National Development Conference aims for nat'l engagement on a moral vision for Ghanas development

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00:00 Well, thank you very much for staying with us and now we shall be talking about the National
00:07 Development Conference.
00:09 What is that all about?
00:10 Well, Ghana continues to face many developmental challenges despite experiencing some growth
00:16 rates in recent times.
00:18 This conference seeks to provide that platform for us to have a national engagement on a
00:23 moral vision for Ghana towards a concerted national development agenda.
00:29 Now joining us for this conversation, it's quite an honour because the person I'm about
00:35 to mention was in school with me way back, the best school in Ghana, Bishop Herman College,
00:40 and talking about Reverend Dr Felix De La Cloutier.
00:45 He is head of media ministry that is with the Church of Pentecost and is a planning
00:50 committee member.
00:52 Also joining the conversation, we have Pastor Clement Achimjima, planning committee member
00:58 as well.
00:59 Gentlemen, a very good morning to you.
01:02 Good morning.
01:03 It's really good to have you.
01:05 As for you, we'll do our thing after the show is done.
01:09 But this whole National Development Conference, let me start with you, De La.
01:15 Why this bit?
01:17 Is this the first time it's coming up as far as the Church of Pentecost is concerned?
01:21 Sure.
01:22 This is the first time.
01:23 Thank you, Richard.
01:24 The National Development Conference being organised by the Church of Pentecost is a
01:30 gathering of the movers and shakers of the various societies in Ghana, where we are all
01:36 converging at the Pentecost Convention Centre between July 25th up to 27th, where we are
01:43 bringing all stakeholders.
01:45 When I talk about stakeholders, I'm talking about politicians, I'm talking about the clergy,
01:50 I'm talking about our brothers in the Muslims community, talking about the chief directors
01:55 and all those who matter in society, so that we can meet at Pentecost Convention Centre
02:02 and then have a national dialogue to bridge the gap between moral vision and national
02:09 development.
02:11 So this is the first of its kind that's been organised by the Church of Pentecost.
02:17 And for you, Reverend Achim Jima, if I were to ask you, why is the Church of Pentecost
02:21 wading into this?
02:22 There has been criticism from time to time that the Church doesn't do enough when it
02:26 comes to governance and calling leaders to account.
02:29 Is that part of why the Church of Pentecost is getting into this?
02:33 Yes, my brother Richard.
02:35 I think that this...
02:36 The name is Benjamin, actually.
02:37 Benjamin, sorry.
02:38 Ben, it's a build-up.
02:39 The Church of Pentecost, we've been engaging with especially our in-house public leaders,
02:47 including politicians.
02:48 It started way back.
02:50 So this one is the first that we were organising politicians' conference.
02:55 That was our church members who are into politics and public life executives.
03:02 And then we came to introduce youth political chamber, who were also grooming young people
03:07 in the church who want to aspire to be leaders.
03:10 So 2023 vision of the church was to transform society, changing values, and trying to see
03:22 how the church will get involved in national issues.
03:26 So the five-year vision of the church is to possess the nation.
03:30 And if we are possessing the nation, then the economic indicators of the nation is also
03:34 prime to us.
03:36 So we are in as stakeholders to see what we can do to help all of us, to make sure that
03:43 our vision as a nation does not become only for politicians.
03:47 All actors will be on the table to discuss how we move forward.
03:50 That is why, if you see the theme for the conference, it's moral vision and national
03:55 development.
03:56 So I want to bring that moral vision aspect.
03:59 And the church, I think we have the capacity to see how we can partner with government
04:05 and other institutions to make things work better for us.
04:09 That's an interesting perspective that you've brought to bear.
04:10 But for you, Doc, so who are those who are going to be participating in this?
04:16 Who are those who are going to be speaking at this event?
04:19 And for the participants, is this free?
04:22 I mean, what are the dynamics?
04:23 How many people are you looking at?
04:25 Ben, that's a very good question.
04:27 For the participants, we are looking at journalists.
04:30 So GJA will be bringing representatives.
04:33 I see.
04:34 We are looking at the Ghana Bar Association.
04:36 We've met them.
04:37 They'll also be bringing reps.
04:39 We are looking at the MPs as well.
04:42 So you're targeting the politicians?
04:44 Politicians will be in attendance.
04:47 The DCs, MDCs, all those people, chief directors at the various ministries, they'll also be
04:54 in attendance.
04:55 And for speakers, we'll have the president of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana
05:01 Akufo-Addo, will be the guest speaker.
05:05 And also in attendance, we'll be having former president John Ajeb Kumkufo.
05:09 I see.
05:10 We'll be having the former president, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama.
05:13 We'll also be having the speaker of parliament and also the chief justice all coming in.
05:22 You mean the current chief justice?
05:23 The current chief justice.
05:24 Getri.
05:25 Getri Tokono.
05:26 Getri Tokono will also be coming.
05:27 But it's free.
05:28 The conference is free.
