lion trapped in a snare for almost three years.
00:24 Here are eight animals who've survived the impossible.
00:29 And if that doesn't sound crazy enough, make sure you stick around for number one
00:36 to meet the unbelievable headless camel.
00:38 Let's take a look at these survivors.
00:40 Number eight, the two-legged cow.
00:44 This baby cow was born with no front legs and had just about two choices.
00:51 Stay put or learn to walk on two legs like a regular human being.
00:56 The bizarre footage of this cow is thought to have been filmed in Indonesia
01:00 and shows the calf walking around on its hind legs, making it look just about
01:05 the height of a young teenager.
01:06 It doesn't quite appear to be in full control of its body and is constantly
01:10 stumbling around, looking like it's going to fall over any minute.
01:13 We believe this cow to be one serious survivor, but some social media users
01:19 have been quick to condemn the video.
01:20 There have been heartbroken calls requesting the animal be put out
01:24 of its misery and to sleep.
01:26 Others have asked why the owner hasn't yet made the animal
01:28 some kind of sling with wheels.
01:30 There are no details about how old the cow is or whether it's in pain,
01:34 but it does look well fed.
01:36 Number seven, the strong-willed goat.
01:41 Like our two-legged cow, this goat was born on just two legs, but was determined
01:49 to teach herself how to walk around and play with her friends.
01:52 The goat was born with only two front legs in December last year on a farm
01:56 in the Yunnan province of China.
01:58 The owner said it took her a little more than a week after
02:01 birth to learn how to walk.
02:02 However, unlike our two-legged cow, this goat walks on her front
02:06 legs, which is quite the trick.
02:08 The animal not only stunned the whole village, but has been dubbed the
02:13 strong-willed goat by locals and should serve as an inspiration to us all.
02:18 Number six, copper's fall.
02:20 They say cats always land on their feet, and on the off chance they don't,
02:26 they've always got eight more lives.
02:28 This nine-year-old puss named Copper actually survived a fall of 14 stories
02:34 from an apartment building in New York City.
02:36 As cats often do, Copper managed to squeeze through the narrow window
02:40 and get out of the way of the cat.
02:42 The cat was so scared that it was trying to run away.
02:45 Copper managed to squeeze through the narrow window and slipped out of the
02:49 building into what should have been guaranteed death.
02:52 Cats are actually pretty prone to falling because they get fixated
02:55 on chasing after birds or insects.
02:57 This phenomenon actually has a name known as "high-rise syndrome."
03:01 While the fall could have been the end for a human.
03:04 Animals who receive medical attention immediately after a fall
03:08 actually have a 90% survival rate.
03:10 In Copper's case, the cat not only survived the 14-story fall, but got
03:15 away with just a fractured foot.
03:16 Looks like they don't need those lives after all.
03:19 This beagle-mix dog named Daniel was scheduled to be put down in a gas
03:30 chamber at an animal control center in Florence, Alabama, but what
03:34 happened next shocked all the workers.
03:36 Along with several other dogs, Daniel was ushered into a stainless steel
03:40 box roughly the size of a pickup truck's bed, which was then filled
03:44 with carbon monoxide gas.
03:46 But while other dogs in the box died, this pup walked out completely
03:50 unscathed and still wagging his tail.
03:52 Workers speculate Daniel may have survived thanks to having a cold,
03:56 which may have resulted in the dog taking shallow breaths.
03:59 This is also the story of how Daniel got his name, as he was named
04:02 after the biblical figure who survived the lion's den.
04:05 Daniel was later taken to 11th Hour Rescue, a non-profit animal
04:10 organization in New Jersey, and put up for adoption.
04:14 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
04:17 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button,
04:21 and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds, you will
04:24 have 10 years of amazing luck.
04:26 Hurry up and try it.
04:27 It actually works.
04:28 This isn't a story of survival as much as it is one of immortality.
04:41 This microscopic critter known as the tardigrade can survive the impossible.
04:45 Less than 1mm long, they're also called water bears due to
04:49 their distinctive appearance.
04:51 But what's crazy about these guys is that they've been able to
04:54 survive almost anything, anywhere.
04:56 Tardigrades have been found in extreme environments throughout the
04:59 world, from scorching deserts to high mountains to the deepest of oceans.
05:04 A new species of the animal was even discovered in Antarctica.
05:09 The tardigrades have proven they can survive in freezing environments
05:12 as well as endure intense pressure, extreme radiation, poison, and dehydration.
