When They Take You For Granted

  • l’année dernière


00:00 I wanna start the message with a story.
00:03 I was very excited to meet someone who was a hero to me.
00:07 And before meeting him, I was instructed
00:10 that it's proper in this culture to bring a generous gift
00:15 to show gratitude for what this person has accomplished,
00:17 and I was completely down to do that.
00:20 So I asked, "What does he like?"
00:22 And the person instructed me that he likes
00:24 a certain type of pen, a writing pen,
00:27 of which I looked up and it was above my normal
00:30 gift-giving budget.
00:31 I don't know if you've ever priced expensive pens before,
00:35 but mine cost five for a dollar.
00:38 And some of them are free, like the Life Church free pen.
00:41 Well, this one wasn't anywhere close to that,
00:44 and I thought, "I'm not gonna spend that much money
00:46 "on a pen, that's like I wouldn't spend that much money
00:48 "on aiming on our 50th wedding anniversary."
00:51 Well, I might, but not for anything else at all.
00:54 And so I wrestled with it.
00:57 And I'm telling you, if I told you it was like weeks
01:01 of agonizing, maybe I'd get him a cheaper off-brand one
01:04 and he won't notice, maybe I'd get him something different.
01:06 And finally, I just thought, you know,
01:08 it's made such a big difference in the world,
01:09 many of you would know who he is and you would agree.
01:12 I thought, "All right, I'm gonna give him this stupid pen."
01:14 So I forked over a ton of money, I hand-wrapped it myself,
01:17 I put it in a little bubble thing to fly there to see him,
01:20 walked up to him, had a short meeting in between sessions,
01:23 said, "I'm so honored to meet you,
01:25 "and I just wanna honor you with this gift.
01:26 "I gave it to him and he sat it down.
01:28 "We talked for about five minutes later and he left me
01:31 "and he left the pen sitting right there on the table."
01:34 Thank you, both of you who said,
01:36 "Oh, I thought you would give me
01:37 "a little more empathy than that."
01:39 (audience laughing)
01:41 The next day, I went back.
01:44 The pen was still sitting there on the table
01:50 and I was crushed.
01:52 So I took the pen home, took it back, got my money back.
01:56 (audience laughing)
01:58 I didn't do that.
01:58 Well, I might have.
01:59 You can figure out if you think I did or not.
02:02 (audience laughing)
02:04 Today, I wanna talk to those of you
02:06 who might feel unappreciated,
02:09 undervalued, or occasionally even unseen.
02:15 I wanna talk to those of you who give more
02:19 and serve more and help more than anyone would likely know.
02:26 And you're good-hearted about it.
02:28 You do it because you love people
02:30 and you wanna bless them.
02:32 But let's be honest,
02:34 even when you give with the purest motives
02:37 and even when you serve with the purest heart,
02:41 every now and then, you still want someone else to notice.
02:46 You want them to acknowledge.
02:48 You want someone just to say, "Thank you."
02:52 And so if you've ever felt discouraged
02:55 and think others take you for granted,
02:57 Jesus has actually been there.
03:01 The title of our message series,
03:02 for the most part, whatever you've been through,
03:04 whatever you're facing right now, Jesus has been there.
03:07 And today, we wanna talk about when you feel unappreciated.
03:11 I'm gonna look in Luke's gospel, Luke chapter 17,
03:14 and we're gonna see a time
03:16 when people didn't really value what Jesus did.
03:20 Luke 17 scripture says this.
03:22 As Jesus entered a village, 10 men, how many men?
03:27 Let's make sure we're keeping count by saying how many men.
03:29 10 men, type it in the comment section, 10 men.
03:32 So I know you're with me.
03:33 As Jesus entered a village, 10 men with leprosy
03:36 stood at a distance crying out, "Jesus, have mercy on us."
03:41 They're crying out from a distance and asking him to help.
03:47 Maybe you can relate.
03:49 You might be the person that's single
03:52 and everybody says, "Can you babysit for us?"
03:55 Or, "Can you dog sit for us?"
03:58 Or, "Can you plant sit for us?"
04:00 Yes, I said plant sit, it's actually a thing.
04:03 How do you sit a plant?