05:29 Fortunately, the Church of Pentecost, and then we'll also be having Sheikh Amir Yal
05:34 from the chief imams office.
05:38 And also the president of the National House of Chiefs will also be in attendance.
05:45 So this looks like a very high-powered event.
05:48 Very, very, very.
05:49 And the Church of Pentecost is footing all those bills, including accommodation and then
05:55 feeding.
05:56 And so 26th, 25th is the arrival.
06:02 Then on 26th, the conference starts.
06:05 That is the opening session.
06:08 And then after that, we'll have about 2,000 being resident looking at what we can do,
06:17 engaging in various dialogue, having track session, having workshops to see how best
06:22 we can bridge the gap between morality and national development.
06:26 So I am curious.
06:29 Reverend has already made mention of the theme.
06:31 I want you to rehash that.
06:33 And you've already spoken about the 25th and the 26th, the main event.
06:37 Where is the conference going to be held?
06:40 And please go over the theme for us again.
06:43 So the conference will be held at Pentecost Convention Center at Goma Fete near Kasua.
06:51 And then the theme is going to be moral vision and national development.
06:57 Moral vision and national development.
06:59 Because we believe strongly that in our quest to develop this nation, we should never make
07:05 a mistake to overlook our moral values, such as integrity, honesty, faithfulness, and all
07:13 those things.
07:14 And there is the need to be able to bridge these gaps.
07:19 You have-- Pastor has said something.
07:21 You know, we have about 71% Christians in this nation.
07:25 But the impact is not too felt.
07:29 Well, we are the salt and the light of this world.
07:31 And here we are talking about corruption and all other social devices.
07:36 And when you look at all those things, the church got to be relevant to society.
07:41 And so we believe strongly that a church founded on moral principles, having this
07:48 kind of population, bringing all this segment of people together to chart a national course
07:55 for national development, can never overemphasize.
07:59 So it's very important that we have this particular conference.
08:02 Rev, so in the course of this conference, what can we expect?
08:08 What can we look forward to?
08:10 Just give us a taste of what is coming on the 26th.
08:15 One thing that we, as planning committee, we are envisaging and trying to see God help
08:20 us to come to is we have to be honest with ourselves that we've not done well as a nation.
08:28 That honesty should be there.
08:29 And we are also praying that we are not going to enter into shifting of brains to-- we all
08:36 have to accept that.
08:37 We have a role to play.
08:38 And where we are now, it has taken all of us to get to where we are now.
08:42 How do we move from there and then become better?
08:45 That is the honesty that we want everybody to come there, to be naked.
08:50 I use that word somewhere, that we have to be naked and know how we clothe ourselves
08:54 again so that our nation will pick up for us.
08:58 And the serious challenges we face as a country are here with us.
09:02 It's only with that moral vision and that ability to put our shoulders to the wheel
09:08 that we can get there.
09:09 And the Church of Pentecost is spearheading that with this National Development Conference.
09:14 Gentlemen, your final words.
09:16 I'll start with you, Rev.
09:18 Thank you, Ben.
09:19 I want to say that we want to thank you for giving us this platform to introduce this
09:24 thing through your media.
09:26 We also want to invite you.
09:28 It's next week.
09:29 If JFM can give us some space to let people know what is happening over there, we'll be
09:34 happy about it.
09:36 And all of us should know that we have a role to play.
09:38 We should not sit down and blame anybody.
09:40 The reason why we have opened the net is that always we think that it's the politicians
09:44 who are doing it.
09:45 But I think that we all have a role to play and we contribute to it.
09:49 We are all involved.
09:50 Yeah.
09:51 Ndela?
09:52 Definitely, we are all involved.
09:53 All hope is not lost.
09:54 Ghana will work again.
09:55 And I believe strongly that after the conference, it's not going to be the normal talk show,
10:02 but there are going to be communiqués that will be issued and will follow through, that
10:07 all the things that have been said at the conference will be implemented.
10:13 So on the 26th, all roads lead to Gomuafete.
10:17 Remind me again, the name of the facility.
10:20 Pentecost Convention Centre.
10:23 Pentecost Convention Centre, the PCC.
10:25 The PCC.
10:26 The PCC.
10:27 And that is where it's going down.
10:30 About 3,000 people will be there.
10:32 You can expect His Excellency the President also to be there, together with other political
10:37 and stalwarts from all walks of life will be there.
10:43 Those who joined us for this conversation today, Reverend Dr. Felix Dela Cruz.
10:48 He is head of media ministry, the Church of Pentecost, and a planning committee member.
10:53 We also had Pastor Clement Achimjima, a planning committee member.
10:59 They joined us for this conversation.
11:01 But stay with us.
11:02 When we return, it is cues and lyrics.
11:06 Now it's a Joy Prime Music reality show aimed at entertaining its viewers and grooming musical
11:13 talent.
11:14 We'll be telling you a lot more about that right after the break.
11:16 [music]
11:17 [music]
11:17 [music]
11:27 [music]
11:37 [sirens wailing]
11:40 [Gunshots]