05:18 They've actually been frozen and brought back to life after three decades.
05:21 Tardigrades have even survived the vacuum of outer space.
05:26 At this point, one must wonder where these little critters are really
05:30 survivors or just plain immortal.
05:32 Number three, Mikumi, the survivor.
05:38 Meet Mikumi, the Tanzanian National Park lion who got his head caught in a snare
05:43 and was trapped there for three whole years.
05:46 The young injured lion was spotted at the park in 2009, but officials said
05:51 the park's massive size and difficult terrain made it impossible to pinpoint the animal.
05:56 Several unsuccessful efforts were made to rescue him, but the wire snare
06:00 around his neck became tighter and tighter, creating an infected wound
06:05 and making the animal incapable of ensuring its own survival.
06:08 Had the brothers and sisters of his pride not hunted and fed him for three years,
06:12 it would have been the end for Mikumi.
06:14 Normally, a weakened male lion would be killed, but finally in 2012, a rescue team
06:20 managed to free the beast from the snare, which had been deeply
06:23 embedded into the animal's flesh.
06:24 Mikumi is now regaining weight and his wound is healing.
06:28 His mane was growing back over his neck and shoulders, and he had rejoined his pride.
06:33 What a survivor!
06:35 If a deer with no eyes is a no-eye deer, what do you call one with six legs?
06:45 What our two-legged cow and goat seem to have lost, this deer seems to have inherited.
06:51 This six-legged creature was discovered after being attacked by two dogs
06:56 in Everett Springs, Georgia, in the US.
06:58 The fawn seems to have suffered a genetic defect and now has two legs.
07:03 It now has two distinctive pelvises and uses one leg from each to walk.
07:07 It also had two tails, but one was amputated because of the
07:11 injuries it suffered during the attack.
07:12 The dog's owners took the injured deer to the vet, who said the extra limbs are the
07:17 result of an identical twin that did not fully develop in the womb.
07:20 Somehow, the deer has a fairly normal gait, although the
07:24 center legs seem to get in the way.
07:25 This survivor is likely to be taken to the deer facility at the
07:29 University of Georgia once it has recovered.
07:32 It's now time for today's subscriber pick.
07:34 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about this
07:38 headless camel in the desert looking like it's doing just fine without
07:41 a mouth, a nose or a brain.
07:44 If you come across a mysterious photo online and want us to look into it, just
07:48 send it over and we may even feature it on a future video.
07:51 Before we reveal number one, be sure to check out other amazing videos on our
07:57 channel and give us a like if you enjoyed this video and want to see more.
08:00 If you enjoyed this video so far, tell us in comments, which one of
08:05 these you like the most and why.
08:07 We looked into this headless camel and here's the story.
08:12 Number one, Camouflage.
08:16 48 year old Indian photographer Sanjeev Nijawan was taking pictures of a herd
08:23 of camels in the Jasalmer desert with his family.
08:26 When he caught this perfectly timed optical illusion showing this camel
08:30 standing still while his head was turned the other way.
08:33 Sanjeev said he saw a herd of camels crossing the road and at a distance, he
08:37 saw this camel with its head turned around, making it look like it was
08:40 completely headless.
08:42 He said he had around five seconds to capture the moment before he pulled
08:45 his around again and he managed.
08:48 Yes, ladies and gents, this picture is the result of purely skilled
08:52 and not a touch of Photoshop.
08:53 All right.
08:55 So you may have been excited to see a real headless camel.
08:58 But for you folks who really wanted headless camels to be real, we may have
09:02 some pretty cool original footage.
09:03 Check out this rare headless camel sighting at Miami Metro Zoo.
09:07 See it walking around like nothing's wrong at all.
09:10 Let's pause it right there for a moment.
09:12 What do you guys think?
09:14 Is this another illusion or have we really found a camel that's managed
09:18 to survive without its head?
09:19 Go ahead.
09:20 Comment your answer below.
09:22 We'll wait.
09:22 Okay.
09:24 Are you ready?
09:25 Let's resume the video.
09:26 Will you look at that?
09:28 Looks like camels can't survive without their heads after all, but it seems to
09:31 be quite the camel trend to fool us into thinking they can and those were the
09:37 eight or should we say seven incredible animals that survived the impossible.
09:41 Were you inspired by this list of incredible creatures who've made
09:45 it through thick and thin?
09:46 Let us know in the comments below.
09:48 And if you found this awe-inspiring, you should definitely check out 10
09:52 mythical creatures that actually exist.
09:55 [Music]