04:04 I do not know, but some people like their plants sat.
04:07 Or, you walk into your house
04:10 and there's a whole house full of people saying,
04:13 "I'm hungry, where's dinner?"
04:15 Or it's 9.30 at night and you're ready to relax
04:19 and someone cries out, "I got homework, can you help?"
04:22 And you're thinking, "What about me?"
04:27 Nobody even asked about my day.
04:30 Speaking to the moms, because I know that you don't do much
04:33 to serve other people.
04:35 What do you do as a mom?
04:36 You're just the provider and the cook and the housekeeper
04:41 and the Uber driver and the counselor and the doctor.
04:46 You want me to go on?
04:47 And the life coach and the personal sophomore
04:49 and the referee and the defense attorney
04:51 and the judge and sometimes even the executioner,
04:54 if that's what's needed for the glory of God, right?
04:58 And every now and then you want somebody to say,
05:01 "Hey, I notice, thank you for picking me up
05:06 "for the 17th time."
05:09 I've never seen my mom nod so much in a service.
05:11 I've never seen it, nod so much in a service.
05:14 And the 10 lepers are crying out,
05:16 "Hey, Jesus, over here."
05:21 We are leprosy, have mercy on us.
05:24 And scripture says this,
05:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "I'll help you out.
05:31 "Go show yourselves to the priest."
05:33 And I love this part, it says,
05:35 "As they went, they were cleansed."
05:38 If I had more time to preach another sermon,
05:41 I would talk about as they went.
05:43 Sometimes it's as you're doing what he told you to do,
05:46 that he actually shows up and does what you want him to do.
05:48 As they went, scripture says,
05:51 they were cleansed, supernaturally healed of their leprosy.
05:55 And then how many of them, would you say it aloud?
05:59 One, type it in the comment section.
06:01 How many of them?
06:02 One of them, when he saw that he was healed,
06:07 came back to Jesus shouting, "Praise God," he said.
06:13 He fell to the ground at Jesus's feet, thanking Jesus
06:17 for what he had done.
06:19 This man was a Samaritan.
06:22 And Jesus, the son of God,
06:24 who needed zero affirmation from people
06:28 because he had the approval of God,
06:30 said, "Didn't I heal 10 men?
06:33 "Anybody see the other nine?"
06:38 In the Greek, what that literally is saying is,
06:45 "I spent hours on this meal,
06:47 "and you left your plate and didn't say thank you."
06:52 That's what it means in the Greek.
06:53 Right?
06:57 That's when you're driving in traffic,
07:00 and it's intense traffic.
07:02 And by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit moves upon you,
07:06 and you let somebody else in,
07:10 and they don't even give you
07:14 the head tilt down, the hand go up.
07:16 It's in the Bible.
07:24 Leviticus something.
07:27 It's gotta be in there, I promise it's in there.
07:32 And they drive off with a Life.Church bumper sticker.
07:34 We know Jesus did not heal these lepers
07:43 for selfish reasons,
07:44 but even Jesus thought at least they could have come back
07:50 and said, "Thank you."
07:51 I wanna show you three things to remember
07:56 when you feel unseen.
07:59 The first thing, if you're taking notes, is this.
08:01 Number one, I want you to remember
08:03 that how they make you feel is not who you are.
08:08 Second thing I hope you remember is this,
08:11 that those you serve the most
08:14 often appreciate you the least.
08:18 And the third thing is this,
08:19 what's unseen by people
08:22 is often what's most significant to God.
08:26 Let's break 'em down one by one.
08:27 Thought number one,
08:29 how they make you feel is not who you are.
08:33 Now, intellectually, we know this, don't we?
08:38 But practically, we often tie their reaction
08:42 to our identity.
08:44 If they show gratitude, we feel satisfaction.
08:49 If they ignore us, we feel less than.
08:52 I saw this when I did the obligatory dad Disney vacation.
08:57 We went there one time.
09:00 Some of you love that place.
09:02 Dear God, I did it one time.
09:04 And check that off my box.
09:06 And so my kids were young.
09:07 We had six of 'em.
09:08 And so I had to be a good dad.
09:10 So I went and booked the trip.
