Whites are taking advantage of us, Pakistan does not value hockey, Naeem Khan | maan news

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Whites are taking advantage of us, Pakistan does not value hockey, Naeem Khan | 6-12-2023
Lahore: Hockey, the national sport of Pakistan, is in a bad condition in the country, but individually, Pakistani coaches are famous abroad. One of them is Naeem Khan from Farooqabad Sheikhupura, whose club Gain Tows became the champion of Belgium Hockey League for the first time.
After playing in the top league, Naeem Khan, who has been coaching and mentoring at the grassroots level for the last ten years, was the manager of the victorious team that won the trophy for the first time. Naeem Khan, who came on a visit to Lahore, after a session with the children at Khawaja Junaid Hockey Academy on Turf 2 of the National Hockey Stadium, said to Express News that seeing the current situation of Pakistan hockey, he cried a lot, working abroad. Gets a good salary, but is ready to take on the responsibilities without any money to fix country hockey.
