Kayleigh McEnany This was astonishing to watch

  • last year
Kayleigh McEnany This was astonishing to watch


00:00 Biden has had a busy month on the world stage, but frankly, it's been a little hard to watch
00:04 at times.
00:06 Last week, we saw our president stumble at the NATO summit in Lithuania and skipping
00:11 an important dinner with world leaders to get some extra sleep.
00:15 And then he confused Iceland with Ireland while speaking at a joint news conference.
00:21 Fredrickson of Denmark and the ministry of Komo, daughter of Ireland, daughter of Ireland.
00:28 You can tell that's a Freudian slip on thinking of home.
00:31 The daughter of Iceland.
00:34 Teach him the meaning of Freudian, would you?
00:37 Moments later, President Biden snapped at a reporter from Finland.
00:41 Hearing this answer that no one can guarantee a future.
00:45 Are you worried that the political instability in the US will cause issues in the alliance
00:50 in the future?
00:51 Let me be clear.
00:52 I didn't say we didn't guarantee it.
00:53 We couldn't guarantee the future.
00:55 You can't tell me whether you're going to be able to go home tonight.
00:58 No one can be sure what they're going to do.
01:02 Bizarre.
01:03 Yesterday, the president sat down with Israeli President Isaac Hershog in the Oval Office.
01:07 It was an important meeting.
01:08 It was a make good of sorts after the president called his nation extremists.
01:12 It apologized.
01:14 He also called Benjamin Netanyahu.
01:15 I mean, cleanup on aisle seven.
01:17 But during that Oval Office moment, our 80 year old leader and God bless the octogenarian
01:24 was spotted using note cards to get through the meeting, a meeting that was really just
01:29 a hello, welcome.
01:30 He struggled to pronounce the names of several major cities in the Middle East, and then
01:34 some of it was just incoherent.
01:36 We brought Israelis and Palestinians together at a political level.
01:50 You know what, Kayleigh?
01:51 It isn't funny.
01:53 And I tweeted out yesterday that someone needs to check on our president right now.
01:58 Seriously.
01:59 And I meant it.
02:00 I'm not a doctor.
02:02 I am a loved one of someone who I wouldn't want to see in that position.
02:07 He's tired, I guess.
02:08 I don't know.
02:09 But we needed to make good with our strongest ally in the Middle East yesterday.
02:13 And he he was incoherent for sections of it.
02:16 And it's 15 minutes long.
02:17 People can go watch it.
02:18 Yeah.
02:19 I mean, I don't know if our producers can pop that up again.
02:21 It's astonishing to watch him sit across from an ally, Israeli president.
02:25 I mean, look at this.
02:26 Do you think he does this with Xi?
02:28 Does he do this with Putin?
02:30 What do they think when he does it?
02:32 And the only reason he's able to get away with things like that are because people like
02:35 The New York Times cover for him.
02:37 You know, in June, some who accompany him overseas express astonishment at his ability
02:41 to keep up.
02:42 Does this look like a guy who you're astonished at his ability to keep up?
02:46 And they talk about him pushing Italy's prime minister.
02:49 No, this looks like someone who is woefully behind the frailty.
02:53 You are watching there the nibbling of a child that happened yesterday.
02:57 I just had to ask myself, does anyone in America think it is a good idea to give this guy four
03:01 more years?
03:02 I mean, this is what you're voting for.
03:03 How is this good?
03:04 You know, Leslie, you and I have talked brass tacks about your party, about both parties.
03:10 What is your take?
03:11 Answer Kayleigh's question there.
03:13 Well, first of all, I've seen presidents, Democrat, Republican, whether they're near
03:17 80 or whether they're closer to 50, that have made mistakes, make mistakes as to where they're
03:22 going, where they are, you know, names of vegetables, names of cities or towns.
03:27 And I've seen that, you know, as not just a Democrat, but as a voter, I really don't
03:32 look at whether they're using note cards or teleprompters, whether they, you know, miss
03:37 misspeak, because I certainly am not a perfect human being and not in a position to judge
03:40 anybody hours of radio.
03:42 You're amazing.
03:43 Thank you.
03:44 Also, not the president.
03:45 Guys, I inhaled and I've way too many skeletons in my closet.
03:50 I will never be president.
03:51 I can guarantee you that.
03:52 But but, you know, for me, what what I care about is policy and I care about what has
03:58 been done and what I heard Herzog say before and after President Biden spoke was awesome
04:04 to me as an American with regard to Israel as an ally.
04:08 And it remains to be one of our strongest allies.
04:10 And we heard that from Herzog's lips himself.
04:13 I've suggested some Republicans of late, they have to be careful to careful not to overstate
04:19 the president's incapacity, because whenever we do it, you know, whenever we criticize
04:24 him, do it too much.
04:26 He can turn up and do a reasonably OK job.
04:29 And that's because expectations have become so low that the president just getting onto
04:34 the stage and like making it to the lectern is seen as being a triumph.
04:38 So I do think the Republicans have to be really careful not to overstate the case.
04:42 And I've been saying this for a long time.
04:44 And yet you see something like this yesterday and you think it's hard to overstate it.
04:49 He looked at one point in that as he looked deep in prayer almost.
04:53 I mean, just sort of mumbling into his lap with his hands together.
04:57 It's really terrible.
04:58 And it's terrible, as you say, for America on the world stage, because other world leaders
05:02 look at this and they do not.
05:03 I'm sorry, they do not see strength.
05:06 I look at us putting assets to, you know, posture against what Iran wants to do to us
05:12 right now and has always wanted to do to us.
05:15 We're not living in that area.
05:17 Israel is on that side of the world.
05:20 And you never want a moment coupled with Pramila Jayapal, the far left congresswoman who, you
05:29 know, didn't just say hateful words, but called them racist in Israel.
05:34 I mean, within a 48 hour period, you needed a make good from this president that covered
05:39 everybody.
05:40 You've got to show them that we in America have their back.
05:43 That was a show that you can have somebody's world leader.
05:46 Clean it up is not an excuse for him sitting there mumbling through.
05:49 And it's one thing to have a note card.
05:51 It's another thing to read directly from the note card and not have a real understanding
05:56 of what happened.
05:57 And it seems to me that he doesn't have an understanding.
05:59 Someone has written it out for him.
06:01 And it's very concerning.
06:02 We hired him.
06:03 We honor the president, but we hired him.
06:05 He's not doing the job.