09:11 And then for Christmas, I got this big box, big old box,
09:14 like almost a refrigerator-sized,
09:16 one of the biggest rookie dad mistakes
09:18 of my entire dad career.
09:20 Big old box, put a little Mickey Mouse
09:22 in the big old box, wrapped it up with a note that said,
09:25 "We're going to Disney in six months."
09:26 I only had one kid that could read.
09:28 For three weeks, they're looking at it,
09:30 what's in the box, what's in the box, what's in the box?
09:32 And they opened up the box,
09:33 and they're like, wondering, like,
09:34 "Is this a stupid Mickey Mouse?"
09:36 And then my oldest daughter read it to the other,
09:38 "In six months, we're going to Disney World."
09:39 And all the other five of them started crying.
09:42 They wanted something big in the box,
09:44 and all they got was a stupid Mickey.
09:46 A thousands of thousands of dollars thing
09:48 with $9 million popcorn and Cokes.
09:51 And we're never going back there again.
09:53 The rest of you, keep 'em in business,
09:56 but we're doing a staycation.
09:57 So, I mean,
09:58 how they make you feel is not who you are.
10:06 How they make you feel is not who you are.
10:10 I'll give you two examples from Scripture.
10:12 And to me, this is just like fascinating.
10:15 Two different examples in the same chapter
10:18 of how people made Jesus feel.
10:22 Watch this, you're not going to believe it.
10:24 Luke chapter four, two different feelings
10:27 in the exact same chapter.
10:29 Luke four, verse 15 says this,
10:31 "Jesus was teaching in their synagogues."
10:34 And what happened?
10:35 What did they do?
10:36 Everybody praised him.
10:38 You're amazing, Jesus.
10:39 Wow, mm, that's a good message.
10:42 Say that again.
10:43 I'm writing that down.
10:44 Powerful, mm, they're doing the cow.
10:46 Mm, some of you do the cow.
10:47 Mm, I say something good, you go mm.
10:49 They're saying, that's amazing, Jesus.
10:51 You're incredible.
10:51 Wow, they praise him.
10:52 J-E-S-U-S.
10:55 I don't know what comes next,
10:56 but they were praising him.
10:57 And then in the same chapter,
10:58 the very next verse says this.
11:00 Next verse says this, same chapter.
11:03 "All the people in the synagogue were furious
11:06 "when they heard him say,
11:08 "'Hey, you want me to do these miracles everywhere,
11:11 "'but a prophet in his own town is without honor?'
11:14 "And he said that, and they were furious with him.
11:16 "And they got up and drove him out of the town,
11:20 "and they took him to the brow of the hill
11:22 "on which the town was built
11:24 "in order to throw him off the cliff."
11:32 That's how you all are.
11:34 That's how I feel.
11:37 You're amazing, you suck.
11:40 Verse 15, Jesus is incredible.
11:45 Verse 28, he said one thing and he's canceled.
11:49 We love you, we hate you.
11:53 You're incredible, we're leaving your church.
11:58 How they make you feel is not who you are.
12:01 And I wanna tell somebody here
12:03 this very important principle,
12:05 that someone's inability to see your worth
12:09 does not decrease your value.
12:12 Why?
12:13 (congregation applauding)
12:14 Because your value isn't based on what others think of you,
12:19 but by who God says you are.
12:23 And if you are in Christ, who does God say you are?
12:27 Scripture says that our God knew you
12:29 before you were formed in your mother's womb,
12:32 that you've been chosen by him and set apart
12:35 and called by God and forgiven by the grace of Jesus Christ.
12:40 Your sins remembered no more
12:43 and cast into the sea of forgetfulness.
12:45 And you've been sealed by the Holy Spirit of God
12:49 and adopted into his family,
12:51 where you stand as a joint heir
12:54 seated in the heavenly places,
12:57 born into the kingdom of God.
12:59 (congregation applauding)
13:03 Thank you for the golf clap,
13:05 because that's pretty dang incredible.
13:07 What are you?
13:08 You're the light of the world.
13:10 I mean, in a dark world, you're the light that shines.
13:13 When you walk into a room, hope walks into a room,
13:16 faith walks into a room.
13:18 You're an overcomer, Scripture says,
13:20 by the blood of the lamb and by the words
13:22 of the testimony of what Jesus did for you.
13:27 You're not who others say you are.
13:29 How they react does not determine your worth.
13:34 You are who God says you are.
13:39 And he says you're chosen.
13:41 You're righteous in Christ.
13:42 You are an overcomer.
13:44 Internalize it.
13:45 How they make you feel
13:47 is not a reflection of who you really are.
13:48 Second thought is so principle, it's so important.
13:51 Those you serve the most often appreciate you the least.
13:56 This is actually gonna minister to somebody.
14:00 It's just a principle.
14:01 It doesn't mean they don't love you,
14:03 doesn't mean they don't notice.
14:04 It just means they take you for granted.
14:06 And I'm gonna show you the perfect example of this
14:09 in the Old Testament.
14:10 When the Pharaoh, you may remember,
14:12 got angry at his cupbearer
14:14 and threw his cupbearer in prison.
14:17 And while the cupbearer was in prison,
14:20 Joseph, who was a man of God, who was wrongly in prison,
14:24 interpreted a dream of the cupbearer.
14:27 And three days later,
14:28 he said the Pharaoh was gonna restore you to your role.
14:30 And Joseph said this to him.
14:32 He said, "Hey, cupbearer, please remember me
14:36 "and do me a solid.
14:37 "Do me a favor when things go well for you.
14:41 "Mention me to Pharaoh
14:43 "so that he might let me out of this place.
14:45 "For I was kidnapped from my homeland,
14:48 "the land of the Hebrews,
14:49 "and now here I am in prison,
14:51 "but I did nothing to deserve it.
14:53 "Hey, help me out."
14:54 And what does the cupbearer do?
14:55 Well, Scripture says this.
14:56 "Pharaoh's chief cupbearer, however,
14:59 "forgot all about Joseph,
15:02 "never giving him another thought."
15:05 Joseph was the instrument
15:10 that God used to get his friend, the cupbearer,
15:13 released out of prison,
15:15 and the cupbearer never gave him another thought
15:19 because those you serve the most
15:23 often appreciate you the least.
15:26 And when you do something over and over again for people,
15:29 they just start to take it for granted.
15:31 I'll give you an example about Amy,
15:33 and this isn't a reflection of her heart.
15:36 It's just a reflection of human nature.
15:39 When we were dating, well, always, like she loves flowers.
15:42 Like people say, "What kind of flowers does she like?"
15:44 "The flower kind."
15:46 What do you mean flowers?
15:46 He got flowers.
15:47 And so I told her, "Hey, one day
15:48 "when we're out of debt,
15:49 "I'm gonna get you flowers every week."
15:51 And so years went by, we got out of debt,
15:53 and so every Friday I'd send her flowers.
15:54 The first Friday the flowers came,
15:56 she's like, "Oh my gosh, amazing,
15:57 "oh, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la."
15:59 And the next Friday, "Oh my gosh, you're amazing,
16:00 "oh, la, la, la, la, la, la, la."
16:01 And the next Friday the flowers came,
16:02 "Oh my gosh, you're amazing, oh, la, la."
16:05 Where's the la, la, la, la, la?
16:06 (audience laughing)
16:07 After like eight weeks, she'd say, "Thank you,"
16:11 but the reactions kind of started to go down.
16:14 And the reason is not because she wasn't grateful,
16:16 just because it was normal.
16:19 You see, what's normal isn't celebrated, it's expected.
16:22 And many of you right now, you're just doing what's normal.
16:25 So now I still give her flowers,
16:28 but it's always at random times.
16:31 I may even, don't listen to this,
16:32 I may even strategically, randomly plan them on my calendar,
16:36 like three weeks from now, remember to send flowers.
16:37 I may do that, I don't know, I'm not saying.
16:40 But I do it at random times because it's never expected.
16:42 So she goes, "Oh, la, la, la, la, la,"
16:43 because they're never expected.
16:45 And then one of the things I often do
16:46 is I do it in front of other women.
16:48 I'll deliver them at a women's Bible study
16:50 because points double
16:52 (audience laughing)
16:56 when you give in front of women.
16:58 Speaking of that, it is Mother's Day.
17:01 (audience cheering)
17:03 This ought to be worth quadruple points to my best friend.
17:08 - Thank you.
17:09 (audience applauding)
17:14 - Oh, I might've planned that one for a couple of weeks.
17:18 I might've planned that one for a couple of weeks.
17:20 'Cause that wasn't normal.
17:25 What's normal isn't celebrated, it's expected.
17:28 In other words, listen to me.
17:30 Some of you right now are disappointed
17:31 because they're not appreciating you.
17:34 How do you know when you're good at something?
17:36 Think about this.
17:39 How do you know when you're good at something?
17:42 You're actually good at something
17:43 when you stop getting compliments.
17:45 Think about it.
17:47 Like if you just always show up on time at work,
17:51 after seven years of showing up on time,
17:53 ain't nobody gonna say, "Whoa, you're here on time."
17:57 They don't do it because you're good at showing up on time.
18:01 If you always make amazing meals, they're always amazing.
18:05 No one's gonna say, "Dang, that was amazing."
18:08 Because the last 14 were amazing
18:10 and the next 23 are gonna be amazing too.
18:12 That's actually in some weird, sick, dysfunctional way
18:15 kind of a compliment.
18:16 If your house always looks good,
18:19 your yard always looks good,
18:20 nobody's gonna drive and go, "Whoa, can you believe it?
18:25 "You picked up the underwear today."
18:27 (congregation laughing)
18:29 They don't do it.
18:30 Same with sermons, just so you'll know.
18:32 Just so you'll know.
18:33 You bring a rookie up here, "Oh, that's amazing."
18:35 You do it for 32 years, nobody says a thing.
18:39 Or if they do, they'll say, "Good reminder.
18:42 "Good reminder, pastor, solid word.
18:46 "I'm gonna give you a good reminder.
18:48 "Don't you call this message a solid word.
18:51 (congregation laughing)
18:52 "Just saying 'cause I worked really hard on it."
18:55 In some weird way, it's almost a compliment
19:01 when they take you for granted
19:03 because you're just trustworthy.
19:06 You're just faithful.
19:09 You're just dependable.
19:11 I saw this with Amy.
19:13 You talk about a hero.
19:14 She home-educated six kids.
19:17 This was by choice.
19:17 This was like not COVID have to, this was like by choice.
19:20 Home-educated six kids.
19:22 And sometimes she'd just come in and she'd say,
19:24 "They just have no idea what I'm doing for them."
19:27 And they didn't.
19:28 Well, now three of my daughters are married with kids
19:30 and it's really, really fun
19:31 because I like to see them come back and go,
19:33 "Mom, mom, how'd you do it?
19:34 "You're amazing, how'd you do it?"
19:37 And I just sit back and smile.
19:38 And I wanna say to somebody,
19:40 just because they don't notice now
19:41 doesn't mean they won't notice later.
19:43 Just because they don't notice now
19:47 doesn't mean they won't notice later.
19:50 Let's talk about it when you feel unappreciated.
19:53 How they make you feel is not who you are.
19:57 Those you serve the most
19:59 actually often appreciate you the least.
20:02 And the most important principle is this.
20:03 What's unseen by people
20:06 is often what's most significant to God.
20:09 What's unseen by people
20:12 is often what's most significant to God.
20:16 Unfortunately, the world's culture is very opposite,
20:20 isn't it?
20:21 Because people celebrate what they see,
20:23 but they don't celebrate what they don't see.
20:26 They'll tell you congratulations on graduating
20:28 'cause they saw you walk across the stage.
20:31 They'll say congratulations on your promotion
20:33 because they saw it on your social media feed.
20:36 They'll say congratulations on your house
20:38 because they heard you bought a new house,
20:40 but they won't congratulate you
20:42 on strengthening your character,
20:44 which is far more important than buying a house.
20:48 They won't congratulate you when you overcome an addiction
20:51 because they may not see that happening.
20:53 They won't congratulate you, oh, praise God,
20:55 the way you forgave that person was out of the park.
20:58 Because we think what's seen is what's significant,
21:04 but I will remind you with God, what's invisible
21:07 is often what's most valuable.
21:09 It's not what everybody else sees that God values.
21:15 In fact, I love it when Jesus was very, very direct
21:18 in his teaching in Matthew's gospel, Matthew 6.
21:22 He said this, he said, "Be very careful
21:25 "not to practice your righteousness
21:28 "in front of others to be seen by them."
21:32 In other words, when we're loving, when we're serving,
21:33 when we're blessing people,
21:35 it's really not for their recognition,
21:37 it's really for God's glory.
21:39 We're not doing what we're doing to be seen by others.
21:42 He says, "If you're doing it to be seen by others,
21:45 "you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."
21:49 Scripture goes on to say this,
21:50 "So when you give to the needy,
21:54 "don't announce it on your Instagram story."
21:57 Did I read that wrong, I'm sorry.
22:00 So when you give to the needy,
22:03 don't announce it with trumpets
22:05 as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets,
22:09 "To be honored by others.
22:11 "Then," watch this,
22:12 "then your Father who does what," say it aloud with me,
22:14 "then your Father who sees what is done in secret
22:18 "will reward you."
22:18 What does the Father do?
22:19 The Father what?
22:20 The Father sees.
22:23 The Father sees.
22:26 The Father sees.
22:30 The Father sees what you do.
22:33 The Father sees the motives of your heart.
22:39 The Father sees the sacrifices of your spirit.
22:45 The Father knows the love that you have
22:49 when you do things that no one else even notices.
22:53 The Father sees, the Father sees,
22:55 the Father sees what you do in secret.
22:57 In fact, he's called El Royi,
23:00 and that means the God who sees.
23:04 He's the Father who sees when you get up early
23:09 and serve behind the scenes,
23:11 getting everything ready for other people
23:13 that just think it's a normal part of what you do.
23:16 The Father sees when you do the right thing,
23:20 when it would be so much easier to cut corners
23:23 and compromise your integrity.
23:26 The Father sees when you go behind
23:28 and clean up after them again and again and again and again.
23:31 And every now and then you just wanna say,
23:33 "I'd love to see how you do without me for just one week."
23:37 But you continue to serve, and you continue to serve.
23:42 The Father sees when you serve every week in church
23:47 in the two-year-old room at the 8.30 service.
23:50 There are special rewards for you in heaven
23:52 greater than all others.
23:55 Because the Father sees.
23:57 The Father sees when you're working a second job,
24:02 because you wanna keep your children in their activities.
24:05 The Father sees when you're on your face crying out
24:10 and begging him for provision, asking him to heal,
24:16 asking him to restore a broken relationship.
24:19 The Father sees when you forgive
24:23 what others would say feels almost unforgivable.
24:26 The Father knows when you faithfully tithe
24:31 when you're worried that you may not have enough,
24:33 and then you give to someone in need
24:35 when you know you don't have enough.
24:37 The Father sees.
24:40 The Father sees.
24:42 If your spouse doesn't notice,
24:46 if your boss doesn't seem to care,
24:48 if your grandkids take you for granted,
24:51 if no one else seems to notice, God sees.
24:56 The Father sees.
24:59 And Scripture says this, I pray you'll internalize this,
25:02 that our heavenly Father God, He is not unjust.
25:09 Somebody needs to hear this
25:12 and internalize this in your soul.
25:14 He will not forget your work
25:18 and the love you have shown Him
25:21 as you've helped His people.
25:23 He will not forget.
25:25 He sees it, He remembers it,
25:27 He rewards the work and the love that you've shown Him
25:30 as you've helped His people and continue to help Him.
25:34 And we want each of you to show the same diligence
25:37 to the very end, why?
25:40 So that what you hope for may be fully realized.
25:43 What you hope for may be given to you,
25:45 that what you seek first in the kingdom of God,
25:48 to Him and everything else unto you
25:51 as you put Him first in all that you do.
25:53 The Father sees.
25:54 The Father sees.
25:56 The Father sees.
25:59 The Father sees your sacrifices.
26:03 Jesus healed 10 and only one came back.
26:09 So what did Jesus do after that?
26:14 If you read on, He said,
26:17 "I'll show them I ain't healing nobody else.
26:19 "I'm not gonna let them take me for granted."
26:24 No, if you read on, what He said was, He said,
26:27 "Let me tell you about the kingdom of God."
26:29 He said, "I'm gonna have to suffer and die.
26:33 "And one day when you least expect it,
26:36 "I'm coming back for you again."
26:38 In other words, He didn't let the response from people
26:42 deter Him from His mission from God.
26:45 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
26:47 from His mission from God.
26:49 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
26:51 from His mission from God.
26:53 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
26:55 from His mission from God.
26:57 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
26:59 from His mission from God.
27:01 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:03 from His mission from God.
27:05 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:07 from His mission from God.
27:09 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:11 from His mission from God.
27:13 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:16 from His mission from God.
27:18 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:20 from His mission from God.
27:22 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:24 from His mission from God.
27:26 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:29 from His mission from God.
27:31 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:33 from His mission from God.
27:35 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:37 from His mission from God.
27:39 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:41 from His mission from God.
27:43 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:46 from His mission from God.
27:48 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:50 from His mission from God.
27:52 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:55 from His mission from God.
27:56 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
27:59 from His mission from God.
28:01 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:03 from His mission from God.
28:05 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:08 from His mission from God.
28:09 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:12 from His mission from God.
28:14 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:16 from His mission from God.
28:18 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:21 from His mission from God.
28:23 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:25 from His mission from God.
28:27 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:30 from His mission from God.
28:32 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:34 from His mission from God.
28:36 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:39 from His mission from God.
28:41 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:43 from His mission from God.
28:45 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:47 from His mission from God.
28:49 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:52 from His mission from God.
28:54 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
28:56 from His mission from God.
28:58 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:00 from His mission from God.
29:02 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:05 from His mission from God.
29:07 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:09 from His mission from God.
29:11 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:14 from His mission from God.
29:15 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:18 from His mission from God.
29:20 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:23 from His mission from God.
29:25 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:27 from His mission from God.
29:29 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:32 from His mission from God.
29:34 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:37 from His mission from God.
29:38 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:41 from His mission from God.
29:43 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:46 from His mission from God.
29:47 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:50 from His mission from God.
29:52 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:54 from His mission from God.
29:56 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
29:58 from His mission from God.
30:00 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:03 from His mission from God.
30:05 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:07 from His mission from God.
30:09 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:12 from His mission from God.
30:13 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:16 from His mission from God.
30:18 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:20 from His mission from God.
30:22 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:25 from His mission from God.
30:26 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:29 from His mission from God.
30:30 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:33 from His mission from God.
30:35 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:37 from His mission from God.
30:39 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:42 from His mission from God.
30:43 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:46 from His mission from God.
30:47 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:50 from His mission from God.
30:51 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:54 from His mission from God.
30:55 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
30:58 from His mission from God.
31:00 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:02 from His mission from God.
31:04 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:07 from His mission from God.
31:08 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:11 from His mission from God.
31:13 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:15 from His mission from God.
31:17 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:19 from His mission from God.
31:21 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:23 from His mission from God.
31:24 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:27 from His mission from God.
31:28 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:31 from His mission from God.
31:32 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:35 from His mission from God.
31:36 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:39 from His mission from God.
31:40 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:43 from His mission from God.
31:44 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:47 from His mission from God.
31:48 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:51 from His mission from God.
31:52 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:55 from His mission from God.
31:57 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
31:59 from His mission from God.
32:01 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:03 from His mission from God.
32:05 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:07 from His mission from God.
32:09 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:11 from His mission from God.
32:13 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:16 from His mission from God.
32:17 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:19 from His mission from God.
32:21 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:23 from His mission from God.
32:25 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:27 from His mission from God.
32:29 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:32 from His mission from God.
32:33 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:36 from His mission from God.
32:38 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:40 from His mission from God.
32:42 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:45 from His mission from God.
32:46 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:49 from His mission from God.
32:51 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:54 from His mission from God.
32:55 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
32:58 from His mission from God.
33:00 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
33:03 from His mission from God.
33:04 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
33:07 from His mission from God.
33:08 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
33:11 from His mission from God.
33:13 He didn't let the response from people deter Him
33:15 from His mission from God.
